Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 217

Li forgets his worries and is helpless. He can only tell Li Er his revised plan, but Li Er is stunned to hear it.

Let Daozu show his holiness at the Luo Tian Festival? Personally break the scourge?

Isn\'t that nonsense?

As soon as Li Er\'s eyes stared, he wanted to get angry. Li forgetful worry was full of nonsense. How can such things be done?

Although Li Erzun regarded Lao Tzu as his ancestor and claimed to be the son of heaven, he did not believe that his "ancestor" could show his holiness in the presence of all civil and military officials at the Luo Tian Festival.

Even the most devout Taoists can\'t believe Li\'s statement.

This is simply playing with him like a fool!

Seeing that Li Er was going to get angry, Li forgot to worry and quickly apologized: "uncle, what my nephew said is all true. Naturally, I have a way to make Daozu become a saint. I dare to guarantee with my head that if Daozu can\'t become a saint at the luotian festival in the future, you can take off my head and kick it as a ball!"

He was also forced to hurry, so he blurted out.

The key is that he can\'t explain to Li Er how he can make Daozu appear holy, so he can only swear like this.

Seeing that Li forgot his worries so firmly, Li Er was a little surprised.

"Ziyou, don\'t joke about it. Are you really sure?"

"Uncle, I don\'t dare to make fun of people all over the world."

"What on earth can you do to let Daozu show his holiness?" Li Er asked.

Li forgot to worry and shook his head. He couldn\'t say it.

"Uncle, don\'t ask. It\'s really inconvenient for me to say. I can only promise you that when Luo Tian\'s wedding is held, the Taoist priest will show his holiness and break the scourge!"

Li Er got up and paced back and forth in the hall. He hesitated for a moment. Finally, he slapped Li forgetful on the shoulder and laughed bravely.

"OK! Since Ziyou are so sure, my uncle will believe you once. Ha ha, you dare to bet. Am I afraid of those aristocratic family leaders? I will make those bastards look good in the future!"

"Hey, hey, that\'s necessary. Uncle is invincible. The emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Wen Cheng, Wu De, will unify the Jianghu for thousands of years!" Li forgetful\'s flattery also opened his mouth and directly flattered Li Er as the leader of the sun and moon cult.

Li Er was bewildered by his words: "Ziyou, what\'s the mess? You can\'t talk like this in the future."

Li forgot to worry, touched his nose and smiled. Hehe, it seems to have gone too far.

Since Li Er chose to believe Li forgetful, he stopped asking his secret, which relieved Li forgetful.

He was really afraid that Li Er had to ask, and he really didn\'t know how to explain. After Li Er asked him about the arrangements for the Luo Tian Festival, Li forgot to worry and was ready to resign.

"Uncle, if there\'s nothing else, I\'ll leave first."

Li Er looked at him with a smile: "Ziyou, don\'t worry. Did you forget something when you entered the palace for the first time?"

Li forgot to worry. What did he forget? Do you have to give Li Er a gift to enter the Tai Chi palace?

When his father-in-law monk couldn\'t figure it out, Li Er pointed to the direction of the back Palace: "Ziyou, as the younger generation of the Li family, shouldn\'t you go to say hello to the queen after entering the palace? Don\'t forget, you young clans are under the jurisdiction of the queen."

Li forgot to worry about the sweat when he heard the speech, but he completely forgot this stubble

All Li Er\'s children, whether born to empress Chang sun or not, are under the guidance and management of empress Chang sun.

Before the coronation ceremony, the patriarchal youth like Xiang Li forgets sorrow is nominally under the responsibility of empress Chang sun for education and management.

But where does empress Chang sun have time to teach so many patriarchal teenagers that she can\'t even manage Li Er\'s children, so it\'s just a name.

Li forgets to worry that he has not yet recovered his clan identity. Where would he think of going to greet empress Chang sun.

He said with a smile: "uncle, my nephew has been reformed by the Li family of Huxian county. Now go to say hello to Her Highness the queen. This name is not honest and smooth..."

"Fuck off! Don\'t talk nonsense. It\'s the queen who wants to summon you." in response to Li forgetful\'s hypocrisy, Li Er\'s flying leg kicked directly on his fart stock: "come on, take Huxian man to the Lizheng hall to see the queen!"

Li forgot his worries and was speechless. He rubbed his painful fart - stock egg. After bowing to Li Er, he followed the waiter in the palace.

He was a little strange in his heart. The empress Chang sun summoned herself. Why? Is it for the carriage business? Shouldn\'t we talk to the beauty boss?

Now Su Changqing is a frequent visitor to the Tai Chi palace. He has been in and out of the palace for a long time and teaches empress Chang sun and Princess Yang Yoga.

According to Su Changqing, there are more and more concubines practicing yoga with empress Chang sun in the Tai Chi palace.

The beauty boss looks like the first yoga instructor of the Tang Dynasty

The Li main hall where empress Chang sun is located actually does not belong to the rear palace, but a part of the east palace.

Now, Prince Li Chengqian of the East Palace is only nine years old. Although he was registered as Prince, he still belongs to a little child and can\'t live without the care of empress Chang sun.

So it\'s no surprise that empress Chang sun set up her bedroom in the east palace.

As a result, it was much more convenient for Li to go to the Lizheng hall to meet the empress Chang sun. Although he hasn\'t reached the crown yet, he is also a man. If he goes in and out of the back palace, Li Er is not allowed.

Sixteen is a teenager in later generations, but in Datang, it is the age to be a father.

When Li Er married empress Chang sun, he was only 15 years old. Therefore, Li Qieyou can\'t go to the forbidden area of the back palace, but Li Zhengdian is located in the East Palace, which is an exception.

Li forgot to worry and followed the waiter. He turned left and right in the Taiji palace of Nuo da. After several palace prohibitions, he came to the outside of the Lizheng Hall of the east palace.

"Tell your Highness the queen that Huxian male Li forgets his worries and asks for an audience."

"Let him in." the voice of empress Chang sun came from the hall.

After getting permission, Li forgot to worry and followed the Chamberlain into the Lizheng hall. But when he saw a palace beauty in her twenties and eighties smiling at him, Li forgot to worry. Knowing that this was the empress Chang sun, he quickly bowed down and saluted.

"Li, a male from Chenhu County, forgets his worries and has met his Royal Highness the queen."

Li forgot to worry and noticed that empress Chang sun was pregnant. He immediately reacted that the fetus in empress Chang sun\'s womb was the next emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Li Zhi, Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty!

Now empress Chang sun has given birth to two sons and a daughter for Li Er. They are Prince Li Chengqian, King Li Tai of Yue and Princess Li Lizhi.

In addition, Li Zhi, who is still in the womb, Li Mingda, Princess Xincheng and empress Chang sun have given birth to three men, four women and seven direct children for Li Er.

For Li Er\'s strong seeding ability, Li forget worry can only secretly feign, it\'s too strong!

"Well, you call Erlang your uncle. Why do you call me your Highness the queen? In private, Ziyou will also call me your aunt." the eldest Sun Queen smiled.

Li forgot to worry and naturally nodded: "yes, my aunt is on, and I am worshipped by my nephew."

The skin of this goods is absolutely thick enough. Before he crossed, he was no younger than Li Er and empress Chang sun. Now, however, one uncle and one aunt are crying, with a trace of embarrassment and embarrassment