Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 235

When Li Chengqian and Li Tai wanted to come, although their father gave Li forgetful gold ruler that day, it was just a kind of teacher worship.

Can this little Huxian man really dare to punish and beat them?

Even in the palace, although the eldest grandson queen was strict with her direct children, no one dared to really beat them.

Different from Changle, Li Chengqian is the crown prince and Li Tai is the king of Yue. The female officials in the palace dared to punish Changle with a ruler, but no one dared to touch them.

As for the former teachers of Li Chengqian and Li Tai, who were also afraid of imperial power and adhered to the way of kings and officials, where would they punish them with a ruler.

It can be said that from birth to now, no one dares to touch Li Chengqian and Li Tai.

On the same day, the two little children were still afraid when they saw that their father gave Li forgetful gold ruler.

But the waiter beside them comforted them, saying that Huxian man Li forgot his worries and had absolutely no courage to punish them.

When the two little children think about it, they think it\'s right. They are the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty and Li Er\'s favorite son. Li forgets to worry about a small founding County man. How dare they move them?

It was with this idea that they acquiesced in the East Palace waiter\'s wanton provocation of Li forgetful today, just to give Li forgetful a blow.

Who would have thought that Li forgot to worry didn\'t play cards according to the routine. He took out the imperial gold ruler and was ready to beat them.

This made Li Chengqian and Li Tai dumbfounded

It was the servants in the East Palace who saw Li forget you take out the yardstick and blew it up.

Several internal attendants protected Prince Li Chengqian: "Huxian man, what do you want to do? This is his highness!"

"Reckless! It\'s reckless! You, a little founding County man, actually want to beat the crown prince. Do you still have saints in your eyes?"

"Huxian man, do you want to commit the following crimes?"

"Protect the prince! Don\'t let this madman hurt the prince and his Highness the king of Yue!"

"Come on, come on, protect your highness!"

The attendants in the East Palace jumped up and down and tried to show their loyalty to the Lord. They asked them to come with them to fix the palace guards in Zhoucun. They were a little silly.

Should they stop Huxian men or open the waiters?

No wonder they hesitated, mainly because the guard had already been warned by Li Er before departure. After going to Dingzhou village, they were only responsible for the safety of the three princes and princesses. They were not allowed to interfere in other things and let Huxian men decide.

But now Huxian men want to beat the crown prince and the king of Yue. Should they protect the crown prince or let Huxian men decide?

The palace guards turned their puzzled eyes to the guard leader to see how he decided.

The leader of the guard clenched his teeth and silently shook his head at his men, indicating that he would not intervene in the matter.

Li forgets to worry about silk to ignore that group of East Palace attendants\' clamor, just stare at Li Chengqian and Li Tai coldly.

"Why, do you two have the courage to connive at slaves and maidservants and have no courage to bear the consequences?"

Princess Changle on one side hurried forward and gave Li forgetful a ten thousand blessing gift. Then she spoiled and sold Meng to Li forgetful: "brother forgetful, forgive the prince brother and brother Qingque. They won\'t do this in the future, okay?"

Li Lianyou\'s original cold look was immediately melted by little Laurie\'s plea. Damn Li Er, how did you give birth to such a lovely little Lori?

He smiled and fondly touched Changle\'s small head: "well, since Changle pleaded with them, it would be changed from ten strokes per person to three strokes as a punishment for their contempt for their elders, okay?"

Princess Changle, the seven-year-old little Lori, was Li forgetful\'s opponent. She thought she was really pleading for the two brothers and reduced their punishment of being hit by a ruler seven times. Naturally, she nodded happily.

On the other hand, Li Chengqian and Li Tai are about to cry. This bastard little teacher bullies them again!

Both sides have to beat them, but they still cheat from their sister. It\'s really an asshole!

However, Li Chengqian and Li Tai dare not disobey. After all, now Li forgets worry and is holding a gold ruler given by his father.

The two of them understood what Li Er said that day. Li forgets to punish them with this ruler. Li Er will never blame them. In a sense, it gave Li Er the yardstick to forget his worries, and also represented Li Er\'s authority.

Where did the two little children think that Li forgetful was so strong? He just acquiesced and connived at the waiters, but wanted to hit the board in his own hand.

The two of them were in a dilemma at this time. They could only use silence to resist Li forgetfulness.

The servants in the east palace were still standing in front of Li Chengqian and Li Tai, abusing them.

"Get out of the way!" Li forgot to worry and shouted coldly at the group of Chamberlain eunuchs.

These servants in the East Palace are immersed in the illusion of fighting against demons and protecting his Royal Highness the prince. Where will they listen to Li forgetful.

Li forgot to worry about them, but looked up at the forbidden guards in the palace.

"Ladies and gentlemen, these internal attendants are people in the palace. If they continue to make trouble like this, please go back. I will make it clear to the sage that I can\'t teach the prince and his Highness the king of Yue."

When he finished, he directly took the little hand of Princess Changle, and his head would not return to the house. After he entered the door, the door of Li\'s house slammed shut again behind him.

Seeing that Li forgot to worry so much and didn\'t give face, both the palace guard and Li Chengqian and Li Tai were stunned.

Huxian man just shut them out of the gate?

And drive them back to Chang\'an?

The servants in the East Palace didn\'t know it. Seeing that Li forgot to worry and returned to the house, they spoke one after another to encourage Li Chengqian and Li Tai.

"Your Highness the prince and the king of Yue, this Huxian man is really hateful. Let\'s go back to the palace."

"Yes, your royal highness, let\'s go back and ask the saint to preside over justice for us. We must punish this arrogant Huxian man for a great disrespectful crime and let him demote and strike the Baron!"

"It\'s arrogant for such a villain to gain power. Your Highness the prince, let\'s go back to the east palace. Your Highness the queen will decide for you."

At this time, Li Chengqian and Li Tai did not listen to the loud noise of the eunuchs, but looked at each other with a bitter smile.

Although the two little guys are young, they are not as superficial as the servants in the east palace.

So they returned to Chang\'an. They were sure that they would be severely punished by their father, and their mother would not protect them.

Li Er and the eldest grandson empress attach the most importance to filial piety. Respect for teachers is also part of Chinese filial piety. If Li forgets to complain to his father and emperor that their brothers have no respect for their elders, I\'m afraid they will be punished more severely.

Although Li Chengqian is the crown prince, he still respects his teacher.

They were just angry that Li forgot to worry that he was so young and not much older than them, but they wanted to be their teachers.

But to return to Chang\'an so disheartened, even if Li Chengqian was the crown prince, he would not dare.

In desperation, Li Chengqian and Li Tai could only separate the waiter in the East Palace in front of them. They came forward and gently knocked the door of Li\'s house.