Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 226

Li forgot to worry and quickly turned to salute Yu Shinan.

"Duke Yu, you\'re here."

Yu Shinan smiled and nodded at Li forgetful worry: "Ziyou, it\'s your first time to go to court. Hurry up and arrange the shift."

He pointed to the area where Wen Chen stood on duty. Because there were hundreds of officials participating in shuowang Chaoshen, even Wen Chen\'s team was orderly divided into several teams.

The ranks of big men above the third grade, the ranks of literary ministers at the fourth and fifth grades, the ranks below the fourth grade and the ranks below the sixth grade are orderly arranged into several square arrays according to the official grade.

Li QIAOYOU is now granted the title of Kaiguo County male, which is equivalent to the official product of the five grades. Naturally, he should stand in the civil service of the four or five grades.

Although Yu Shinan\'s official product is not as high as Cheng Yaojin, Cheng Yaojin doesn\'t dare to refute his words. He has to salute Yu Shinan with a smile.

Cheng Yaojin, a great Confucian in his seventies, dared not mess around in front of Yu Shinan even if he mixed up again.

"Ha ha, Duke Yu, I just tease this boy. Don\'t be angry, don\'t be angry."

"Zhijie, you are the father of several children. Why are you still so naughty?" Yu Shinan said in a tone of training children.

But Cheng Yaojin can only listen to his words. There\'s no way. Who calls the old man old enough? Cheng Yaojin is almost 40 years old, but compared with Yu Shinan, he is not a child?

Cheng Yaojin can be regarded as Yu Shinan\'s grandson when Datang got married and had children when he was a teenager.

Li forgets to worry, but he is happy to see Cheng Yaojin, an old rascal, eat flat, and the corners of his mouth can\'t help turning up.

When Cheng Yaojin saw him watching his jokes, he stared at Tongling\'s big eyes to frighten him.

Li Qieyou hurried forward to help Yu Shinan, pretended not to see Cheng Yaojin threatening his eyes, and helped Yu Shinan to the civil service.

Two days ago, he had visited Yu Shinan\'s house and wanted to return the 1000 Guan copper money he had borrowed.

However, the money could not be paid back. Yu Shinan refused to accept it. He said that the thousand passes were a gift to congratulate Li forgetful on his knighthood.

Li forgets his worries and is helpless. He can\'t beat the old man. He can only brazenly take back the 1000 copper coins.

Li forgets worry and tells Yu Shinan that he has accepted Prince Li Chengqian, King Li Tai of Yue and Princess Changle as his disciples.

He was also afraid that he would be spit to death by the great Confucianism after the matter was spread, so he wanted to ask Yu Shinan to help him deal with the great Confucianism.

Li forgets worry, and he is still a little worried. He is worried that Yu Shinan also thinks he is young and frivolous. But I didn\'t expect that Yu shinansi didn\'t mind. Li forgetful became an imperial teacher at such a young age, but greatly appreciated him.

In Yu Shinan\'s opinion, although Li forget worry is young, with his talent now, they are fully qualified to be crown prince\'s teachers.

Yu Shinan also reassured Li forgetful that old friends like Kong Yingda and Lu Kuan appreciated him and would never be dissatisfied with Li forgetful because he was a prince teacher.

With Yu Shinan\'s guarantee, Li forgot his worries and went to a small heart disease.

For Yu Shinan, an old man who is also a teacher and a friend, Li forgets worry more and more.

The morning bell rang, and the palace hung in the sound of drums. The new moon began to look at Chaoshen.

Under the leadership of the imperial doctor, the officials were arranged according to their grades and walked to the Taiji palace. The officials in court clothes were respectful and quiet, and walked up the white jade steps. They only heard the pleasant sound of swords and jade Pei.

Poetry in the Tang Dynasty describes the scene of the meeting.

Chicken crowing, Purple Street, cold dawn, warblers singing, Huangzhou spring.

There are thousands of households in the Jinque, and thousands of officials in the Jade Terrace.

The flowers meet the sword, the stars fall, the willows brush the flags, and the dew is not dry.

Unique guests in Phoenix pool, it is difficult to sing a song in spring.

What Li forgot to worry about was the scene in front of him. The dawn bell in the palace struck and thousands of families opened together. Li Er\'s emperor\'s honor guards were arranged on both sides of the jade steps, and all officials entered the court hall.

Li forgot to worry about attending the court meeting for the first time. He just followed the crowd and learned from them.

Before entering the hall, the officials untied the sword and took off their shoes in front of the sword platform. The imperial historian, the Ministry of officials, the Ministry of war and Honglu Temple led civil and military officials at all levels to take their places.

With the sound of bells and drums, Li Ercheng was carried by the internal attendants and sat directly to the south of the throne. Fu Baolang put Li Ercheng\'s jade seal in front of him.

The provincial attendant who presided over the meeting went to the left front of Li Er, raised his breath and shouted with the voice of Dantian: "bye!"

The ministers saluted Li Erhang first. Li forgot his worries and followed them in salute.


Well, I have to do it again. Li forgot his worries and was speechless. Then he continued to salute Li Erxing.

After the first ceremony twice, Li forgot to worry just got up, but he looked like he had seen a ghost.

He blinked hard to make sure he was right.

He found that on the solemn, sacred and resplendent hall, the ministers began to... The demons danced in disorder.

Nima, why does this look so familiar?

It seems that Chumo\'s dandies are the same when they drink too much?

This is Shuo Wang Chao Shen, not a place for square dancing or disco dancing at night

Li forgot his worries and said nothing. What are the special rules?

Come on, let\'s jump with the officer in front with gray hair and beard, stretch out his arms and kick his legs, three circles on the left and three circles on the right, twist his neck, fart twist, go to bed early and get up early. Let\'s do sports

After a set of processes, Li forgot to worry and felt that he was sweating. Especially, this meeting is also an individual effort. He doubts how Yu Shinan\'s more than 70 bodies stick to it.

No wonder Yu Shinan asked to resign. It\'s hard for the old man.

Everyone took their seats, and Li forgot to worry. He wanted to see how Li Er fought with the aristocratic family today.

At the beginning of the court meeting, there were envoys of the court set out to play to Li Erjin.

"Your Majesty, there is a book to play!"

Hearing the words of Luozhou Chaoji envoy, Li Er\'s face immediately turned black, but he still said in a deep voice, "play!"

Chaoji envoy, also known as Kaoshi. It is an official sent to Chang\'an by the States and counties of the Tang Dynasty. It mainly represents the States and counties to participate in various ceremonial activities in the court, deal with the examination of local officials, bring local tribute scholars to Beijing to participate in the imperial examination, and convey the public opinion of the States and counties.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is the "director of the Beijing Office" of the counties in the Tang Dynasty.

Chaoji envoy is not qualified to attend ordinary regular Dynasty, but can participate in New Year\'s Day Dynasty meeting and Shuo Wang Dynasty meeting.

The Chaoji envoy who spoke and played was Luozhou Chaoji envoy. Luozhou is the family sphere of influence of the Zheng family in Xingyang.

Li forgot to worry and dared to bet with his head that the Luozhou Dynasty set envoy must have come in the name of locust plague to force Li Er to commit a crime.

"Your Majesty, now the locust disaster in Luozhou has begun to spread. It is a scourge for the heaven to send locusts! Please think of all the people in the world and make an edict to save all the people!"

The words of Luozhou Chaoji envoy had already been expected in the hall. But after his words, there was still a buzzing voice in the quiet Hall