Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 216

The next day, Li forgot to worry and woke up with a splitting headache. He found that he had been sent back to Dingzhou village by the dandies yesterday.

Su Changqing glared at him angrily and ordered Peilan to bring him sober soup.

After Li forgets his worries, he finally wakes up from his hangover.

Su Changqing explained the situation of those aristocratic families, dignitaries and senior officials in Chang\'an city yesterday.

Li forgot to worry and looked at the thick gift list and famous notes in his hand. He was also a little silly.

As expected, there is no secret in Chang\'an city. I revealed my identity in Wannian County Yamen. Unexpectedly, the whole Chang\'an City knew it in less than an hour.

However, looking at the number of gift lists counted by Li Heng, he felt a little dark and cool in his heart.

A gift worth five million dollars

A month ago, he was still worried about the huge debt of 2 million yuan owed by his family. As a result, in the afternoon, the gifts sent by the dignitaries in Chang\'an City were worth 5 million yuan.

"Sure enough, the wine and meat in Zhumen are smelly, and the road is frozen to death!" Li forgot to worry and muttered.

Such a large sum of money was just a small gift for him as a man from Kaiguo county. How much wealth did those aristocratic family leaders and high-ranking officials have.

"How to deal with the money?" asked Su Changqing.

Li forgot to worry for a moment and replied, "take it for the moment. If we can cooperate with Li Shimin to perform the play well this time and make an order to kill locusts as soon as possible. If Guanzhong road will not cause a great famine, we can use this money to start the wine making workshop."

"Don\'t you pay back the money of the county government first?"

"Hey, hey, it\'s still early anyway. I\'ll owe it first." Li forgets worry. He won\'t be in a hurry to pay back the money. Anyway, he is now knighted. Can Yang Zui still ask him for debt?

Besides, I agreed with Yang Zuan that I would pay back the money in a year. What would I do if I paid back the money so early?

Su Changqing turned his beautiful eyes: "just bully others. Yang Zui is a sincere man."

"How can it be called bullying? We trust each other." Li Qieyou said unhappily, "besides, Yang Zuo is also a sincere person. Hum, he didn\'t give me less tricks, so I didn\'t see his sincerity! He\'s not as sincere as his teacher Yu Shinan. That\'s the earnest elder."

"Are you going to pay back Yu Shinan\'s one million dollars?" Su Changqing glanced at him.

"Also, this must be returned. Later, you ask Li Heng to prepare gold for me. When I go to Chang\'an City, I will visit Yu Shinan."

Su Changqing nodded, suddenly remembered something, and asked, "by the way, forget your worries. How come the currency of Datang is gold and copper, and silver? Does Datang have no silver?"

She hadn\'t noticed this before. Yesterday, when she looked at the gift list, she found that all the gifts were gold, jewelry and silk, but no one gave silver money, which made her curious.

As soon as Li forgot to worry, he patted on the forehead and remembered that he had not told her about it, so he explained it.

It turns out that in the Tang Dynasty, silver is not a legal currency.

The main function is to make all kinds of ornaments, utensils and pay taxes. The counties in Datang will convert the taxes into silver and transport them to Beijing.

The status of silver in Datang is similar to that in modern society. It is valuable, but it cannot be consumed as money.

You can\'t go shopping in the modern store with a silver ingot, can you? You have to get kicked out.

Therefore, Datang only recognizes copper money as currency and gold as a substitute for large payment, which is naturally accepted and recognized.

Li forgets to worry about an explanation, which makes Su Changqing suddenly realize that his feelings have been cheated by future generations of unscrupulous TV writers.

After discussing the financial arrangements at home, Li forgets his worries and remembers that he hasn\'t done anything yet.

He quickly called Niu Wu and asked him if he had brought back the statue of the Taoist ancestor yesterday.

Niu Wu naturally didn\'t forget to bring the statue, although he didn\'t understand what Lang Jun wanted the statue to do.

After Niu Wu asked him to move the statue of Daozu, Li forget worry pulled Su Changqing and ran to the backyard study with the statue.

Li Qieyou and Su Changqing stayed in the study all morning mysteriously, which surprised Li Heng, Alfred and Peilan.

It was not until noon that the door of the backyard study finally opened. Li forgetful came out with a thief smile on his face.

After lunch, Li forgot to worry and hurried to Chang\'an city again with Niu Wu.

First, I went to xuandu temple and confirmed with Yuan Tiangang and Abbot of xuandu temple the preparation of Luo Tian grand festival.

After discussing for a while, Li forgot to worry and confirmed that there was no problem with the Luo Tian grand festival held in the Tai Chi palace two days later. Then he went to the Tai Chi palace and asked to see Li Er.

This is the first time that Li forgets to worry about entering Taiji palace. He handed over his goldfish charm and asked to see Li Er. Before long, an internal attendant welcomed him into the palace.

In the sweet dew hall, Li Erzheng sat beside several cases and looked at the official documents. After Tong Bing, the internal attendant invited Li forgetful into the hall.

"Chenhu County male Li forget worry, see your majesty." Li forget worry respectfully saluted Li Erhang.

"All right, I\'ll call you uncle in private." Li Er looked in a good mood. He waved back the waiter and said to Li forgetful with a smile.

Li Qieyou naturally pushed the boat with the water and responded impolitely.

"Ziyou, how are you getting ready for Luo Tian\'s grand wedding?"

"Uncle, little nephew, I have invited master yuan Tiangang and master yuan Xian to preside over the Luo Tian Festival. Don\'t worry, those aristocratic family leaders will be surprised in the future!" Li forgot to worry, patting his chest and promised.

Li Er frowned: "what is surprise?"

"Er..." Li forgot to worry for a moment. Ma Dan said something wrong. Where did the Tang Dynasty come from? What glasses?

He was sweating and quickly explained: "it\'s shocking. Hey, my nephew made a slip of the tongue."

Li Er didn\'t care if he made a slip of the tongue, but asked, "you said Yuan Tiangang, but the magistrate of Huojing County, Shu county?"

"Yes, has uncle heard of him?"

Li Er nodded slightly: "a minister of the central court recommended this man to me. He said he was an ancient genius in Shu divination. I also thought about calling him to Chang\'an for an interview. I didn\'t expect that he had come to Chang\'an."

"Hey, it was recommended by the old immortal Sun Simiao. Yuan Tiangang happened to come to Chang\'an city to report to the Ministry of officials. My nephew found him and asked him to answer the matter."

"Since it was recommended by old immortal sun, I can\'t be wrong. But I\'m still worried that those aristocratic families won\'t easily admit defeat..." Li Er pondered.

Li forgot to worry, but the thief said with a smile: "uncle, you can rest assured. I dare to guarantee my title. After the luotian Festival is held in the future, those aristocratic family leaders will have nothing to say. The plague of locusts will not be mentioned again. Uncle can directly issue an imperial edict to kill locusts."

"Oh? What else can you do? Tell me." Li Er smiled.

Li forgot to worry and shook his head again and again. "The Buddha said," you can\'t say it. It won\'t work if you say it. "

Li Er was so angry at his words that he reached out and said, "bastard, you\'re still lying in ambush with me. Tell me quickly! Otherwise, I\'ll beat your fart stock!"

Li forgets his worries and is speechless. The emperor is great! You can fart at will. - stock?

Uh, well, it\'s really great. I can\'t afford to