Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 234

Prince Li Chengqian and Li Tai, after worshipping Li forget you as their teacher, because Li forget you was busy preparing for the Luo Tian Festival, Li Er didn\'t worry about asking the waiter to take them to Dingzhou village to follow Li forget you.

Now that the big deal has been decided, Li Ercai remembered to let his three legitimate children go to Dingzhou village to follow Li forget to worry and learn about the hardships of the people.

Although Li Chengqian and Li Tai were forced to kneel down and salute Li forget you that day and worship their teachers, they were not willing to sincerely regard Li forget you as their teachers.

A small Kaiguo County man, only 16 years old, is qualified to be the teacher of the crown prince?

The father Emperor didn\'t know what ecstasy he had given him. He forced his brothers to worship him as their teacher. Why should he deserve it?

Among the three, only the youngest Changle did not reject it, but she obviously could not affect her two brothers.

On the way from Tai Chi palace to Dingzhou village, Li Chengqian and Li Tai kept getting together and muttering about something.

Princess Changle wanted to stop her two brothers, but at this time, Li Chengqian and Li Tai would not listen to little Laurie and directly put her aside.

Li Li stared angrily at Li Chengqian and Li Tai, but there was nothing she could do. Little Lori\'s mouth was so upturned that she could hang an oil bottle.

Li Er sent Li Chengqian to Dingzhou village. Naturally, he would not show a full set of Prince Yijia. There were only a few palace guards around, and several East Palace attendants.

Li forgot to worry about nature has already been informed in advance by Li Er, but he didn\'t pay much attention to it.

Whether Li forgets worries or Su Changqing, his awe of imperial power is limited. Let alone expect them to have any sense of awe for the three little children.

So Li forgot to worry. He didn\'t order the old housekeeper Li Heng to clean the water and splash the street, the Loess mat Road, and didn\'t open the door and go out to meet the arrival of the prince and others.

When the carriage of Li Chengqian and others stopped at the door of the Li family in Dingzhou village, the Li family didn\'t even come out to meet them.

Seeing such a scene, the servants in the East Palace became angry before Li Chengqian said anything.

These internal attendants of the East Palace realized that they and others were the people around the future emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and their morale was also very high.

Even though he knew that Li forgot to worry was the teacher of the prince and others, he didn\'t take it seriously.

Li Chengqian was naturally taught by his teacher in the east palace. However, the teachers who taught Li Chengqian, out of fear of imperial power, were also respectful to his royal highness, without the dignity of teachers.

This gave the waiters around Li Chengqian an illusion that the so-called imperial master was just like this.

Now the crown prince condescends to come to the Li family in Zhoucun, but there is no one to greet him. So before Li Chengqian\'s orders, they ran forward and smashed the door.

"Open the door! Are people dead?"

"There are no rules at all. Tian Shirang! Who do you think you are? Open the door quickly!"

The door of the Li family\'s old house, which was not very strong, was almost demolished by several chamberlains, and the door was smashed to pieces.

Li Heng, who didn\'t know what had happened, was startled to see that his door was smashed. He quickly opened the door to check.

"Who are you? Why did you smash the door? This is Huxian man\'s residence! Don\'t be presumptuous!" Li Heng was so angry that his beard cocked up, pointed to the plaque on the door and shouted at the waiter who smashed the door outside.

On the front door of the Li family, a plaque with the words "men\'s house of Huxian county" has already been replaced. This is the pride of the old man. How can he tolerate the contempt of others.

However, Li Heng\'s words only attracted the sneers of several waiters: "shit County man\'s house, a small founding County man, really think of himself as a gadget? Tell Huxian man to get out quickly!"

"Men, in Chang\'an City, princes and princes have seen a lot. A small man from Kaiguo county also means to mention it! It\'s really Tian Shirang!"

"When his Highness the prince arrived, Li forgot to worry about that bastard. He dared not come out to meet him. Is he going to rebel?"

"Do you believe that your royal highness, the prince, has been so contemptuous to tear down your bullshit County man\'s house?"

The old housekeeper Li Heng was startled when he heard what they said. Has his Royal Highness the prince come to Li\'s house? He didn\'t know what had happened, so he quickly asked his maid to inform his husband.

The servants wanted to push Li Heng away and rush into the house. But Li Heng was not willing to let go. Regardless of his old body, he stretched out his hand and stopped several people.

"Old man, go away, be careful that the man will beat you to death, a field slave?"

"What are you doing to him? Rush in and find Li forgetful to talk!"

Li forgot to worry in the backyard, but he had heard the noise from the outer yard and frowned.

He was afraid that his old housekeeper Li Heng would suffer losses, so he hurried out of the backyard.

"Stop!" as soon as Li QIAOYOU got to the front yard, he saw several attendants of Li Chengqian pushing Li Heng. He couldn\'t help shouting angrily, "Li Chengqian and Li Tai, come out!"

Li Chengqian and Li Tai, who hid behind the guard to watch the excitement, saw that Li forgetful came out, so they had to come out from behind the guard and arch their hands at Li forgetful. It was a gift.

Although the actions of these internal attendants were not ordered by Li Chengqian and Li Tai, they acquiesced in them, that is, they wanted to give Li forget worry a blow.

"Li Chengqian, Li Tai, is this your salute?" Li forgot to worry and said coldly.

Before Li Chengqian and Li Tai spoke, the guardians were eager to show their internal servants, so they jumped out again.

"Shut up! Your Highness the prince and the king of Yue are also called taboos?"

"It\'s really unruly. Don\'t you understand the dignity and inferiority of people? Don\'t you salute quickly when you see the prince?"

"Bold madman! How dare you be so presumptuous in front of your Highness the prince!"

Li forgets worry and ignores the shouts of the servants in the east palace. He just looks coldly at Li Chengqian and Li Tai, waiting for them to give him an explanation.

"Hey, forget your worry, brother. These slaves are not sensible. Don\'t mind. I\'ll teach them a lesson later." Li Chengqian smiled indifferently and gave a careless eye.

Although he is only nine years old, he is used to being flattered. He doesn\'t care what the servants around him do.

"Call me teacher!" Li forgot to worry and stared at him.

Li Chengqian left his mouth, but he could only answer, "yes, sir."

Li forgot to worry and asked, "I ask you, these internal attendants are from your East Palace?"

Li Chengqian replied with a smile: "yes, just a few ignorant slaves. I will strictly control them when I turn back."

Although Li Tai, a little fat man, didn\'t speak, he had a joking smile on his face. He only looked at how Li forgets to worry about stepping down.

Li forgot to worry and nodded, but suddenly took something out of his sleeve and shouted to Li Chengqian and Li Tai, "you two, put out your hands!"

What he held in his hand was the golden ruler given to him by Li Er that day.

Li Chengqian and Li Tai, two bear children, turned pale when they saw that Li forgot to worry and took out the ruler. The original joking smile on his face has long disappeared, replaced by an expression of disbelief.

Does Li forget his worries? Does he really dare to punish himself and the two of them?

Is he crazy?