Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 232

In the Liangyi Hall of the Tai Chi palace, Li forgot to worry and fidgeted. From time to time, he looked up at Li Er who was sitting aside reading memorials.

As soon as the meeting was over, Li forgot to worry and wanted to sneak away among the officials of the next Dynasty. But before reaching the gate of Taiji palace, he was stopped by the palace attendant and summoned by Li Er.

He knew what Li Er summoned him for, which was why he wanted to slip away.

Uneasy, he followed the waiter to the Liangyi hall, but saw Li Erduan sitting after several cases reviewing the memorials, ignoring him at all.

Lee make complaints about heart, is this special psychological warfare?

He watched a lot in later films and television, which is often the case in police trials, putting psychological pressure on the suspects and exposing their flaws.

Li Er used this to "interrogate" him. He underestimated Li\'s psychological tolerance.

He was able to change his math score of 9 points to 99 and deceive his parents.

Although fart Gu was severely beaten after he was found out, it was not his own flaw, but the son of the bastard next door neighbor and his classmates exposed it.

So Li forgot to worry. Even though he was nervous, he didn\'t show any flaws on the surface. He was calm and quiet. He quietly watched Li Erzhuang force him.

The Liangyi hall was quiet for a moment. Neither of them made a sound. Even the waiters who were waiting on one side relaxed their breathing.

After a long time, Li Ercai put down his pen, rubbed his slightly sour wrist, raised his head and looked at Li forgetting his worries.

He waved his hand, motioned all the waiters serving in the hall to step down, stared at Li forgetful sorrow and said, "Ziyou, tell me, why did emperor Zu suddenly show his holiness at today\'s Luotian Festival?"

Li forgot to worry at the moment. Just now, Li Er deliberately hung him aside. He was too distracted. As a result, he came up with a fairly reliable excuse.

"Uncle, in fact, as early as three days ago, the Taoist priest gave me a dream. He said that he would show his holiness at today\'s Luotian festival to open his eyes for his majesty."

Li Er was stunned when he heard the speech: "what? Emperor Zu gave you a dream?"

Li forgot to worry and nodded seriously: "yes, that\'s right. It\'s because my nephew is so sure that Luo Tian\'s Taoist ancestors will show their holiness at the grand festival."

His words made Li Er a little tangled. Is that really the case?

Seeing that Li didn\'t speak for half a day, Li forgot his worries and couldn\'t help laughing in his heart. This excuse for supporting dreams is very bad, but it is very effective.

Even if Li Er doubted again, he could still confront Lao Tzu with himself? Who can say that I didn\'t give him a dream?

Anyway, Li forgot to worry and killed the excuse that Daozu gave him a dream. Even if Li Er had more doubts in his heart, he had nothing to do.

Li Er finally had to accept the explanation of Li forgetful sorrow and reluctantly believed that Lao Tzu, the founder of Taoism, gave Li forgetful sorrow a dream.

Although there are many doubts, such as why Daozu entrusted Li forgetful with his dream, and how Li forgetful believed what Lao Tzu said in his dream, these are not important.

Li Er is at least convinced that Li forgets sorrow without malice, and his actions are in line with Li Er\'s interests. Naturally, he is too lazy to continue to investigate the matter.

Behind the scenes of the new moon in the Tai Chi palace, the gilded bronze statue of the Taoist ancestor was directly worshipped by Li Er in the Tai Chi palace, burning incense and praying day and night.

Including the abbot of xuandu temple, Li Er gave rewards to 58 Taoist temples in Chang\'an City after the Luo Tian Festival.

Yuan Tiangang was four years ahead of schedule by Li Er and stayed in Chang\'an. Since then, he has become a think tank of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

As for Li forgetting his worries, Li Er didn\'t give him any reward.

The main reason is that he is too young, and has just been granted the title of Kaiguo County male, and then granted the title of reward. It\'s really a little too special.

To make complaints about Lee, it is always in the heart of Tucao.

The stingy Li Er doesn\'t grant a title. He can give some gold. He won\'t dislike the money at home.

Now his Li family is just getting rid of poverty. Let alone compared with those aristocratic families, even ordinary merchants are much richer than him.

Even if Li forgets to worry about being knighted, he is not half interested in entering the court. Now he is only interested in making money.

After the threat of locust plague was eliminated, Li forget worry began to think about his plan to make money again.

Wine making workshop must be run, which will be an important industry of his Li family in the future.

Glass is also a very profitable industry. Unfortunately, Li forget you doesn\'t know how to burn glass at all.

Glass seems to be made of silicon in sand, but he is a college student studying e-commerce. He really doesn\'t understand.

In fact, not to mention that Li forgets worry and doesn\'t understand, Su Changqing, a top student at the University of Pennsylvania, doesn\'t understand.

The division of professional disciplines in future generations is too detailed. They don\'t specialize in that line. How many people can burn glass?

It doesn\'t matter if you don\'t burn the glass. If you can brew a high number of wine, and then purify the alcohol, it looks like perfume can be worked out. This is also a huge profit industry.

In any age, women\'s money is the best to earn.

Soap can also be made. Li forgets about this elementary knowledge of chemistry. In the past, the old people in the village used pig pancreas to make soap by themselves. Li forgets worry and has learned it for a long time.

Li Qieyou has read many crossing novels, and most of the protagonists do so. He also plans to draw ladles as usual.

There are four wagons, such as wine making, perfume and soap, which are enough for his Li family.

Thinking about what he should do in the future to get rich, Li forgets his worries.

Today, Li forgets worry and is going to ask Niu Wu to go to Chang\'an City and ask him to help fat Qiu Kun find it for himself. He plans to buy food and wine from his enemy.

But seeing the old housekeeper Li Heng coming in from the outer courtyard with a smile on his face, he said, "Lang Jun, the Ministry of work has appointed a doctor to visit."

Li forgot to worry a little and then reacted. He was surprised.

He remembered that after being knighted that day, Li Er personally promised to repair the county men\'s residence for free.

There were six departments of officials, households, rites, soldiers, punishment and industry in the Tang Dynasty, each of which had four departments under its jurisdiction.

There are four divisions under the Ministry of work: the Ministry of work, the Ministry of reclamation, the Ministry of Yu and the Ministry of water.

Among them, the doctor and member wailang of the Ministry of work are in charge of the working procedure of the city, and are the assistant of the minister and waiter of the Ministry of work.

The doctor of the Ministry of works should have come to build a mansion for him. Li forgets worry and asks Li Heng to invite Member Feng to take a seat in the main room. He will come in a moment.

After Li Heng went to entertain member Feng, Li forgot to worry and took out a roll of drawings from his study.

After Li Er promised to design the residence style by himself, he and his beautiful boss discussed with each other and planned and designed the architectural drawings of the residence.

Li Qieyou unfolded the drawing again, looked at it with satisfaction, rolled up the drawing, got up and walked to the main room of the courtyard.

big houseļ¼ I am coming!