Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 225

After officially accepting Li Chengqian, Li Tai and Li Lizhi as disciples, Li\'s mentality of forgetting worries has changed.

Before, he really didn\'t want to be an emperor, that is, trouble would cause a lot of trouble.

But Li Ergang\'s words made him have some other ideas.

Although he knows the historical process, he knows that neither Prince Li Chengqian nor Li Tai can become the successor to the throne of the Tang Dynasty in the future.

The real heir is still in the belly of the eldest grandson queen.

What moved Li to forget his worries was Li Er\'s father\'s love for Li Chengqian and the tragic ending of the family in history.

As an emperor, Li Er\'s love for these direct children born to his eldest grandson empress is indeed boundless.

When Li Chengqian was ill, Li Er called 3000 monks and specially built Xihua temple and Puguang temple. The prisoners in prison were also relieved of their crimes, so as to pray for their son.

Even later, Li Chengqian rebelled against Du he, Hou Junji and others. Li Er was not willing to kill his eldest son, but demoted him as a common man and immigrated to Qianzhou.

After Li Chengqian\'s death, Li Er was so sad that he abandoned the dynasty.

Li Tai is Li Er\'s favorite son.

As a rule, the prince should go to a fief when he is an adult and not stay in Gyeonggi for a long time. However, due to the preference of the Taizong, Li Tai chartered "no official", and even once issued an imperial edict to let his beloved son move into the Wude hall.

It can be said that the reason why Li Tai and Li Chengqian won the line is actually spoiled by Li Er.

It is precisely because of Li Er\'s endless doting that Li Tai has an illusion that as long as his brother Li Chengqian is pulled off his horse, he can ascend the throne of Chu Jun.

Finally, Li Tai was also demoted because of his plot. Li Er was sad and deposed Li Tai and demoted to the king of Donglai county.

It can be said that although Li Er dotes on his direct son, his education of his children is a complete failure, which can be called a negative teaching material.

Li Er had 14 sons, of whom the Crown Prince Li Chengqian tried to rebel and was abolished as a common man; Li Ke, the third son of the king of Wu, was falsely accused of rebellion and killed; Li Tai, the fourth son of the Wei Dynasty, lived in seclusion and ended up depressed; The fifth son, Li you, king of Qi, died in rebellion and was demoted as a common man; The sixth son, Li Ying, the king of Shu, was demoted and exiled to death; Li Yun, the seventh son of Chiang Kai Shek, was accused of rebellion and committed suicide in fear; Li Shen, king of shiziji, was implicated in rebellion and died in exile; The fourteenth son, King Cao Li Ming, was implicated in rebellion and forced to commit suicide

Li Er\'s sons have failed in education to the extreme.

Li Wangyou could only make complaints about it in his heart. Li Er\'s father had failed too much.

Since he had an inexplicable soul in the Tang Dynasty, although he did not expect to change history, he wanted to try to change Li Chengqian and Li Tai.

Although Li forgets sorrow, his love and hate are clear.

Li Er was kind to him, and he naturally didn\'t want to watch the tragedy of Li Er\'s father and son happen.

It is also a good story to make Li Chengqian and Li Tai brothers harmonious in the future.

As for Li Chengqian, if he really transformed him, whether Li Zhi can successfully ascend the throne as emperor in the future is none of Li\'s worries.

It was because of this that Li forgot to worry about accepting two little children, Li Chengqian and Li Tai, as disciples. Instead, some birds wanted to try.

When Chengqian and his disciples had finished their worship ceremony, Li Er waved to the Chamberlain on the side. Immediately, the Chamberlain came forward with a gold ruler.

Li Er picked up the ruler and solemnly handed it to Li niangyou: "Ziyou, I give you this imperial ruler. In the future, if the three of them neglect their studies and don\'t obey the rules, you just use this ruler to punish them. I will never blame you!"

Li forgot to worry and quickly took the gold ruler with both hands: "don\'t worry, uncle. My nephew will try his best to teach them and won\'t let my uncle and aunt down."

"Ha ha, I\'ll rest assured if you promise me."

On one side, Li Chengqian and Li Tai saw the imperial ruler, and their faces turned black.

After a fight just now, they all saw that Li forgetful worry was definitely difficult to deal with. Now he still has the ruler given by his father. Aren\'t they going to be manipulated by Li forget you in the future?

Li forgot to worry, took a ruler in his hand, tapped a few times in his palm, and showed a bright smile at Li Chengqian.

But the smile made Li Chengqian and Li Tai tremble

Seeing that it was getting late, Li forgot to worry, said goodbye to Li Er and empress Chang sun and returned to Dingzhou village.

Time passed quickly. Two days later, before dawn, Li forgot to worry and was called on the punch by the old housekeeper Li Heng.

Today is the day of shuowang Chaoshen and the luotian festival in the Tai Chi palace.

Shuowang Chaoshen is the early Dynasty on the first and fifteenth days of each month. The participants are Wang Gongzhu\'s relatives, civil and military officials above the ninth grade in Beijing, Chaoji envoys played in local places and guest envoys of the Tibetan state.

Because the time of the early Dynasty was about 7:00 to 8:00, it was still dark when Li forgot to worry, yawned and led Niu Wu from his home in Dingzhou village.

Now, as a man in Kaiguo County, he also needs to participate in Shuo Wang Dynasty. Not to mention today\'s Luo Tian Festival, he has important tasks, so naturally he must participate.

When Li Qieyou arrived in Chang\'an City, the twilight drum had just sounded and the Mingde gate had just opened.

When he arrived outside the Tai Chi palace, the dawn gradually came, and the green spring in the Tai Chi palace was faintly visible. Armed soldiers with armour, yellow flags and various guards of honor are all over the palace.

The officials of the upper court lined up outside the palace gate, waiting for the gate to open.

There were hundreds of people, but Li forgot to worry, but he was a little silly. Where should he stand?

This is the first time he has gone to court. He doesn\'t know how to stand on duty as a man in Kaiguo county.

When I was in a fog of water, I heard laughter behind me: "Wow, ha ha ha, Ziyou are also coming up?"

Li forgot to worry about a black line and quickly turned to Cheng Yaojin to say hello: "little nephew, see Uncle process."

Cheng Yaojin and Qin Qiong came together, which made Li forget worry relieved. At least I have acquaintances. I can ask him where he should stand.

The officials participating in the meeting were divided into civil officials, military officials, clan members and envoys from various countries. Li forgets worry, but he is at a loss about how to stand.

He has not yet recovered his clan identity, so naturally he can\'t stand there, but he doesn\'t know whether he belongs to a civil servant or a military general.

Li forgot to worry about his doubts to Cheng Yaojin and Qin Qiong, but Cheng Yaojin laughed: "Wow, hahaha, just stand with our generals! With Lao Tzu covering you, no one dares to bully you."

Li forgot to worry about a black line. How could this old rogue go to court and be said by him that he seems to have entered the underworld hall?

Before he could speak, he heard someone behind him say, "Cheng Zhijie, don\'t be full of nonsense! Ziyou naturally stands on the side of Wen Chen!"