Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 220

When the east palace guard hurried to the scene, he just saw Li forgetful slapping Zheng Shangyi in the face.

The guards of the east palace were surprised to see that the female official in the palace was beaten and was still the five grade female official Zheng Shangyi.

"Stop, who are you?" the guards of the East Palace pulled out their weapons, aimed at Li forgetful and shouted.

Regardless of the pain on her face, the beaten little maid quickly stopped Li forgetful and stopped the east palace guards from using force.

"Don\'t be rude! This is Huxian man. Her royal highness asked Huxian man to accompany Princess Changle."

Zheng Shangyi stood up, stared at Li forgetful bitterly, and said sarcastically, "nonsense! What Huxian man? Why haven\'t I heard of the county Baron with this title in Chang\'an City? Catch him quickly. This man must be trying to sneak into the east palace! And this maid must be his accomplice!"

Li forgot to worry and glanced at her with disgust. Although this woman looks ok, her character is like a poisonous scorpion. It\'s really disgusting.

Even Princess Changle despised Zheng Shangyi, then shouted to the east palace guard crisp: "don\'t do it, this is brother forgetting worry, he\'s not a bad man."

With that, Changle hid behind Li forgetful.

The forbidden guard of the East Palace was also a little silly when Princess Changle said so.

When did Princess Changle emerge a brother who forgot his worries?

The fire chief of the forbidden guard did not dare to neglect, nor did he pay attention to Zheng Shangyi\'s clamor. He politely hugged Li forgetful and said, "is there a goldfish talisman under your feet?"

Li forgot to worry, nodded, reached out and took out his goldfish charm and handed it to him.

The fire chief of the forbidden guard checked Li forgetful\'s goldfish talisman, immediately respectfully and handed it back with both hands: "if someone is dissatisfied, it\'s Huxian man face-to-face. It\'s more offending."

Li forgot to worry and waved his hand: "those who don\'t know don\'t sin. There\'s no need to be polite."

"What? He\'s really a man from Kaiguo county? Well, how can this be?" Zheng Shangyi couldn\'t believe it when she saw that Li forget you actually took out the goldfish charm.

How can this boy in white be a Kaiguo County man?

Li forgot to worry, stretched out his hand, pulled the little maid aside and said to Zheng Shangyi, "now you can apologize to her!"

His move made the little maid look at Li forgetful in the wrong eyes. She didn\'t expect that the dignified Kaiguo County man would force the Zheng people in Xingyang to apologize for her humble maid.

Unconsciously, the little maid\'s cheeks turned red and her heart was like a deer bumping.

"I... I..." Zheng Shangyi finally panicked.

Li Qieyou stepped forward and looked straight into Zheng Shangyi\'s eyes: "apologize!"

Zheng Shangyi never paid attention to these ordinary palace maids. Now she has to apologize to the little palace maids. It\'s really worse than killing her.

"I\'ll say it for the last time and apologize to... Her..." Li forgets to worry and stares at Zheng Shangyi, saying word by word.

Zheng Shangyi suddenly went crazy and shouted, "I\'m a member of the Zheng family in Xingyang, a family of thousands of years! When I was famous in the world, the ancestors of this bitch didn\'t know where to pile dung and dig earth. Why should I apologize to this bitch?"

Li forgot to worry, but was amused by her words. Xingyang Zheng, Xingyang Zheng again! Do you have the same five surnames, seven hopes and eight characters as the Zheng family in Xingyang?

How can you meet these people with five surnames and seven hopes wherever you go, and their behavior style is so disgusting?

"Xingyang Zheng, ha ha, what a great prestige!" Li forgot to worry and picked his eyebrow: "it seems that you Xingyang Zheng just made an apology to me. Zheng KangBo provoked me. What are you?"

"What? I apologize to the Zheng family in Xingyang. How is this possible? You\'re talking nonsense!" Zheng Shangyi couldn\'t believe what he said. What about the boy even if he was a man in Kaiguo county? How can the Zheng family in Xingyang apologize to him?

In Zheng Shangyi\'s mind, a millennium family like the Zheng family in Xingyang, one of the five surnames and seven hopes, even in the face of the founding Duke? Can you force them to bow their heads?

Li Qieyou stepped forward again and stared into Zheng Shangyi\'s eyes: "I say it for the last time, apologize!"

Zheng Shangyi stepped back in a panic, but suddenly stopped his neck: "don\'t think about it if you want me to apologize to this bitch! What about the man in Kaiguo county? Do you dare to continue to commit murder in the Tai Chi palace in full view of the public?"

Her move made Li forget his worries and look silly. The female official is so single that Li forgets to worry. It\'s not good to continue to attack.

The slap given to Zheng Shangyi just now was pure hate.

I wanted to subdue the female official and ask her to apologize to the little maid in waiting, so I gave it up.

But Zheng Shangyi actually went up with him, which made Li forget worry a little embarrassed.

Continue to violence Zheng Shangyi, it obviously can\'t. For one thing, he really didn\'t want to be rude to women. Just now, it was just because of the exception of shortness of breath.

Second, Zheng Shangyi is a female official in the palace after all. If a man of Kaiguo County beats a female official in the palace, it will be too bad to spread the bad news. He doesn\'t want to be a bad person.

Li forgot to worry and snorted coldly. He simply ignored the scorpion woman.

He comforted the little maidservant and turned to Princess Changle and said, "Changle, brother, go play with you."

"Well, I\'ve been looking forward to this worry free brother coming to the palace to play with me. Let\'s go quickly." Princess Changle said happily.

Li forgot to worry and smiled and touched Changle\'s small head. When they were about to leave, Zheng Shangyi stopped in front of them.

"Don\'t go! Princess Changle must recite nvze today before she can rest!"

Li forgot to worry about being so angry with the unscrupulous woman that his teeth itched and shouted, "get away, don\'t force me to do it!"

"I\'m Shangyi. I\'ll teach Princess Changle! Princess Changle is not allowed to go anywhere until she recites the nvze today!" Zheng Shangyi seemed to see that Li forget you wouldn\'t do it again, making it worse and yelling.

Li forgot to worry about being so angry that she had nothing to say. Why is there such a bitch in the Tai Chi palace?

Princess Changle pouted her lips high and looked unhappy.

Those forbidden guards of the east palace were even more silly. Zheng Shangyi was really tough. He didn\'t give Huxian man and Princess Changle any face.

It seems that Zheng Shangyi is responsible for Princess Changle. In fact, she just wants to take revenge and block Li forgetfulness.

Zheng Shangyi doesn\'t know how to teach Changle. All she can do is learn from the students in the private school. She just asks Princess Changle to study and endorse. If she can\'t recite it, she is a ruler thug.

Because the empress changsun is strict with her children on weekdays, although the little princess Changle is loved by thousands, she dare not violate these female officials in learning.

Even if she had to be beaten by a ruler, she could only stretch out her hand wrongfully and let those female officials punish her.

Li forgot to worry about where he was willing to give up this pink and lovely Changle, and then let Zheng Shangyi punish them with a ruler, let alone look down on their simple and rough so-called way of education.

"Go away, I\'ll explain to the saint and queen what Princess Changle taught me. I don\'t need you to make noise here." Li forgets to worry, pushes Zheng Shangyi away from her, and pulls Changle ready to go.

But I heard a burst of laughter outside the bushes: "ha ha, Ziyou, since you say so, I will answer you."