Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 241

"I blocked the gate of the manor with a brigade of strangers, and harassed it with bows and arrows with two brigades of armour. I don\'t believe you can get in!"

"Bah, old man! Why do I have to go through the gate? Where can\'t I break through the enclosure of the manor? Any cavalry can break into the manor with a charge. You can only retreat to the castle defense."

"I\'m just retreating to the castle. I\'m afraid I can\'t keep it for ten days and a half months? What if you have more troops? Don\'t forget, you are all cavalry. What can you take to attack the castle?"


There was a lot of noise in the Liangyi Hall of Taiji palace.

The founding fathers were divided into two factions. They played chess on the sand table of Li forgetful\'s manor residence, and Li Er judged the outcome as the referee of both sides.

The history of military chess deduction in China can be traced back to 4500 years ago. The Xia Dynasty began to use stones and sticks to demonstrate arrays and study war by playing chess on the ground.

The most indispensable thing for the great generals in Chinese history is the deduction ability before and after the battlefield.

The most famous war chess deduction in history is the story of Mozi trying to prevent the state of Chu from attacking the state of song during the spring and autumn and Warring States periods.

Gongshu class built a ladder for the state of Chu and wanted to attack the state of song. Mozi and the Gongshu class, in the presence of the king of Chu, performed military chess exercises on the main hall, using pockets as the wall and wood chips as the city guarding equipment.

The public defeat class used a variety of ingenious tactics to attack the city, which were all dissolved by Mozi one by one. Until the methods of attacking the city were exhausted, and Mozi had more than enough defense equipment to defend the city.

The king of Chu finally gave up attacking the state of song because of this deduction.

Up to the Tang Dynasty, the military chess deduction rules were more perfect, with detailed rules and deduction methods.

This group of military leaders, who used to do military chess deduction, can only do it against a less detailed map. They are very unhappy.

Today, seeing Li\'s worry free sand table, this kind of military chess deduction method seems to have opened a "God\'s perspective", which makes a lot of big guys call it fun.

A group of military leaders who had a good time even asked the waiters to get drinks and continue to "fight" while drinking.

Even Li Er is the same. He keeps drinking the good wine in the cup and laughs with joy.

Li forget worry has been completely speechless. If he didn\'t really beat these bastards, he and these old men who ruined the sand table of his manor residence would have a hard heart.

It\'s too much!

This is not a military sand table!

A group of old men, old killers! It\'s really weird how to destroy his small castle that hasn\'t started construction!

However, he is a small Kaiguo County man. In front of Li Er and these old hooligans who are the Duke of the country, he really has no right to speak. He can only grit his teeth and bear it!

It was not easy to bear that these military leaders were addicted and drank several jars of wine. The military flag rehearsal was finally over.

Cheng Yaojin satisfied with the palm of the Pu fan and began to ravage Li forgetful\'s small shoulder again.

"Good nephew, this sand table is a good thing! You bastard have finally got something interesting. It\'s a waste of time to get water tankers and carriages!"

Cheng Yaojin\'s words made Li Er want to hit people.

The importance of the waterwheel and the four wheeled carriage to the Tang Dynasty made him willing to confer knighthood on Li Lianyou. The old man said it was a waste of time!

Li Er didn\'t bother to pay attention to Cheng Yaojin. He reached out and invited Li forgetful to his side.

"Ziyou, tomorrow you will teach the production method of this sand table to the work department. You see, your work is so rough that it can\'t be used." Li Er also dislikes that the sand table made by Li forget you is not exquisite.

Li Qieyou only feels his teeth itch and wants to bite!

Tolerating Li Er\'s ridicule, Li forgot to worry, rubbed his hands, smiled and looked at Li Er: "Your Majesty, look at my residence. Is it possible to build it like this?"

The main purpose of making this sand table is to make Li Er nod his head. Now that they have finished the "war", they have to ask quickly.

Li Er looked at the sand table again and said after a long time: "Ziyou, your castle costs a lot of money. I\'m afraid I can\'t agree with you to build it like this."

Hearing this, Li forgot to worry. How could it cost a lot of money?

"Your Majesty, I\'m afraid you\'ve made a mistake. I calculated with the doctor Feng of the Ministry of work that the copper money needed is not much, and it doesn\'t exceed the construction cost of the men\'s residence in Kaiguo county."

This is not what Li forgot to worry about. Although his manor covers a large area, it does not cost much to build because it does not have the complex structure of traditional buildings.

The labor cost of traditional Chinese wooden buildings is quite huge.

Just those mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mortise mort.

In later generations, the cost of repairing ancient buildings is much more than that of cement buildings, mainly due to the labor cost.

Li forgets to worry that he doesn\'t need so many skilled craftsmen to carve those complex patterns. Why does Li Er say it takes so much effort?

Li Er pointed to the small castle on the sand table and said with a little dissatisfaction: "Ziyou, how many stones do you need to build your castle? How many corvee men do you need to transport stones for your castle? I can\'t agree with you to make such a fool of yourself! Now that the Tang Dynasty is full of waste and the plague of locusts hasn\'t been extinguished, how can you collect so many corvees at will and build a residence for you?"

Li Er\'s words made Li forget his worries and couldn\'t help laughing.

It turned out that Li Er misunderstood. He quickly explained: "Your Majesty, you understand wrong. My little castle doesn\'t need stones. It can be built with bricks. There is no need to collect corvee to transport stones."

Many of the castles in traditional Europe are made of large stones.

But Li forget worry is not ready to fight again. He just wants to build a castle style house.

So Li\'s plan is to burn bricks and build a house with the appearance of a castle with cement.

Brick? Li Er Wei was stunned and shook his head.

"Nonsense, how can bricks be used to build a house?"

Cheng Yaojin and his colleagues came together when they heard the conversation between Li Er and Li forgetful.

"Ziyou, how do you build a house with these bricks? Besides, your castle is still several floors high."

"That\'s it. I\'ve never heard of building a house with bricks. Ziyou, you\'d better stop fooling around."

"Ha ha, Ziyou has talent, but sometimes he makes such jokes. I haven\'t heard of building a house with bricks."

"I know how to build your castle by building walls and towers with bricks?"

In Datang, because there is no cement, bricks are made of sticky loess mortar. The walls of the Tang Dynasty are built with loess and covered with bricks.

Although strong, it is not suitable for building houses.

If you boil glutinous rice and add it to lime to build bricks, it will be strong and durable after solidification, which is not inferior to later cement. But it is expensive to do so, and only a small number of royal buildings can be used in this way.

In Chinese history, it was not until Zhu Di, the emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty, built the Forbidden City that he began to use bricks on a large scale to build houses.

Therefore, Li Er, Cheng Yaojin and Li Jing all heard Li forgetting his worries as if he were talking nonsense.

Li forgot his worries and couldn\'t help laughing.

"Your Majesty, gentlemen, would you like to make a bet with my nephew?"