Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 228

When Fang Xuanling asked for Luo Tian\'s wedding, Li Er immediately agreed and followed yuan Tiangang and they came out... It\'s like telling others naked that you have planned for a long time.

It\'s too careless. The acting is so perfunctory that Li forgets worry and despises it.

However, this sudden change also surprised Zheng Yuanshou and other aristocratic family leaders. No one expected that Li Er came to this skill when the officials forced the palace at the Grand Court meeting.

And they can\'t say anything to stop it. After all, Li Er is going to hold a Luo Tian festival to eliminate the plague of locusts and pray to heaven. Who can say no to this?

Regardless of what Zheng Yuanshou thought, Li Er announced that he had suspended the Shuo Wang Chaoshen, walked down from the throne and led the ministers to the outside of the hall.

Zheng Yuanshou and other ministers of aristocratic families can only look at each other and follow out of the Tai Chi palace hall.

In the eyes of Zheng Yuanshou and others, Li Er\'s plan to hold a Luo Tian Festival is just a delay. They also made up their mind that they must take the opportunity of today\'s great court meeting to force Li Er to bow his head.

When the heaven worship ceremony of Luotian grand festival is completed, the Grand Court meeting must continue. At that time, we will see how Li Er responds!

Outside the Taiji palace, there is Nuo Da\'s Square. There are Drum Tower and bell tower around the square. The Luo Tian Festival, which prayed for the plague of locusts, was held in the square in front of the Tai Chi palace.

Yuan Tiangang was wearing a brand-new purple robe with various Taoist auspicious patterns embroidered with gold and silver thread. He looked solemn and walked in the forefront of Taoists.

The Taoist robes in the Tang and Song dynasties are not the Yellow Taoist robes seen in later TV dramas, but the allusion of "Purple Qi coming from the East" when Lao Tzu rode a cow out of the pass. Therefore, Taoism advocates purple Taoist clothes.

Behind yuan Tiangang was the abbot of 58 Taoist temples in Chang\'an City, also dressed in purple.

Then there were hundreds of Taoists in the fifty-eight Taoist temples, some holding deities, some holding flags, some holding different magic instruments and singing ancient tunes.

In fact, the formal Luo Tian Festival is very complicated, and the whole ceremony takes several days.

However, whether it is Li Er or Li QIAOYOU, the fundamental purpose is not to worship the heaven itself. Therefore, today\'s Luotian festival in front of the Tai Chi palace is actually a simple version of the ceremony.

A group of Taoists soon arranged the Dharma altar and offered 1200 tablets to the gods. In the middle of the Dharma altar was a gilded bronze statue of Lao Tzu, the founder of Taoism.

Standing among the officials, Li Jing felt that the statue on the Dharma altar looked very familiar. What do you think? It\'s like the statue of God in Li\'s arms outside the xuandu temple that day.

However, he didn\'t think much about it. He thought it might be that Li forgetful sorrow invited the statue home to worship for a few days. It\'s not surprising.

Yuan Tiangang, as the chief priest of today\'s Luotian Festival, is also the high performance deacon of the festival altar.

He took vigorous steps to fight, pinched the formula and chanted a mantra. Under the singing of a group of Taoists, he burned incense, opened the altar, invited water, raised flags, announced the list, and swayed the filth

A series of scientific instruments have been made. In Li\'s opinion, it is very professional.

Well, for Li Qieyou, a good young man who was born in New China and grew up under the red flag, he doesn\'t believe in any religion at all. Yuan Tiangang\'s dazzling operation, in his opinion, is an old liar with professional quality.

However, in the eyes of Li Er and other officials, Yuan Tiangang is "flying in the morning, inheriting Yan Xuande, benefiting the three circles of Zhou, and courting more officials", a fairy style

The simplified version of Luo Tian grand festival soon went to the step of "inviting saints". Yuan Tiangang, who was taking vigorous steps to fight, pinching formulas and chanting mantras, couldn\'t help peeping in the direction of the ministers to see where Li forgets his worries.

