Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 231

Looking at Li forgetting his worries, Li Er\'s heart couldn\'t help feeling suspicious.

What\'s the matter with the revelation of the Taoist ancestor just now? Is it the means of this bastard Li forgetful?

After all, Li forgot to worry before, but patted his chest and assured him that the Taoist ancestors would become saints at the Luo Tian Festival.

Li Er naturally heard of the tricks of Taoism.

Originally, when he wanted to come, Li forget worry was just colluding with Yuan Tiangang to make some tricks to confuse the ministers.

However, in Li Er\'s opinion, the scene just now is a real manifestation of the Taoist ancestor Lao Tzu. There is no doubt about this.

This is not caused by the waves in Li Er\'s heart. Does Li forget worry still have such immortal means? Can you really invite Lao Tzu, the Taoist ancestor in heaven, to come down to earth to show his miracles?

In the face of Li Er\'s suspicious eyes, Li forgot to worry and smiled bitterly.

He had expected that Li Er would inevitably arouse various conjectures afterwards, and wanted to know the truth of the matter.

However, he couldn\'t tell the truth even if he was killed. Li forgetful worry had to be calm and showed a bright smile to Li Er, who was staring at him.

Fortunately, in front of all civil and military officials in the hall, even if Li Er\'s heart is like a cat, he can\'t catch Li forgetful and ask him clearly.

He could only take back his eyes from Li forgetful sorrow, coughed and said, "come and give a banquet!"

Give a banquet? Li Er\'s words stunned all the officials. Why did the great court give a banquet to everyone for no reason? Is it to congratulate the founder of Taoism?

The ministers were puzzled. Only Li forgetful couldn\'t help but show a thief smile.

With Li Er\'s order, the well prepared chambermaids poured in from outside the hall. Everyone held a food box in their hands and began to distribute food to the ministers in the hall.

Things are very simple, just a plate of chopsticks.

But the food on the plate immediately turned the solemn hall into a vegetable market again. The ministers talked about it one after another.

"This, what is this?"

"It looks like a locust! How can it be eaten?"

"Your Majesty, how can this insect eat?"

In the Tai Chi palace hall of Nuo University, only Li forgetful worry, Fang Xuanling, Cheng Yaojin and others smiled and looked at the food placed in front of them.

The people ordered by Li Er to send them to the ministers in the name of giving a banquet were plates of fried locusts.

In front of Li Er\'s throne, there was also a plate of fried locusts.

Under the gaze of the officials in the hall, Li Er opened his mouth.

"The people live in the valley, and you eat it. I\'d rather eat you to save all the people!"

Then Li Er stretched out his chopsticks and picked up a locust that was fried yellow and fragrant, so he wanted to open his mouth and eat it.

"Your Majesty, never!"

"Your Majesty, I can\'t eat! How can this locust eat?"

"Your Majesty, I\'m afraid I\'ll get sick after eating this locust. I can\'t eat it!"

However, Li Er ignored the dissuasion of the ministers, directly put the locusts into his mouth and chewed them.

Seeing that Li Er actually ate the locusts, the ministers in the hall shouted again.

Li forgets to worry and has no words. It\'s strange that Li Er eats a fried locust. Why are you making a fuss?

In history, Li Ersheng ate locusts. That\'s disgusting.

Li Er swallowed the locusts in his mouth and looked at the officials again: "gentlemen, why don\'t you eat?"

These words made all the officials in the hall look at each other. Do you really want to eat such disgusting locusts?

Fang Xuanling, eldest sun Wuji, Cheng Yaojin and others naturally did not hesitate to stretch out chopsticks. In the frightened eyes of their colleagues, they sent the fried locusts to the entrance and ate them with a satisfied face.

Seeing this, the officials in the hall had the courage, but they had no choice but to strengthen their courage. They reached out and picked up the locust in front of them. As soon as their eyes were closed, they sent the locust into their mouth.

The nausea pressing on my heart and chewing hard.

However, to everyone\'s surprise, the fried locusts were incredibly delicious. After opening their eyes, the ministers who made bold attempts couldn\'t believe looking at the plate of fried locusts in front of them, and then stretched out chopsticks again

Under the pressure of Li Er and driven by these brave ministers, soon the hall of Taiji palace was full of the sound of chewing fried locusts.

"Gentlemen? How does it taste?" Li Er asked with a smile.

At this time, many ministers have fallen in love with the fried locusts and are eating happily.

"Your Majesty, the locust is delicious after frying. It tastes like shrimp. It\'s crispy and delicious!"

"Ha ha, so although this locust is a natural disaster, it can also be eaten to satisfy hunger and save all people."

"Your Majesty, Shengming!"

Li Er nodded with satisfaction and motioned to the provincial waiter under the door.

The provincial Sergeant under the door immediately came forward and walked to the left front of Li Er. He said loudly, "there is a system!"

On the hall, all the ministers held their breath and worshipped their bodies.

"In today\'s holy Dynasty, demons are invincible, ancient good guards, and locusts avoid the country. If they can be avoided by virtue cultivation, they will have no virtue! Why can\'t you bear not to save them now? Because of famine, what will you be at ease? You urge all places to exterminate locusts immediately at the censor\'s desk, but those who resist and disobey will be beheaded!"

"I will obey your orders!"

Many ministers objected to the locust eradication, saying that human beings can resist the natural disaster. Some local officials even wrote a letter refusing to eliminate locusts, threatening that eliminating locusts would bring greater harm, and there was a great deal of discussion in the court.

In addition, the aristocratic family took this opportunity to boost the flames behind them in an attempt to suppress Li Er\'s prestige, so the locust eradication was delayed.

Now the Taoist ancestors show their holiness, and once the holy mouth is opened, they preach the great merit of killing locusts.

In this way, the locust eradication will be logical and unimpeded.

In the Tang Dynasty, Zhenguan in March, the whole country exterminates locusts.

It was several months earlier than the original time of locust eradication in history, and the chaotang implemented it with greater strength and determination. A huge disaster of changing children to eat was eliminated in the invisible.

After Shuo Wang and Chao Shen, the story of Daozu Xiansheng Taiji palace quickly spread in Chang\'an city.

Because at that time, there were no less than 1000 people in the Tai Chi palace who witnessed this "miracle" with their own eyes, so they had to believe it.

Many ministers even recorded the dialogue between Li Er and the sage Lao Tzu at that time, and the fact that Li Er and his ministers ate fried locusts in the hall of Taiji palace. They printed them into books and widely praised them.

In Datang with a strong religious atmosphere, the matter immediately spread to the whole territory of Datang with Chang\'an City as the center.

For a time, the main roads of Datang were already prosperous, and the incense was even more vigorous. People of the Tang Dynasty flocked to the Taoist temple to burn incense and kowtow to the Taoist father, hoping for his blessing.

Under the strong impetus of Li Er, Datang began to exterminate locusts throughout the territory.

In fact, killing locusts is not complicated. When a fire is lit at night, locusts fly around the fire and are burned to death, and then dig a pit to bury locusts. In addition, with the assistance of human beating and other methods, it is not too difficult to control locusts.

The landlords, gentry and farmers who had worshipped the God of locusts learned from the government and scholars and scholars that Zu Laozi became a saint in Chang\'an Taiji palace and personally sent an oral message saying that the locust disaster was the enemy of heaven and earth. After making great achievements in killing locusts, they immediately changed their original fear and began to cooperate with the government to kill locusts.

The locust is not a disaster.

But Li forgot to worry, but he was not happy at this time. He was rummaging about how to prevaricate Li Er.