Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 240

When Li forgets to worry about being proud, he is beaten by Li Er. He swears and ignores him directly.

What\'s going on? I just showed Li Er the sand table of the manor residence. Why did I beat people?

Li Er, is this envy, jealousy and hatred?

Before Li forgot to worry about what had happened, he heard Li Er turn around and shout to the Chamberlain in the Liangyi Hall: "immediately pass on the Duke of Wei, the Duke of Lu, the Duke of Yi... The Duke of Hubei for an interview."

Li Er summoned more than a dozen founding fathers in one breath. The Chamberlain took the command and turned to Xuan Li Jing, Cheng Yaojin and others to meet at the Liangyi hall.

Li forgets his worries and is still ignorant. What is Li Er doing?

What do you call a group of military leaders to do? Is it because you are not satisfied with the sand table model of your manor and residence, and you have to call a group of big men to beat yourself up?

After Li erphen charged the waiter, he ignored Li forgetful and continued to look at the "real estate project sand table" in front of him, which made Li forgetful not embarrassed.

Li forgot to worry and coughed: "well, uncle, what\'s the problem with this sand table made by my nephew?"

"Hum, a monster! You bastard, why don\'t you give it earlier? It\'s time to fight!" Li Er glared at Li forgetful angrily.

Good stuff? What do you mean by that?

Li forget worry is still very ignorant. Li Er is interested in his own manor and wants to build one? But what do you mean by calling a group of military bosses?

Seeing that Li forgets to worry and looks at a loss, Li Er doesn\'t want to talk to him. He looks at the sand table in front of him, constantly gestures in his hand, and mutters something silently in his mouth.

The residence of several princes was not far from the Tai Chi palace. Before waiting much time, the big men who got the notice of the palace\'s Chamberlain gathered in the Liangyi hall.

"Your Majesty, what do you want us to do? But what\'s wrong with me? Wow, hahaha, I\'ve been hungry and thirsty for a long time!" Cheng Yaojin roared first.

Since the romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties became popular in later generations, everyone thought that Cheng Yaojin used an axe as a weapon, and Cheng Yaojin\'s three board axe was well-known.

But in fact, Cheng Yaojin\'s weapon is a long stick spear, which is similar to the attack weapon of red tassel and axe.

These military leaders were suddenly called into the palace by Li Er. They all thought it was going to war again, and they all looked very excited.

Hearing Cheng Yaojin\'s broken Gong voice, Li forget you couldn\'t help shrinking back. The old rascal was really afraid of him.

However, although Liangyi hall is large, where can Li forget worry hide? Naturally, Cheng Yaojin, who entered the hall, saw it at a glance.

"Eh, nephew Li, why are you here? Do you know how to fight the enemy?"

Li forgot his worries and was speechless. While he was busy saluting the princes, he replied, "Uncle Cheng, don\'t be kidding."

After seeing Li Er, all the military leaders were curious about what he called them.

Li secondhand pointed to the sand table brought by Li forgetful worry: "gentlemen, look at what this boy does. Well, this boy calls it a sand table."

It is the sand table of men\'s manor residence in Huxian County! Woodlouse! Li forgot make complaints about it in his heart.

The eyes of Li Jing and others fell on the sand table with Li Er\'s fingers.

Li Qieyou and carpenter Liu\'s family made the sand table of this construction project. In order to be more intuitive, he not only made the architectural model of the castle with carpenter Liu, but also made the terrain model on the sand table according to the landform of Xiangyang hillside.

The undulating hillside was built by Li Lianyou with yellow mud. In order to be realistic, he also covered it with green malachite powder. It looks lush, like a hillside full of trees.

When selecting the site of Li\'s manor residence, only part of the sunny hillside was occupied for the construction of the castle. The gardens, ponds and lakes full of European style are built on the flat ground under the hillside.

When making the sand table model, Li Qieyou and carpenter Liu made the shape of the lake with gelatin and blue dye.

With the exquisite craftsmanship of carpenter Liu and the castle model made of wood, the whole sand table looks very realistic at a glance, completely showing the surrounding terrain of the manor house imagined by Li forgetful.

Such a realistic sand table appeared for the first time in Datang. As soon as a group of military leaders cast their eyes on it, their eyes lit up immediately.

"Your Majesty, this thing called sand table was made by Li Ziyou? Good thing, good thing!" Li Jing looked at it and immediately said to Li Er.

Cheng Yaojin shook his head: "zhiniang thief, the battlefield is too small. It can only be used to command thousands of people at most. It\'s a waste!"

Li forgets to worry. He can\'t help being dull. NIMA, what is this old bastard talking about? His own manor building sand table, he, he actually said that the battlefield was set too small

Qin Qiong, Yuchi Jingde and others also spoke one after another about Li forgetful\'s sand table. Finally, Li forgetful, who had been confused, found out what had happened.

This group of military leaders, including Li Er, regard his building sand table as a military sand table for commanding operations!

He turned to his masterpiece, the sand table of his manor residence, er, it seems that it can really be used as a military sand table.

He didn\'t think about this before. The key is that he is not a military fan. He is completely unaware of the military significance of the emergence of the sand table.

In fact, the sand table has a wide range of military uses. It can vividly display the terrain of the combat area and show the composition of enemy and our positions, force deployment and weapon allocation.

Later armies often study terrain, enemy situation and combat plans, organize coordinated actions, implement tactical exercises, study combat examples and summarize combat experience.

In the Tang Dynasty 1300 years ago, even the map used for battle command was quite rough and crude.

Most of these maps are schematic and far from accurate.

This is actually quite unfavorable for battle command, but the level of scientific and technological development at that time was so that it was too difficult to draw an accurate map.

At this time, the sand table in front of Lee two and the military chiefs of the people seems to have opened a new world.

For an emperor like Li Er, he saw the military use of this object at the first sight of the sand table, so he immediately asked the Chamberlain to inform Li Jing and others.

The emergence of the sand table has attracted the interest of many military leaders. Everyone, including Li Er, surrounded the sand table and looked at it with great interest.

Even on a whim, Li Jing, the Minister of the Ministry of war, and several other founding fathers actually planned to give a military chess deduction on this sand table.

Looking at the way Li Er was rubbing hands with these big men, Li forgot to worry. He wanted to cry without tears. His manor house! Not for you to play like this!