Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 229

"Drop, Bluetooth speaker is connected!"

The sudden strange voice, however, was very clear into the ears of the people present.

What\'s that sound?

What Bluetooth? What speaker? Who\'s talking? Why can\'t you understand the meaning of this remark at all?

Everyone looked at each other and began to look for where the sound came from.

Yuan Tiangang had a ghost expression on his face. He even stopped reciting. He couldn\'t believe it and looked at the statue of Lao Tzu in the center of the Dharma altar.

He was closest to the statue, and he was very sure that the strange voice just now came from the statue of Taoist ancestor.

Before he could react, the crowd heard the sound again.

An unheard of music, melodious like fairy music, began to reverberate in the Tai Chi palace.

The music is neither flute nor piano. Even Li Er, who is familiar with all kinds of Tang instruments, can\'t tell which instrument is playing.

All the people turned their eyes to the Dharma altar, and the sound like fairy music came from the Dharma altar.

Li Er\'s face changed greatly and suddenly walked towards the Dharma altar.

Behind him, a group of literary ministers and military generals were stunned and followed them all. At this time, there was no imperial doctor correcting any etiquette. All the officials were shocked by the inexplicable music.

When he reached the Dharma altar, Li Er and the officials behind him were as stunned as Yuan Tiangang.

The music clearly came from the statue of Lao Tzu, the founder of Taoism, in the center of 1200 gods on the Dharma altar.

"This, what\'s this sound?" a minister murmured.

Yuan Tiangang suddenly shouted excitedly: "xianle, this must be xianle! The Taoist ancestors have become saints! The Taoist ancestors have become saints!"

His voice confused Li Er and the group of literary ministers and generals. Did Luo Tian really invite the Taoist ancestor to celebrate the festival?

But if not, how can such music sound like fairy music come out from the unexplained and unobstructed Dharma altar?

Li Er also began to be confused. Is this what Li forgot to worry about and vowed to show his holiness to his ancestors?

But it\'s also incredible. Is it the real Daozu Xiansheng or the ghost made by Li forgetful?

If Li forgets to worry to make the ghost, such immortal means, how does he do it?

Among the crowd, Zheng Yuanshou and others also looked like they had seen a ghost. He didn\'t care about the loss of instrument in front of the king. He directly set aside the ministers in front of him and ran to the Dharma altar to confirm what the sound was.

However, after reaching the Dharma altar, Zheng Yuanshou became more and more confused.

On the Dharma altar, there was really a sound like xianle, and the source of the sound was the statue of Daozu enshrined in the center of the Dharma altar!

When they were surprised, the sound of fairy music gradually disappeared, but they listened to the voice from the gilded bronze statue of Lao Tzu.

It was an unusually ethereal voice: "Tao can be Tao, very Tao; name can be name, very name..."

The ethereal voice recited Lao Tzu\'s Tao Te Ching, which suddenly appeared, but inspired everyone present.

Li Er even felt that the cold hairs on his arms stood up. All this was too strange.

"Why don\'t you kneel?" when they were at a loss, they heard the ethereal voice coming from the statue of the Taoist ancestor.

Li Er calmed down, swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "you, who are you?"

"I am the Supreme Lord. I was born without a beginning and began without a cause. I am the first of all ways, the ancestor of vitality, the ancestor of chaos, the parent of heaven and earth, and the master of yin and Yang."

When Li Er heard the speech, if he was struck by lightning, his knees softened and fell on his knees: "the emperor\'s ancestor is on the top, please be worshipped by the people."

At this moment, Li Er couldn\'t help believing it.

Not only him, but also the hundreds of literary ministers and generals behind him, Yuan Tiangang and other Taoists knelt down and saluted the statue of Lao Tzu, the Taoist ancestor on the Dharma altar.

There is only one thought in everyone\'s heart. The Taoist ancestor shows his holiness!

There is no other explanation except the revelation of the Taoist ancestors. Even if some ministers believe in Buddhism instead of Taoism, there is no doubt in their hearts.

Even those aristocratic family leaders of Zheng Yuanshou fell on their knees with trembling, and the Taoist ancestor really became a saint!

In Li Er\'s heart, a glimmer of doubt flashed, wondering whether it would be a trick played by Li forgetful.

However, as the statue of Daozu spoke again, all his doubts were eliminated.

The ethereal voice came out again: "Li Shimin, you are the son of heaven in the Tang Dynasty. You are ordered by heaven. Get up."

Li Er was so excited that Daozu was really talking to himself. Daozu really became a saint! Although he didn\'t know why the Taoist ancestor would become holy, he didn\'t forget the purpose of holding the Luo Tian Festival and quickly asked.

"Emperor Zu, I dare to ask that locusts are rampant today, but what the people do is immoral. Is it the locusts that came down from the above days as punishment?"

"What is morality? The nature of the Tao is all things in heaven and earth, omnipresent and omnipotent. It breeds heaven and earth, runs the sun and moon, and raises all things, but it never shows itself and relies on itself. Heaven and earth are unkind and take all things as ruminant dogs. How can heaven send down locusts to punish all people because of what you, the son of heaven, have done?"

Hearing the speech, Li Er straightened his waist for several minutes and looked back at the ministers kneeling behind him.

A Taoist ancestor showed his holiness and endorsed himself. He saw which bastard dared to say that locusts were the scourge of heaven, which was caused by Li Shimin\'s failure to cultivate private morality.

"Emperor Zu, dare you ask whether the locust disaster in this world can be destroyed?"

"Yes! The plague of locusts is the enemy of heaven and earth. Killing them can have great merit."

Li Er\'s eyes narrowed when he heard the speech. Daozu said that there was no obstacle to killing locusts. He just felt refreshed and satisfied.

"Li Shimin, we must bear in mind that it is our duty to take the common people in the world as our duty. The sage\'s rule of law, justice and severe punishment will save the chaos of the people and the disaster of the world, so that the strong will not be weak, the people will not be violent and few, the elderly will succeed, the young and orphans will grow, the border will not invade, the officials will be close to each other, the father and son will protect each other, and there is no danger of death. This is also a great merit."

"Promise, the people remember the emperor\'s law!"

"Ha ha, that\'s good. I\'m gone." after the last word from the ethereal voice of Taoist Zu, another burst of fairy music came out, and then there was no sound.

On the Dharma altar, under the sunlight, the gilded bronze statue of Daozu seemed to be plated with a layer of gold, emitting dazzling light.

"Congratulations to Emperor Zu!"

Under the leadership of Li Er, the people kowtowed three times and nine times again, and kowtowed to the statue of Daozu on the Dharma altar.

Yuan Tiangang also recovered at this time and hurriedly led a group of Taoists to recite the Tao Te Ching.

Zheng Yuanshou and others at this time, although they kowtowed to the Taoist ancestors three times and nine times, they all looked gray and had a heart like a knife.

Daozu really became a saint, and personally broke the plague of locusts, which is the scourge of heaven. It is the saying that heaven punishes Li Er for not practicing private morality.

It can be said that Li Er was almost set up by the Taoist ancestors. In the future, no one in the world dares to criticize Li Er with the change of Xuanwu Gate.

Zheng Yuanshou and other aristocratic families have begun to think about whether this world really has nothing to do with their Millennium aristocratic families.

No one noticed when they knelt down to worship their ancestors. Li forgetful, who had disappeared before, crept out of the secluded place of the main hall