Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 227

Li forgot to worry and secretly brushed his lips. These aristocratic family leaders have spared no effort to criticize Li Er.

The top eight grade censor who was thrown out by aristocratic families as a chess piece is still in the prison of the censor platform.

Although Li Er didn\'t get angry and ordered people to directly kill the censor, he also ordered the censor doctor Wei Zheng to conduct a thorough investigation.

Wei ZHengNai is a direct minister. He also despises the aristocratic family\'s behavior of criticizing Li Er with natural disasters to gain political voice.

Therefore, he directly put the censor into the Taiwan prison of the censor\'s station to strictly investigate whether he had committed acts such as corruption and perverting the law.

However, the aristocratic family obviously has enough chips to lose a small piece and other pieces can be used. This Luozhou Chaoji envoy, who mentioned the matter again at shuowang Chaoshen, is obviously a pawn of the Zheng family in Xingyang.

He once again said that the plague of locusts was the scourge of heaven. He fired at Li Er at the court meeting, which attracted a lot of discussion in the court.

Li Er blackened his face and said nothing, but saw Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde jump out at the same time and grab the collar of the Luozhou Chaoji envoy.

"Straight mother thief, shit scourge! You field slave said it was a scourge? Get out of here!"

"That\'s his mother! The little Chaoji envoy is also talking nonsense and bewitching the public. It\'s really time to fight."

Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde, the fierce generals who were killed in a sea of blood, were angry at the Luozhou Chaoji envoy. They almost didn\'t scare him to pee his pants.

Although he was supported by the aristocratic family behind him, anyone who saw such a fierce founding father get angry must also be afraid.

Someone immediately stood up to stop them, but it was Zheng shanguo, the Minister of work of the Zheng family in Xingyang.

"Duke Lu and Duke Hubei, stop quickly. What is it like to humiliate others at the court meeting? Your majesty, I want to impeach Duke Lu and Duke Hubei before they lose their honor."

Zheng shanguo spoke, and then more than a dozen officials of aristocratic families got up one after another and shouted to impeach Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde.

And a group of generals such as Qin Shubao, who can watch Cheng Yaojin and others suffer losses, also got up and refuted them. The two sides started shooting in the hall. For a time, the solemn court meeting became as lively as a vegetable market.

The first time Li forgot to worry about going to court, he saw this lively scene and watched it with relish.

Old rogue Cheng Yaojin\'s combat effectiveness was really strong. His broken mouth actually embarrassed the ministers of the aristocratic family, which opened Li\'s eyes.

Cheng Yaojin: "impeach me. Do you want to try if my fist is big enough?"

"Vulgar martial artist! The plague of locusts is a scourge of heaven. It is a punishment of heaven for not cultivating private morality!"

Cheng Yaojin: "I fix your mother, straight mother thief. I\'ve killed many people. Why didn\'t I see any scourge?"

"Duke Lu, aren\'t you afraid of being blamed by the locust God for your rude words?"

Cheng Yaojin: "the locust God is a fool! Can you surpass the duck God? You are not afraid of the duck God to blame. I am afraid of a fool!"

"Duck God? What duck God?" finally someone was stunned by Cheng Yaojin\'s words. Why did a duck God emerge?

Cheng Yaojin: "Wow, hahaha, you fools, locusts have locust gods, and ducks naturally have duck gods! That duck can prey on locusts for a living, which means that duck gods are more powerful than locust gods! You field slaves don\'t eat less ducks on weekdays? Aren\'t you afraid that duck gods will blame you and punish you?"

"Where did you come from? What duck God? Who has heard of the existence of duck God?"

Cheng Yaojin sneered and said, "then you fucking find me the locust God? There is a God three feet above the head. Why do you say there is no duck God?"

All the ministers he said were dumbfounded. What kind of bandit logic is this?

Li Qieyou was also speechless. He held his forehead with his hand and felt a headache.

Cheng Yaojin, an old rascal, was shameless enough to come to the court meeting to block the door of the aristocratic family on the excuse of Li forgetful about how to deceive the farmers with the duck God.

But what duck God said, although some scoundrels, it was also effective.

At least the ministers of these aristocratic families can\'t think of how to refute the old hooligans for a moment.

Seeing that the situation was bad, Zheng Yuanshou, the master of the Zheng family in Xingyang, couldn\'t help but get up and step out of the line.

He bowed to Li Er: "Your Majesty, locusts are a natural disaster, which can\'t be eliminated by manpower. Moreover, killing too many insects will hurt Tianhe. Only virtue can eliminate the natural disaster. Please think twice and think for the sake of all the people."

Zheng Yuanshou\'s words are extremely vicious. He doesn\'t mention the crime of his own imperial edict, nor does he mention that the locust disaster is caused by Li Er.

However, both inside and outside the words targeted Li Er for the cause of the locust disaster and asked Li Er Xiude to kill the locusts. That doesn\'t mean Li Er is immoral?

Seeing Zheng Yuanshou\'s appearance, the ministers who quarreled with Cheng Yaojin immediately found the right direction, no longer entangled with Cheng Yaojin, and all bowed to Li Er and said, "please think twice and think for all the people!"

"Please think twice and think for all the people!"

Under the leadership of Zheng Yuanshou, hundreds of Ministers who came to attend the Shuo Wang Dynasty, hula, got up, and nearly half of them all spoke in unison to pressure Li Er, who was sitting on the throne, to press the palace.

There is no doubt that these ministers are people of aristocratic families headed by five surnames and seven hopes. Li forgets his worries and smacks his tongue.

No wonder Li Er didn\'t dare to force an order to kill locusts. Half of the officials in the court were officials of aristocratic family. They moved their whole body with one hair.

Li Er\'s face became more and more gloomy, but he didn\'t speak.

The atmosphere in the hall suddenly condensed, and the ministers who came out to force the palace also said nothing, stubbornly playing a silent challenge with Li Er.

The court hall, which was still very noisy just now, was immediately silent.

During the standoff, Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui stepped out and bowed to Li Erhui: "Your Majesty, the plague of locusts is a natural disaster. Please hold a Luo Tian festival to pray for all the people in the world and the country of the Tang Dynasty."

Li Er nodded immediately: "Zhike!"

Zhike is the emperor\'s imperial edict, which means that the emperor agreed.

The servant in the province under the door immediately said, "there is a system!"

This means that the imperial edict should be read out. At this time, all the officials of the aristocratic family can only stop and bow down.

"Hold the Luo Tian Festival and pray for the people!"

As soon as his voice fell, the ministers in the hall did not react, so they heard the inner waiter start to preach loudly, "hold the Luo Tian Festival and pray for the people!"

Yuan Tiangang and many other Taoists, who had been waiting outside the Tai Chi palace for a long time, immediately flocked in. In the surprised eyes of the officials, they began to build altars and prepare to worship the gods of heaven and earth.

Li forgot to worry and turned his eyes directly. NIMA, Fang Xuanling and Li Er didn\'t lose heart at all!

You need to study Stanislavsky\'s "self cultivation of actors"!