Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 221

Li forgot to worry and twisted his neck rigidly. He followed his reputation, but saw Li Er and empress Chang sun walking out from behind the bushes with a smile on their faces.

The emperor and Empress of the Tang Dynasty hid in a room to listen to the thieves? Can you two rely on music?

"Daddy, aunt!" Princess Changle ran to Li Er in surprise. Li Er smiled and held her up.

Li Er and empress Chang sun suddenly appeared, frightening Zheng Shangyi, the little palace maid and the group of forbidden guards of the east palace to Hula and kneel down to salute.

"I have seen your majesty, your Highness the queen."

"Get up." Li Er smiled and waved to them.

Zheng Shangyi secretly breathed a sigh in her heart. When she was ready to stand up with others, she went to listen to Li eryin\'s measurement and said, "Zheng Shangyi, I didn\'t say you!"

Li Er\'s words made Zheng Shangyi clap in her heart. She was so frightened that she knelt down again and didn\'t even dare to lift her head again.

Li forgot his worries and didn\'t bother to pay attention to Zheng Shangyi, who was kneeling on the ground. After saluting Li Er and the eldest grandson queen, he asked, "uncle, what do you mean by that? What do you mean to answer me? What should I do?"

"Ha ha, Ziyou just said you would be responsible for teaching Changle? I agree."

Li forgot to worry about a mouthful of old blood. When did I say this? Li Er, do you need to see the otolaryngology department?

He vaguely noticed that he seemed to be Yin by Li Er and empress Chang sun.

"Uncle, my nephew said how Princess Changle taught me. My nephew will explain to my uncle and aunt, not that my nephew should be responsible for teaching Changle."

Li Er\'s eyes stared: "Ziyou, do you mean that I and the Guanyin maid understand wrong?"

"I......" Li forgot to worry for a moment. What are you playing rogue?

Empress changsun looked at Zheng Shangyi kneeling on the ground and said, "Erlang, if he doesn\'t want to worry about it, let Zheng Shangyi and them continue to be responsible for teaching Changle."

She also said to Zheng Shangyi, "Zheng Shangyi, remember not to relax your teaching to the little princess, okay? If you should use a ruler, use a ruler, and the palace will agree."

Changle was frightened by his aunt\'s words, and looked pitifully at Li forgetful.

Li forgot his worries and turned his eyes. You two are enough. Do you think I\'m stupid? One sings red face and the other sings white face. When I\'m a fool, do you tease me?

He doesn\'t understand what Li Er is trying to do? Why do you suddenly want him to be responsible for teaching Changle?

But he was blocked by the words of Li Er and empress Chang sun. Does he really ignore Changle and let her be taught by the damn Zheng Shangyi with a ruler?

Although Li Qieyou met Changle for the first time, he has fallen in love with this cute little princess, and how willing to let someone beat her little hand with a ruler.

Li forgot to worry, but had no choice but to bow to the "evil forces" and replied in a sullen voice: "uncle, aunt, little nephew, I teach Changle that it is. Why bother to frighten Changle? You see, her face is scared white."

Seeing that he agreed, Li Er laughed.

"That\'s very good! Ziyou are full of knowledge and talent. Since you have taught Ma Zhou and Yan Liben, how can you not teach Changle?"

Li forget worry\'s eyes are turning to the sky. Can you compare it?

Ma Zhou and Yan Liben are both adults, but Changle is only seven years old! Ten thousand people in his heart didn\'t want to be a nanny to take care of the little children.

No matter how noble, lovely and cute the princess is, she is also a little child at this age.

However, it\'s so far. It\'s useless to say more. Li forgetful can only hold his nose and recognize the task of teaching Princess Changle.

"Uncle, Princess Changle\'s little nephew can teach, but I can\'t go to the palace to teach Changle every day." Li forgets worry and wants to struggle.

Li Er directly waved his hand: "what\'s the matter? I ask the internal waiter to send Changle to Dingzhou village every day. Although Changle is a woman, she should also know about the suffering of the people."

Li forgets worry and is completely speechless by Li Er\'s words. He wants to slap himself and make you cheap!

I didn\'t say this at first. I came to the palace from time to time to be a child. Now it\'s better. Li Er directly threw Changle to Dingzhou village

"Uncle, Changle is a golden branch and jade leaf. How can you go out of the palace and go to my nephew\'s house at will? I\'m afraid it\'s bad for Changle\'s reputation if it\'s spread." Li forgets worry is about to cry.

"It doesn\'t matter. Let Changle worship you as a teacher. Don\'t you accept Changle as a disciple?"

Li forgets worry and is completely speechless. He should not only teach Changle, but also accept Changle as his disciple? Poor God, he is only sixteen now!

Who has heard that the 16-year-old young Lang took the princess as his disciple?

But Li forgot to worry but didn\'t dare to say this, otherwise Li Er would have said something about Ma Zhou and Yan Li.

Come on, accept Changle as a disciple. More lice don\'t itch and more debt don\'t worry. Anyway, I even take Ma Zhou and Yan Liben as disciples. How can I have more little princesses?

Li forgets worry now also completely numb, can only nod to answer this matter.

Li Er suddenly said, "by the way, Ziyou, since you have accepted Changle as your disciple, you might as well just accept Chengqian and Qingque together."

Li Er\'s words were casual, but they sounded like thunder in Li forgetful\'s ears.

"Uncle, uncle, what are you talking about? I seem to have heard something wrong just now." Li forgets to worry, his eyes wide and round, and his face can\'t believe it.

Li Er asked him to take Li Chengqian and Li Tai as his disciples?

What does he want?

Emperor teacher! If the 16-year-old Kaiguo County man dares to accept the prince and the king of Yue as his disciples, he is afraid that he will be sprayed to death by the saliva of those great scholars in Chang\'an city!

This is different from accepting Changle as a disciple. Although Changle is expensive as a long princess, it is only a woman and is not valued by people.

Li Chengqian and Li Tai, the crown prince of the current Dynasty and the king of Yue, who dares to accept them as disciples except great Confucianism such as Yu Shinan, Kong Yingda and Li Gang?

Imperial master, it\'s not so easy to be.

How can those who have both virtue, learning and talent do it?

Li Er glared at Li forgetful: "I asked you to accept Chengqian and Qingque as disciples. Why, don\'t you want to?"

Li forgot to worry and shook his head like a billow drum: "uncle, don\'t scare my nephew. How can the emperor master do what my nephew can do?"

"If I say you can, you can. What are you talking about?"

"That\'s not good!"

"You really don\'t want to?"

"Uncle, I don\'t want to. It\'s really difficult for people."

Li Er nodded: "well, since you don\'t want to, forget it."

Li forgot to worry. Just now he was happy, but he heard Li Er say calmly: "since you don\'t want to be the teacher of Chengqian and Qingque, I just don\'t have your nephew, Huxian man. You go out of the palace."

Li forgot to worry and was stunned. NIMA, this is a naked threat!

Can we play happily together?