Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 236

The old housekeeper Li Heng opened the door again.

Now he also knew that the two children in front of him were his Royal Highness the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty and his Royal Highness the king of Yue. The old man was also frightened.

However, he still had the courage to follow his husband\'s orders and asked Li Chengqian and Li Tai, "Your Highness the prince and the king of Yue, are you willing to accept punishment?"

Li Chengqian and Li Tai looked at each other and nodded helplessly, indicating that they had accepted the punishment of Li forgetful.

Seeing that the prince actually nodded and agreed, the waiters in the East Palace, like their dead parents, began to beat their chests and feet and cry bitterly. They still abused Li forgetful\'s behavior of offending the prince.

When Li Qieyou came out of the door again, he almost laughed angrily when he saw the scene in front of him.

These eunuchs are all excellent performers with first-class acting skills.

Unfortunately, the brain is hard to use, and the EQ and IQ are lower.

He only looked at the palace guards who were motionless and watching quietly, and he knew that it must have obtained Li Er\'s will in advance.

Why didn\'t the servant in the East Palace, the people around the prince, get Li Er\'s will?

Li forgets worry and dares to bet with his head that Li Er threw the servants in the east palace to him to make an example.

Since Li Er was aware that Prince Li Chengqian had a tendency to behave perversely, he naturally thought it was the fault of these servants in the east palace.

Indeed, as the emperor and Empress of the Tang Dynasty, Li Er and empress Chang sun spent far less time with Prince Li Chengqian than these attendants in the east palace.

It is no exaggeration to say that a large part of the responsibility for the future tragedy of Li Chengqian lies with these servants in the East Palace who grew up with Li Chengqian.

Anyone who has been flattered and tried his best to please since childhood will inevitably develop a perverse and absurd character.

After Li forgets to worry about Li Er\'s idea, he can\'t help hating his teeth.

This damned man with curly beards wants to be a villain and help him teach the servants close to the crown prince.

However, although he despised Li Er\'s move to kill with a knife, he did not object to being a bad man.

Just look at what these servants in the East Palace did just now. Li Chengqian has not grown crooked yet. He has a good nature.

Since he nodded and agreed to be the teacher of Li Chengqian and others, he naturally wanted to change all this.

In order to correct the character of Li Chengqian and Li Tai, in addition to the guidance of his teacher, the internal attendant around Li Chengqian is also very important.

Meng\'s mother moved three times. A good humanistic environment is very important for children\'s growth and life.

Li forgot to worry and looked at the silent palace guards. He raised his voice and said, "pull down these internal attendants, stick 30 for each, and then drive them back to the Tai Chi palace and hand them over to the sage."

The chief guard hesitated slightly and looked up at his Highness the prince.

Although Li Er told them to listen to Li and forget their worries, these servants in the east palace were people around the crown prince. He was a little uncertain about whether to listen to the Huxian man.

Li Chengqian could not help but pinch his little fist and stared at Li nuoyou with angry eyes.

"No! They are from our east palace..." before Li Chengqian finished his words, he saw that Li forgetful showed the imperial gold ruler again and blocked his words back.

Li forgot to worry and looked at Li Chengqian quietly: "they are your internal servants, and I should not punish them. But these people take advantage of the situation to do evil and flatter. As the prince\'s close attendant, they encourage the prince to be contemptuous and unreasonable and have no respect for his superiors. As your teacher, I have the obligation to teach them a lesson so that they will not ruin the prince\'s reputation in the future."

He also threatened to tap the gold ruler twice with his palm: "Chengqian, do you have a problem with being a teacher?"

Even if Chengqian had an opinion, he was frightened back by the ruler in his hand and shook his head: "what the teacher taught is that Chengqian has no opinion."

"It\'s good if you don\'t have any comments." Li forgot to worry. He couldn\'t help smiling and looked at the leader of the guard: "don\'t you start yet? Do you want me to ask the will of the saint?"

When the leader of the guard saw that Prince Li Chengqian was subdued, he would not oppose Li forgetful. Immediately waved to his guards and motioned them to come forward and hold down the eastern palace attendants.

When they were pressed on the ground by the wolf like guards, the servants in the East Palace finally dared to be afraid.

"Your Highness, save the slaves! How can this Tian Shirang bully you wantonly?"

"Huxian man, I know I\'m wrong. Please forgive me!"

"Prince, help!"

Hearing these waiters crying for mercy, Li Chengqian\'s eyes turned red.

Although he is the crown prince, after all, he is only nine years old. In future generations, he is just a child in the third grade of primary school.

Many of these servants in the East Palace are his playmates. They get along day and night. Li Chengqian also has feelings for them. He was like a little fart whose beloved toy was broken. He looked at Li forgetful with anger.

Li forgot to worry, but ignored Li Chengqian\'s anger. He stared at the forbidden guards in the palace, pressed the servants in the East Palace on the ground, and began to play the board.

Thirty staff, and when the guards didn\'t leave their hands, it was enough to beat the servants in the east palace into farts.

The arrogant inner servant of the East Palace just now knew that he and others had kicked the iron plate, but it was too late to repent. One by one, they were beaten to tears and snot. Some of them were weak and fainted directly.

Not long after the thirty sticks were finished, Li forgot to worry, pointing to the waiters who were lying on the ground and didn\'t even have the strength to wail, seriously said to Li Chengqian and Li Tai.

"Chengqian and Qingque, this is the first lesson for you. Remember, if you are in a high position, you will be unlucky not only for you, but also for the people around you, but also for the people of Datang!"

He also said to Li Chengqian and Li Tai, "now it\'s your turn. Stretch out your hand."

Seeing that Li forgets his worries, he still has to punish them. Li Chengqian and Li Tai, two little children, can\'t care about the heartache of the waiters, and with a flat mouth, they wrongly stretched out their small hands.

Li forgot to worry and didn\'t be polite to them. He raised the gold ruler in his hand and fell down. Although he didn\'t use much strength, he still beat the two little children with tears in his eyes immediately, so he couldn\'t cry.

After giving Li Chengqian and Li Tai a lesson, Li forgets to worry and leads them to the house.

"Let\'s go. I\'ve prepared some new things for you."

Although Li forgot to worry about not having a family and children in later generations, and never being a teacher, he hasn\'t eaten pork and hasn\'t seen a pig run?

Slap a sweet date. He was often cleaned up by his grandfather when he was a child. Li forgets to worry and prepares to follow suit. This method is used to clean up Li Chengqian and them.

Just slapped me, now it\'s my turn to eat sweet dates