Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 233

In Li Jiatang\'s house, doctor Feng of the Ministry of work has been sluggish for a long time. His eyes are distracted and look at a drawing on several cases in front of him.

Li Qieyou was just a small white-collar worker in later generations. He finally bought a house with a mortgage loan, but he was in the Tang Dynasty before he had to hand it over.

Li is very excited to own a luxury house that is almost impossible to own in future generations.

After discussing how to build the new home with his beautiful boss, Li forgot to worry. He used sketch techniques and changed his draft several times. Finally, he drew the sketch of the new home that both of them were most satisfied with.

However, when he took out the architectural sketch of the county men\'s residence and showed it to doctor Feng, he directly shocked the liupin Work Department official.

"Hu, Huxian man, are you sure you want to build the mansion like this?" doctor Feng finally recovered and asked with difficulty.

Li forgot to worry and nodded: "yes, what\'s the problem? I don\'t quite understand. Should it not violate the system?"

Feng, a member of the Ministry of works, is in his fifties and has worked in the Ministry of works for more than ten years. He can be regarded as the top "architectural engineer" of Datang. But he looked at the architectural sketch drawn by Li forgetful sorrow, but he was also silly.

Because he doesn\'t know whether the building is illegal or not.

Datang has strict regulations on the specifications of officials and Xun GUI\'s residence. Kaiguo County male, the width of the main hall of the residence shall not exceed five, and the depth shall not exceed nine.

The surface is wide and the depth is deep. The middle of two adjacent purlins is a step frame.

The width of five rooms refers to the six columns on the front face of the main hall, with five spacing spaces in the middle, which is no more than five rooms wide.

It also means no more than nine planes deep.

However, these data and requirements are aimed at the traditional architectural and garden design requirements of China.

But the sketch displayed by Li Qieyou was an architectural style that Feng Yuanwai had never seen before.

Of course, in this era, no one would draw such architectural drawings except Li forgetful and Su Changqing.

In fact, the sketch of the mansion painted by Li Qieyou is a luxurious large manor, not a traditional Chinese architecture.

The manor is just a dream for future generations.

He estimated that even if he struggled all his life, got a promotion and a raise, married Bai Fumei, and reached the peak of his life, he might not have the opportunity to own a luxury manor that can only be seen on TV.

But now he was in the Tang Dynasty and was knighted for no reason. Li Er was generous enough to give him a county man\'s residence. He immediately thought of his manor dream.

Naturally, the beauty boss will not refuse his idea. Even if Su Changqing\'s family conditions are good, it is also out of reach to have a manor.

So they hit it off and worked together to design an architectural drawing that made a breakthrough in the Tang Dynasty.

Doctor Feng has never seen such architectural drawings, so he can\'t help being impolite.

In the design of Li Qieyou and Su Changqing, nuota\'s manor refers to the design of many top manors in the world.

In this regard, the beauty boss, the "turtle", has a voice. During her study in the United States, she did not travel less to Europe and America in winter and summer vacation, and was quite impressed by those top manors.

For example, the garden in front of the main building of the manor is a miniature version of the garden of Versailles.

The symmetrical geometric figures composed of various roads, trees, pools, pavilions and flower beds are magnificent.

Li even designed a large lake in the manor, which made the doctor smack his tongue again and again.

There are not only western garden designs in the manor, but also Li forgetful and Su Changqing integrated into the oriental gardens.

Pavilions, terraces and open halls, represented by the Yu Garden and Humble Administrator\'s Garden in the south of the Yangtze River, also let Lee forget the worries and "copy" them.

Nuo Da\'s manor, the main building is a three story small castle!

In order to design the castle, Li Qieyou did not forget to find Alfred and discussed it for a long time.

Li forgets to worry about building a small castle. The most excited person in his family is Alfred. She didn\'t expect that she would be in Datang thousands of miles away and see a castle with hometown style.

Alfred\'s eyes became more and more blurred when she saw Li forget you. Her eyes were full of love. She misunderstood that Li forget you had built the castle for her.

How can a man who can build a castle for his women not make Aphrodite\'s heart beat faster?

If the beauty\'s boss didn\'t stare at her with sharp eyes, I\'m afraid Aphrodite would have jumped into Li\'s arms and died.

Doctor Feng swallowed hard: "Huxian man, how can this mansion be built like this?"

"Why not?" Li forgot to worry and asked.

"It\'s against the rules!" doctor Feng began to explain to Li QIAOYOU what Feng Shui composition is, what is the front hall and back bedroom, and what is returning home three times. There is an orderly hierarchy between men and women

In short, the architecture of the Tang Dynasty is not as messy as the sketch drawn by Li forgetful.

Where is anyone\'s residence? The entrance is Nuo Da\'s garden, and the shape of the garden is so strange.

As for the master and the servants and maidservants living in the "Castle", it is not in line with the living culture of the Tang Dynasty.

Doctor Feng could only shake his head at Li\'s wonderful ideas, which was really a mess.

Li forgot to worry, but no matter how much, no matter what doctor Feng said, he insisted that his county male residence should be built like this.

"Hey hey, doctor Feng, if this residence doesn\'t violate the system, I still want to fix it like this."

In this regard, doctor Feng can only shake his head. Forget it. Anyway, this is the residence of Huxian man.

Before he came, he had been instructed by Li Erkou, an official in the palace, that the men\'s residence in Huxian County could be built according to the standards of the government residence if necessary.

This can also be regarded as Li Er\'s invisible compensation for Li forgetfulness.

Anyway, Li forget worry\'s residence is far away in Dingzhou village, Huxian County, not in Chang\'an city. Even if it violates the system, it is not remarkable.

Doctor Feng is going to leave this hot potato to his boss. He doesn\'t intend to express his opinions.

As long as Li Er and the Minister of industry agree to build according to Li forgetful\'s sketch.

The doctor of the Ministry of work left with the sketch of the residence painted by Li forgetful sorrow and returned to Chang\'an city.

The drawing of the men\'s residence in Huxian county was even silly to read the Minister of work. Finally, it was simply pushed to Li Er. Please cut it yourself.

Li Er saw the sketch of the manor drawn by Li forgetful, and was also greatly shocked, but he was also open-minded. Since Li forgetful wants to repair it like this, repair it.

A hundred years later, the world-famous Li manor in Huxian county was ready to break the ground under Li Er\'s nod.

Li forgot to worry that Li Er actually agreed to build a manor by himself. He was so happy that he could hardly close his mouth.

But his good mood did not last for a few days. With the arrival of several bear children, Li forgets worry and has the impulse to go wild again.

Sure enough, no matter which dynasty the bear child is, it is not a good thing!

Especially when the two bear children are called Li Chengqian and Li Tai!