Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 239

Although Li Er nodded and agreed to build the county men\'s residence according to the manor style drawn on Li forgetful\'s sketch, the trouble is not over.

The first is the site selection of the residence. After discussing with Li Qieyou and physical measurement by officials of the Ministry of work, Li Qieyou\'s County men\'s residence is going to be built on his sunny hillside.

Before, in order to fight with Li in Huxian County, he bought a sunny hillside of about 1000 mu.

Li\'s ancestral tomb only occupies a small area. The Taoist temple being built by Sun Simiao occupies less than 50 mu of land, and the remaining hundreds of mu of slope land are vacant.

After the inspection, the officials of the Ministry of work had no opinion on the site selection of the county men\'s residence.

But how to build Li\'s castle was blinded by the officials of the Ministry of work.

Even in ancient China, building a house was a very rigorous thing. It is not just the craftsmen who clap their heads to figure out how to build, but have detailed design and construction drawings.

The Song Dynasty\'s "building French style" is the most complete architectural technology book in ancient China.

Various design standards and specifications of buildings, relevant materials, construction quotas and indicators, clear hierarchy of housing construction, artistic forms of buildings, etc. are all stipulated in detail in the Tang Dynasty.

Therefore, before the project starts, these officials of the Datang Work Department will draw detailed construction drawings as needed, which are as detailed and cumbersome as those of later generations.

But even the most senior official of the Ministry of work could not figure out how to build the small castle that Li forgot to worry about in the manor.

It is a headache for the officials of the Ministry of industry.

So the doctor Feng of the Ministry of work, leading several technical officials of the Ministry of work, came to Dingzhou village again and visited Li forgetful.

"Huxian man, we really haven\'t seen the castle you painted. I wonder if you can draw a more detailed architectural sketch for us?" doctor Feng asked Li forget you directly.

Li forget worry naturally has no problem. He has already drawn many sketches when discussing how to build the castle with his beautiful boss and Alfred.

Seeing doctor Feng saying so, he immediately got up and went to his study to take out a stack of sketches. These are all drawn by him with sketch perspective method, which is very intuitive and clear at a glance.

But after reading the detailed drawings of the castle painted by Li forgetful worry, the doctor Feng of the Ministry of work and the officials of the Ministry of work he brought were silent again.

This construction method was unheard of in the Tang Dynasty, but not to mention whether the castle violated the system or not, the key is in the opinion of the officials of the Ministry of industry. Why is the castle a little like a small military fortress?

Huxian man is repairing this thing near the capital city of Chang\'an. What does he want?

In fact, the eyes of the officials of the Ministry of industry are right. The castle is not a military fortress built by European nobles to protect their land, food, livestock and population, which is used to guard their territory.

The first is the use of military defense.

Of course, Li forgot worry didn\'t think so much. He just felt that building a castle was powerful and domineering.

After many trips to Dingzhou village, Feng Lang, a group of officials from the Ministry of work, still dared not make an opinion. Finally, he threw the pot to Li Er.

Please don\'t worry about Li. Go find Li Er yourself and let his majesty decide.

Li Qieyou also came back and forth several times to communicate with the Ministry of work, which was a little depressed. Don\'t you just build a castle? Why is it so troublesome? I have to find Li Er to make a decision.

Looking at a stack of sketches in his hand, Li forgets worry that Li Er can\'t understand what to do? This is the work of him, his beautiful boss and Alfred.

Just when he was depressed, Li forgot to worry suddenly thought of something, and his eyes lit up

A few days later, in the Liangyi Hall of Taiji palace.

Li Er looked at the things that Li forgot to worry about and asked the forbidden guards in the palace to move in carefully, looking puzzled.

It\'s the size of a desktop, square, and covered with a piece of red silk. It can\'t see what it is.

However, if you can move into the Tai Chi palace, it is obvious that it has been carefully checked by the forbidden guards in the palace. It won\'t be any dangerous goods. Li Er doesn\'t worry about what kind of moth Li forgets to worry about.

"Ziyou, what are you?"

"Uncle, this is my nephew\'s new residence," said Li

Li erling for a moment, then laughed: "Ziyou, what nonsense are you talking about? Can your residence be so small? Do you want to become a mouse? Ha ha..."

Before Li Er finished laughing, Li forgot to worry and stretched out his hand to open the red silk, revealing the objects under the red silk. However, Li Er stood on the spot, and his laughter was choked in his throat.

Under the red silk, there is an exquisite sand table, which is the manor model Li forgets you wants to build.

The sand table model was the way that Li forgot to worry about that day.

Since the officials of the Ministry of work and Li Er didn\'t know what his manor and castle were like, they simply made it for them to see.

Sand table model is a common method used by future developers?

The house Li forgot to worry about buying with the mortgage loan was also facing the house type sand table in the sales department. It was fooled by the three inch good tongue of the sales lady. As soon as his brain was hot, he took out his money?

You can also make a sand table of the manor and show it to Li Er.

There is a sand table model, which is clear at a glance, and he doesn\'t need to spend more words.

Yes, that\'s it! Although the building sand tables of future real estate developers are made of plastic, China actually has similar building models since ancient times, even more elaborate.

Li Qieyou remembered that he had seen a CCTV variety show called "national treasure".

In one issue, the precious cultural relics collected by the Palace Museum, the "style thunder hot sample", is the architectural model of ancient Chinese architecture.

The so-called "ironing sample" refers to the model that is reduced according to the proportion of the real object and processed with straw paperboard, sorghum straw, oil wax, wood and other materials. It is called ironing sample because there is an ironing process in the manufacturing process.

Li forgot to worry about the natural do not know how to make hot samples, but he does not need to make so fine, as long as it can give Li Er an intuitive impression.

Moreover, if your own "house type sand table" is completed, you can let the beautiful boss and Alfred see what the future home will be like in advance; When the Ministry of works builds in the future, it can also use this construction to kill three birds with one stone.

Thinking of this, Li forgets worry and gets excited. He immediately asks Niu Wu to help him invite carpenter Liu to come.

Without the help of carpenter Liu, making a sand table can\'t be completed by Li forgetting worry alone.

When carpenter Liu came, Li forgot to talk to him about his ideas, which made carpenter Liu very interested. Although he had never made such a delicate object, he was willing to try it.

So carpenter Liu found his three sons and cooperated with Li forgetful. They were busy.

It took several days to finally make the architectural sand table of the manor. Li forget worry was careful. He transported the sand table to Chang\'an city with a carriage and moved it into the Tai Chi palace for Li Er\'s visit.

Looking at Li Er\'s surprised look at the ghost, Li forgets to worry. Don\'t mention how proud he is.

Hey, hey, Li Er, you\'ve never seen such a good thing, have you?

Before Li forgot to worry and finished crying in his heart, there was a sudden pain on his forehead. Li Eryi hit the chestnut on his head.

"Son of a bitch!"