At this time, Li Er also began to turn around and look for the figure of Li forgetful, because Li forgetful patted him on the chest to ensure that the Taoist ancestor would show his holiness at Luo Tian\'s grand festival and personally break the saying that the plague of locusts is the scourge of heaven.

Now that the ceremony of "inviting saints" has begun, Li Er and Yuan Tiangang, who presided over the grand ceremony, are all at sixes and sevens. They don\'t understand how the Taoist ancestor will "show saints".

However, Li Er turned back frequently, but he didn\'t see Li forgetful among the hundreds of Ministers behind him.

In a hurry, Li Er reached out to recruit the waiter next to him, whispered two orders, and asked them to find Huxian man Li forgetful.

This bastard, if he plays tricks on him, Li Er will get angry.

Li Er\'s move made Fang Xuanling and others wonder. Your majesty always looks back. What are you looking for?

Zheng Yuanshou and other aristocratic family leaders looked on coldly and sneered in their hearts.

They think Li Er is really naive. What if he makes such a Luo Tian Festival?

At this time, the old foxes also guessed the intentions of Li Er and Fang Xuanling.

I just want to borrow the saying that Luo Tian\'s big festival is the scourge of heaven.

The high meritorious deacon who presided over the Jiao altar and the Minister of the aristocratic family also recognized him as a famous Taoist in Shu. His name was yuan Tiangang. It was said that he was an ancient genius in divination.

So what?

Zheng Yuanshou and Zheng shanguo, as well as the family owners of Fanyang Lu family, Taiyuan Wang family, Qinghe Cui family, Boling Cui family and so on, looked at each other in silence and looked on coldly.

Even if the Luo Tian grand festival is over and the high performance deacon of the festival altar, the Taoist named yuan Tiangang, claims that the plague of locusts is not a scourge, they will not give in.

Zheng Yuanshou didn\'t believe that with the heckles of hundreds of courtiers, they could turn Li Er over because of a Luo Tian Festival?

Ma Zhou, who proposed this plan, was also on the main hall at this time.

He has now joined the imperial censor platform as an imperial censor. Naturally, he also needs to participate in Shuo Wang Chao today. Just now he also saw his little teacher, but it was inconvenient to come forward to say hello.

Ma Zhou is the proponent of the Luo Tian Festival plan, and he has been paying attention to the reactions of those aristocratic families.

When he noticed that Zheng Yuanshou and others showed a sneer, Ma Zhou couldn\'t help clicking in his heart. He vaguely felt something bad. He seemed to underestimate the determination of these aristocratic family leaders to fight with Li Er.

Originally, he thought that with Li Er\'s imperial prestige and the addition of Luo Tian Festival, the famous Taoist gaozhen claimed that the plague of locusts was not a scourge, which should be enough to soften these aristocratic families. But now it seems that there is some wishful thinking.

Ma Zhou couldn\'t help worrying. Did Mofei really have no effect on the idea he gave Li Er?

He also began to frequently look for Li forgetful figure in the crowd and wanted to ask his little teacher how to deal with the criticism of the aristocratic family.

However, Li forgetful seems to have disappeared from the crowd. Neither Ma Zhou nor the Chamberlain sent by Li Er found Li forgetful among the ministers.

Luo Tian\'s big Jiao ceremony was still going on. Because he didn\'t know what Li forgetful was going to do, Yuan Tiangang was uneasy to worship, offer incense, announce tables and chant curses.

All he knew was that yesterday, Li forgot to worry and came to xuandu temple to return the borrowed statue of Daozu.

Li Qieyou also urged yuan Tiangang to worship the statue in the center of the Dharma altar, saying that this was the key to the holiness of the Taoist ancestors.

Yuan Tiangang naturally obeyed his words and worshipped the statue of Daozu on the Dharma altar. Now he kept peeking at the statue and wanted to know what medicine Li forgets to worry about in the gourd.

When Li Er, Yuan Tiangang, Ma Zhou and others were nervous and Zheng Yuanshou and others looked on coldly, an unusually clear but strange voice came from the gilded bronze statue of Laozi on the Dharma altar