Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 222

Facing the threat of Li Er\'s "turning over", Li forgets worry and immediately counsels.

There\'s no way. Anyone who is so threatened by Li Er can only admit that he is the emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

It annoys Li Er. If the goods really turn around and don\'t recognize people, how can his little body stand it?

Li forgot his worries and bowed to the "black forces" again: "what did uncle say? It\'s my honor to teach the prince and the king of Yue. I\'m duty bound, nephew!"

Li erxie glanced at him: "forget it, don\'t bother Huxian man. You\'re only 16 and so young. I\'m too embarrassed to let you accept Qian and Qingque as disciples."

Paralysis! This Li Er is not a thing! I\'m still holding myself.

Li forgot to worry and looked at Li Er\'s nostrils turning to the sky. He had an impulse to go wild.

But obviously he didn\'t dare. He had to smile: "uncle, how can this be difficult? Although I\'m 16, I already have two disciples. It\'s my blessing to be able to teach the prince and the king of Yue."

"Is it really not difficult for me?"

Li forgot to worry, his teeth were clenched and he squeezed out a smile: "no, no, how can uncle force people to be difficult?"

"Well, that\'s good. Since you strongly asked to be the teacher of Chengqian, Qingque and Changle, I\'ll agree." Li Er nodded with satisfaction, as if I gave you face.

Li Er\'s shameless expression makes Li forget his worries. He has the impulse to erect his middle finger. It\'s shameless. It\'s really shameless! What a disgrace to Datang!

He dare not say more. Now he says more and makes more mistakes. In order to avoid being molested by the shameless emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Li forget worry can only silently greet Li Er\'s family to vent his dissatisfaction.

Li Er immediately asked the Chamberlain to summon Li Chengqian and Li Tai. He was going to make his three direct parents and children worship Li forgetful as a teacher today.

Today, it is Li Er and empress Chang sun who set a trap for Li forget you. The purpose is to let Li forget you take Li Chengqian and them as disciples.

There is also a reason why so many great scholars in the court chose Li forgetful as the emperor\'s teacher instead.

One is that Li forgets worry and has outstanding talent. His talent can be seen in both those poems and the famous masterpiece "humble chamber inscription".

Being able to make people like Ma Zhou fall in love with their teachers naturally has enough ability to teach Li Chengqian them.

The second is because of Li\'s identity.

If Li forgets sorrow is not a royal family, even if he is talented again, Li Er will not make such a choice.

But Li forgetful worry was born into the royal family of Li Tang Dynasty, which is completely different.

Unlike Li Xiaogong, king of Zhao, Li Er will be afraid. Li Xiaogong\'s war achievements were almost equal to Li Er\'s. naturally, Li Er would have scruples and dare not reuse them. Only then did he send him to manage Zongzheng temple.

Li Qieyou will not threaten the throne of Li Er and Li Er\'s heirs. He is so talented that Li Er naturally looks at him differently.

The most important thing is that Li Er didn\'t tell anyone, and even empress sun didn\'t know what he really thought.

That is, Li Er wants to find a person who can restrain Li Chengqian in the future.

Li Er dotes on his three direct children. Whether it\'s Li Chengqian, Li Tai or princess Li Lizhi of Changle, Li Er dotes on them to the extreme.

But although he dotes on Chengqian, he also vaguely feels that his eldest son\'s character is somewhat inappropriate.

At the age of 6, Li Chengqian was established as the crown prince and the only heir to the Tang Empire. In order to cultivate him, Li Er carefully cultivated and patiently taught him, hoping that his beloved son could inherit his imperial career.

But just three years after Li Chengqian became prince, Li Er found that he began to disobey the law and be extravagant.

This makes Li eryin worry that after his death, no one can restrict Li Chengqian after he succeeds to the throne, and he will lose the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

Li forget worry is Li Chengqian\'s brother, and then become Li Chengqian\'s teacher. Naturally, he has a noble identity. In the future, when Li Chengqian ascends the throne, if he becomes a confused king, someone can advise him.

Li Er was also farsighted and found a tight hoop spell for Li Chengqian, who was only nine years old.

Li forgets worry. Naturally, he doesn\'t know Li Er\'s imperial mind. He just thinks it\'s too troublesome to be a child king, so he has been suffering.

When I was depressed, I saw Zheng Shangyi lying there in front of me, and my mood was even worse.

The black man pointed to Zheng Shangyi and said to Li Er, "uncle, this female official beat the palace maid for no reason and behaved badly. Please ask Uncle to preside over justice for the palace maid."

Li forgets to worry where to know that as soon as he follows the little maid out of the Li main hall, Li Er and the empress Chang sun followed him.

The conflict between Zheng Shangyi and Li forget worry has long been seen by Li Er and the eldest grandson queen, which is also the reason why Li Er asked Zheng Shangyi to continue kneeling on the ground.

When Li Er saw that Zheng Shangyi was going to play Changle with a ruler, he was already angry. If Li forgets worry and shouted quickly at that time, it is estimated that Li Er himself would rush out.

Empress Chang sun is Yan\'s mother, but Li Er is a standard loving father. Where can he see his baby daughter and be punished by Zheng Shangyi with a ruler.

For Zheng Shangyi, even if Li forgets to worry, Li Er, the crazy devil who protects women, will not let her go.

"Zheng Shangyi acted recklessly and acted recklessly. He went to Shangyi\'s post and was sent to yeting palace!" Li Er opened his mouth and sentenced Zheng Shangyi, who was kneeling on the ground, to death.

Yeting palace is a part of Taiji palace.

Yeting palace is the place where the palace maids live. At the same time, it is responsible for detaining the guilty concubines and princesses, as well as the wives and daughters of criminal officials who have not been born. In addition, some unpopular concubines also live here.

The predecessor of the court was the "lane" in the Western Han Dynasty. After the death of Han Gao Zu Liu Bang, Lu later imprisoned Mrs. *, the most favorite lady, so that she could pound rice every day and finally sent him to make a man.

Later, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty changed "Yongxiang" to "yeting", which was used until the Tang Dynasty.

Yeting palace is a dark place for female officials and palace maids who make mistakes. Many wives and daughters of criminal officials would rather die than enter yeting.

When Zheng Shangyi heard Li Er\'s words, the whole person was paralyzed on the ground and howled at Li Er.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me. For the sake of the Zheng family in Xingyang, please forgive me this time. I will never dare again. Huxian man, my maid is wrong. My maid apologizes to her. Please let your majesty forgive me."

Zheng Shangyi didn\'t mention the Zheng family in Xingyang. It\'s OK. When he mentioned the Zheng family in Xingyang, Li Er felt even more disgusted. These aristocratic families with five surnames and seven hopes in the Tang Dynasty are still adding eye medicine to him in the court. How can Li Er not hate it.

Li forgot to worry, and was too lazy to pay attention to Zheng Shangyi. He did not say a word and looked on coldly.

"Somebody! Drag her away! Send her to work in the yeting palace!" Li Er was too lazy to listen to her wailing, and ordered the Chamberlain behind him.

Several internal attendants immediately came forward, dragged Zheng Shangyi, who was crying like a dead dog, sealed her mouth and dragged her away.

When Zheng Shangyi\'s wailing finally disappeared, Li forgot to worry and felt that the evil spirit in his heart had been reduced by a few points.