Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 230

There is no doubt that the revelation of Taoist ancestors is just a trick played by Li forgetful worry.

On the same day, I went through the Tang Dynasty with the beautiful boss and fell into the portable Kun bag in Li forgetful bath bucket. There was a beautiful boss\'s mobile phone in it.

In the sandwich bag of her Kun bag, there is also a mini Bluetooth speaker used by Su Changqing to listen to music. When she and Li forgetful checked the items in her Kun bag that day, she almost ignored the past.

But even then Su Changqing turned out the Bluetooth speaker in her bag, she didn\'t care much.

After all, Datang has no electricity, so her mobile phones have been shut down for a long time and can\'t be used, let alone this Bluetooth speaker.

However, when Li forgets to worry about how to make Daozu Xiansheng at the Luo Tian Festival, he suddenly thinks of Su Changqing\'s mobile phone and Bluetooth speaker, two common electronic products in later generations, which are placed in the Tang Dynasty, but they are excellent props for pretending to be gods and ghosts.

So he asked the abbot of xuandu temple to come to a hollow statue of Daozu God, and worked with Su Changqing to fix the mini Bluetooth speaker into the statue.

The original sound of the mini Bluetooth speaker is not small. In addition, the speaker is fixed in the hollow copper statue, but plays the role of a sound amplifier.

This is the same principle as that when Li forgets to worry about listening to music with his mobile phone in future generations, he sometimes thinks that the volume of his mobile phone is too small. Placing his mobile phone in a glass water cup can play the effect of a loudspeaker.

After Li\'s experiment, the wireless connection distance of Bluetooth speaker can be about 10 meters, which gives him enough operation space.

When the Luo Tian festival was going on, Li forgot to worry. With the attention of everyone, he was attracted by Yuan Tiangang who took vigorous steps to fight and pinched the formula and chanted the mantra on the Dharma altar. He slipped into a quiet place in the Tai Chi palace and connected to the Bluetooth speaker with the mobile phone of the beautiful boss.

Yuan Tiangang and others heard the sound "drop, the Bluetooth speaker is connected!". There is no doubt that it is the prompt sound after the mobile phone is connected to the Bluetooth speaker.

The music that sounded like fairy music to Li Er and others was the music that the beautiful boss had downloaded from his mobile phone.

If there are little friends of later generations who also come to this Tai Chi palace, they will realize that what is especially meow is the theme song big fish of the movie big fish Begonia?

As for the later Daozu Xiansheng, it would be easier to talk to Li Er.

It\'s just that Li forgets to worry about using the voice change software in his mobile phone to make his voice ethereal, just like the voice dubbing of immortal characters in TV dramas.

The so-called Daozu Xiansheng, to put it bluntly, but Li forget worry used the high-tech electronic products of later generations to play a wonderful magic show in front of the kings and officials of the Tang Dynasty.

This trick, which is not worth mentioning in future generations and can not even be fooled by primary school students, was put 1300 years ago, which is a real miracle and an indisputable manifestation of the Taoist ancestors.

With Su Changqing\'s mobile phone and mini Bluetooth speaker, Li forgetful installed a force in Datang, and the force is still quite high.

Pretending to be Lao Tzu, he fooled even the Emperor Li Er to kneel down, which was very exciting.

However, it is obvious that such an exciting thing can only rot in his stomach. Even if Li Er then pressed him, he could only bite him to death. It was Daozu Xiansheng, not what he did behind the scenes, otherwise Li Er would have to cut him alive.

What\'s more regrettable for him is that Su Changqing\'s mobile phone was completely powered off after such a toss.

The remaining power of the beautiful boss\'s mobile phone was not much. Even if it was shut down for more than a month, the power in the mobile phone still continues to pass.

In addition, he and Su Changqing consumed only about 20% of the power of the mobile phone during the experiment at home.

After he fooled the emperor and ministers of the Tang Dynasty, the power of his mobile phone finally ran out and turned it off, which made Li forget his worries and feel very sad.

Put away the cell phone that had no power off. Li forgot to worry about sneaking back to the group of ministers with the shock of the people who were still in Daozu Xiansheng, and also made a surprised expression.

Outside the Tai Chi palace, Yuan Tiangang will be more and more excited. He will work harder on a series of scientific instruments such as taking calls, following the stars, going up the watch, falling flags and sending saints.

Due to the accidental sanctification of the Taoist ancestor, the Luo Tian grand festival, which was originally only a "simple version", was extended to 49 days in the Tai Chi palace under the will of Li Er.

Li Er didn\'t waste any more time, so he turned and walked to the main hall of Taiji palace, returned to the throne, and Shuo Wang Chao\'s participation in the grand meeting continued.

The atmosphere in the hall was completely different after the generals were seated again.

The Luozhou Chaoji envoy, who proposed to let Li Er commit a crime and save all the people, knelt down in his position and trembled like chaff.

Before Li Er could speak, Fang Xuanling stepped out of the line again and asked Li Er: "Your Majesty, Luozhou Chaoji envoy deceives the public and slanders the saints. Please remove Luozhou Chaoji envoy from his official position, arrest him and put him in prison as an example!"


"Your Majesty, your majesty, spare your life!" Luozhou Chaoji envoy finally howled and turned his eyes to Zheng Yuanshou.

In this regard, Zheng Yuanshou could only turn his head and didn\'t see the help-seeking eyes of Luozhou Chaoji envoy.

Now who still uses the plague of locusts to attack Li Er? Isn\'t that looking for death? At this time, Zheng Yuanshou can\'t protect himself. Where can he take care of him.

As Li Er\'s voice fell, the imperial guard immediately came forward and dragged the paralyzed Luozhou Chaoji envoy out of the hall.

Li Er looked at the dragged away envoy of Luozhou Chaoji, and felt even happier in his heart. These bastards of the aristocratic family had tried their best to block him under the pretext of locust disaster, which had already made Li Er feel helpless.

If he hadn\'t scruples about the great influence of the aristocratic family, Li Er would have wanted to kill and vent his anger.

Today, Daozu would show his holiness in front of all civil and military officials, which made Li Er completely feel sick. Facing the hall, there was no restriction, so that the corners of Li Er\'s mouth couldn\'t help tilting up.

"Zheng Siqing, do you have anything else to say?" the black bellied Li Er is now elated, sweeping away the bad luck of being forced to the palace by hundreds of aristocratic family officials.

He looked at Zheng Yuanshou and prepared to ridicule the Zheng family owner in Xingyang.

However, Zheng Yuanshou has completely lost his mind to break his wrist with Li Er. Today\'s great court meeting completely exceeded their previous expectations, which can be described as a disastrous defeat.

In the face of Li Er\'s aggressive questions, Zheng Yuanshou knelt down honestly: "Your Majesty is Shengming. Before, all ministers misunderstood your Majesty\'s painstaking efforts. I hope your majesty will forgive me."

"Hum!" Li Er uttered a proud cold hum in his nostrils. Zheng Yuanshou\'s bow was already expected.

Li Er turned his attention to the owners of other aristocratic families.

Without waiting for Li Er to speak again, the owners of Qinghe Cui, Boling Cui and Fanyang Lu all knelt down: "Your Majesty is holy!"

Li Er, who was greatly satisfied, looked up and laughed. The Taiji palace of Nuo Da was full of Li Er\'s proud laughter.

Li Er put his sharp eyes in the hall and scanned the officials back and forth. All the officials of the aristocratic family bowed their heads to avoid the emperor\'s eyes.

When he looked at Li forgetful, the smile on Li Er\'s face could not help but stagnate for a moment