Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 218

Empress Chang sun nodded with satisfaction, but what she said almost made Li forget about falling over.

"In fact, it\'s not the palace that wants to find you, but Changle. Changle wants to see your brother very much and wants you to play with her. Forget your worries, what do you mean?"

Li forgets to worry about the words of empress Chang sun, which makes him unable to close his mouth for a long time.

what? Princess Changle?

It seems that Princess Changle is just a seven-year-old girl? Empress Chang sun summoned herself to the Li main hall just to play with a girl in grade one and grade two of primary school?

You don\'t use bean bags as dry food!

Li forgot to worry, snorted coldly, pulled down his face and arched his hand at the eldest grandson Queen: "Your Highness queen, although someone is not talented, he also has backbone! How can he humiliate someone like this? Let someone play with children. Don\'t think about it!"

As soon as he shook his robe and turned around, he walked with his head up and laughed twice. He read aloud: "laugh up and go out. Are we Penghao people!"

Cough, this is just Li forgetful\'s inner drama... In the real world, Li forgetful listens to empress Chang sun and shows a flattering smile.

"Aunt, sister Changle wants to see me? That\'s great. I haven\'t seen sister Changle yet."

With a smile in her eyes, empress Chang Sun said, "would you be too aggrieved by the Huxian man playing with Changle?"

"No, no, aunt, what\'s this? It\'s my honor to play with sister Changle."

Li Lianyou betrayed himself shamelessly, but his heart was dripping blood... NIMA, he was most tired of playing with children since childhood, especially those bear children. He wished he could catch those bear children and beat them directly.

During a Chinese New Year in a previous life, relatives came to the family and brought the bear child to play games on his computer. The bear boy hid him under several folders. After all the precious island love action films were deleted, he hated children more and more.

But the bear boy is also a scorer, isn\'t he?

The eldest princess of Datang wants him to play with him. Can he say no?

Empress changsun knew that Li forgetful had so many inner dramas. Seeing that he was willing to play with Changle, she ordered a little maid serving beside her to lead Li forgetful to find Changle in the garden behind Lizheng hall.

Li forgets to worry with tears in his eyes and only hopes that Princess Changle is not the legendary bear child.

After giving empress Chang sun a long bow, Li forgets to worry and has no choice but to follow her to the garden.

If Li forgets worry and can grow eyes behind his head, he can see the uncontrollable smile on empress Chang sun\'s face after he turned and left

Along the way, Li Qieyou noticed that the little maid in waiting who showed her the way raised her eyes to peek at herself from time to time, and her face was flushed. She couldn\'t help feeling a little strange.

What does that mean?

Are you too handsome? Sure enough, handsome is an original sin!

When Li forgetful sorrow was still secretly happy in his heart, he saw the little maid hesitant again and again. Seeing no one around, he finally dared to whisper to Li forgetful sorrow, "Huxian man, your poetry is very good. I love your song" Xiaojing of Quchi Spring River "most."

Li Qieyou stopped in amazement and looked at the little maid in waiting.

What do you mean by that? Have all your poems been passed to the Tai Chi palace? Is this little maid still a fan of her own?

He was a little embarrassed and touched his nose: "Hey, my work is not worth mentioning."

"No, Huxian man, your poems are handed down from generation to generation, even the queen said so." the little maid in waiting was very serious and looked at him with burning eyes of worship.

Her words made Li forget his worries and embarrassed. He could only laugh twice and didn\'t know how to answer.

In the final analysis, Li forget worry is still a little guilty.

After all, those poems were copied. It was embarrassing for a little girl to look at him with adoring eyes.

He quickly cut off the topic and began to talk with the little maid in waiting.

With his eloquence nurtured by various network jokes in later generations, he soon made the little maid cluck and giggle, and almost took the wrong way.

The two walked along the road and talked. As soon as they came to the garden behind the Lizheng hall, Li forgot to worry and heard the voice of a little girl.

"Zheng Shangyi, I know I\'m wrong. Don\'t tell Aung, okay?"

"No, Princess Changle, if you don\'t recite this nvze today, I will tell empress changsun to punish you. Now read it with me. Those who abstain from extravagance must precede frugality. Fu Dan nourishes his nature and extravagance destroys virtue..."

"Stop extravagance... Extravagance must precede thrift..." the little girl said with a cry and read along.

Li forgot to worry and looked up, but a young female official was holding a ruler and forcing a pink little Laurie to endorse in the garden.

He knew in his heart that the little Lori must be princess Changle.

The female official said that Li forgets that she knew it was written by Empress Chang sun. She collected the gains and losses of ancient women and commented on them.

But forcing a seven - year-old girl to recite this thing, Li Qieyou thought it was too boring.

"Princess Changle, recite it to me."

"Quit extravagance... Extravagant..." little Laurie couldn\'t recite it. Tears were already swirling in her eyes.

"Hands out!" the female officer saw that Changle could not recite, and her face suddenly became severe. She was ready to beat her palm with a ruler as punishment.

Little Laurie stretched out her little hand wrongly, and her eyes were closed with fear.

Seeing that the female official really wanted to beat Changle with a ruler, Li forgot to worry and hurriedly made a voice to stop it.


His voice startled Princess Changle and the female official. Both of them looked up in amazement.

As soon as Princess Changle saw that Li forgot to worry, she didn\'t care about the female officer next to her. She cried in surprise and ran over with her skirt.

"Brother forgetting worry, it\'s really you coming. Great, ah Niang didn\'t lie to me!"

Tang court, informal address, is still very colloquial.

Princess Changle\'s name is empress changsun. They all call her a Niang, not empress mother.

Only on formal occasions, you need to call your mother "Your Royal Highness" like outsiders.

Little princess Changle\'s face was plump and cute. That kind of cute, natural, let Li forget worry, immediately have the impulse to spoil this little cute.

Bah, it\'s unscientific that Li Er, a man with a curly beard, can give birth to such a lovely and clever daughter!

Lolita worries make complaints about Li Er\'s inheritance, for fear that little loli falls down and quickly reaches out to help her.

He was a little surprised. How could the princess Changle recognize herself at a glance? Where did he know that Changle had seen him in the waterside pavilion of Qujiang pond and never forgot him.

Changle\'s fleshy and cute little face made Li forget worry. He couldn\'t help holding out his hand and pinched her face: "Changle, I heard you want to see your brother?"

Changle giggled and didn\'t speak, but he heard a harsh scream nearby.

"Bold! Let go of your dirty hands! How many heads do you have to cut off if you dare to touch Princess Changle?"

Li forgot to worry, frowned and looked up, but the female official was staring at him angrily.

It was as if Li forgetful had done something treacherous. The female official didn\'t wait for Li forgetful to speak, pointed to his nose and scolded