Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 215

After the dandies rushed into the Wannian county yamen, they were immediately informed by the Baiqi division to Li Er, who lived in the Tai Chi palace.

Li Er didn\'t care much about the foolishness of the dandies.

Li Er actually likes and appreciates Chumo\'s dandies.

At least they have a much better temperament than those dandies of aristocratic families.

Although he was also a bully in Chang\'an City, Li Er often heard Baiqi report the mischief of these dandies, but he had never heard of them bullying the market and robbing people\'s women.

Therefore, in Li Er\'s eyes, Chumo and others are just a group of powerful children who like mischief.

But after learning that the head of the Yamen service team of Wannian County Yamen dared to trap Li forgetful, Li Er was directly angry and took several cases.

"Check it for me! Who is behind the order? I don\'t believe a small yamen squad will be so bold!"

When the county government tried the case in the lobby, the tan team killed himself. He drank too much wine and was confused for a moment. He wanted to blackmail Li forget his worries. He didn\'t tell the Taiyuan Wang behind his back, mainly because he didn\'t dare.

Although team Tan is only a small man, he also knows that he was used as a knife by Taiyuan Wang. In fact, he resents Taiyuan Wang even more in his heart.

That Taiyuan Wang Shi te is not a thing. Knowing that Huxian man can\'t afford to provoke himself, he even urged him to find Huxian man\'s trouble. It\'s really despicable and shameless!

However, Tan team no longer resented the Taiyuan Wang family in his heart. He did not dare to buy him off and let him clean up Li forget his worries.

He has offended Li forget worry and is now sentenced to three thousand miles. However, if he offended the Wang family in Taiyuan, I\'m afraid whether he can get out of Chang\'an city alive is a problem.

In fact, team Tan wronged Prince Qiao. He really didn\'t know that Li forgetful was knighted, otherwise he wouldn\'t use this inferior way to trap Li forgetful.

Although team Tan didn\'t give Prince Qiao, Baiqi still found out what happened.

Li Er laughed angrily when he learned that he was Wang ziqiao, the eldest son of the Wang family in Taiyuan.

The five surnames are Qiwang. Sure enough, they don\'t pay attention to the royal family of Li Tang!

After giving him eye drops in the court, even his nephew wants to bully him. Good, very good!

Li Er, the same black man, didn\'t attack on the spot, but he made an account for Taiyuan Wang\'s family in his "little black book"

Wang ziqiao and Cui Daogu were still drinking and having fun in the brothel of Hualou in pingkang square.

But I heard the news from Wannian County Yamen that team Tan was sentenced to the crime of false accusation.

Eighty years of war, three thousand miles of flow, and three years of apprenticeship.

In this regard, Prince Joe didn\'t even lift his eyelids. It seems that team Tan has nothing to do with him.

But when he heard that Li forgot to worry about Huxian county had been knighted by the sage, the male of Kaiguo County, and the title of Huxian County, his face changed, and he didn\'t even know that the wine cup in his hand fell on the floor.

"You, what are you talking about? That bastard was knighted by a saint?"

"Yes, the male of fengjuhu County, his goldfish Funa Luming house can see very clearly."

Wang ziqiao\'s eyes were bloodshot and roared, "why should he be knighted! Why!"

In his rage, Prince Joe swept all the things on the table to the ground. He shouted angrily at the prostitutes who were scared to lose their appearance: "get out, get out!"

Cui Daogu and others also looked at each other. No one expected that the young man in white of the Li family in Huxian county was expelled from the imperial clan. Just a few months later, the carp jumped over the dragon\'s gate and became one of the honourable officials of the Tang Dynasty.

As a result, Taiyuan Wang\'s previous withdrawal has become a big joke.

Such a talent was driven by them to force the Li family to withdraw from their marriage and offer nearly two hundred liang of gold. This is a fool\'s behavior of picking up sesame seeds and throwing watermelon.

Naturally, they were too lazy to comfort the runaway Prince Joe and secretly planned how to get along with the Li family in the future.

Not to mention how Prince Joe was furious in the brothel of the painting building and smashed the elegant room into a mess. Huxian Li forgot to worry about being knighted, which spread rapidly in Chang\'an city like a storm.

Everyone was surprised at this.

There are those who envy and those who are pleased. There are also many jealous people. The officials in Chang\'an City, Xun GUI family, have reacted to this one by one.

After receiving the news, Xun GUI and the aristocratic family immediately sent people to Dingzhou village, Huxian county to send a generous gift to the Li family as a token of congratulations and a good marriage.

When Li forgets sorrow and is still being drunk by the dandies, Dingzhou village has become very lively.

An endless stream of people knocked on the door of the Li family, handed in their master\'s post, and then offered a generous gift.

Even the Wang family in Taiyuan can only pinch their nose and send their servants to the Li family.

Including the Zheng family in Xingyang, the Lu family in Fanyang, the five surnames and Qiwang also sent someone to send a generous gift to the Li family as a token of congratulations.

This made the old housekeeper Li Heng busy, and the smile on his face never stopped.

He roughly estimated the value of so many gifts. The huge amount of money owed by his family can be easily paid off, and he can be a lot richer.

Su Changqing was also shocked by all kinds of valuable gifts. Rao was well-informed in her previous life, but she had never seen such a grand occasion.

The beauty boss was still a little uncertain about how to dispose of these gifts. She simply asked Li Heng to register them all, and then put them in the warehouse. After Li forgets his worries, he will discuss the disposal.

At the Li family in Dingzhou village, when Su Changqing was still worried about happiness, Li forgot his worries, but he was filled with dandies.

He dares to swear that these bastards are definitely intentional!

Chumo and others are really trying to forget Li\'s worries. First, they are happy for him, and second, they are a little jealous.

Chumo and his family are honored as little princes by outsiders. In fact, if they want to inherit the title, they must wait until their father-in-law dies.

And only the eldest son can inherit their father\'s title, but others are not qualified.

For example, Fang Yiai has nothing to do with Fang Xuanling\'s title. It can only be inherited by his brother Fang Yizhi. The three brothers of the Cheng family only have Cheng Chumo, who can inherit Cheng Yaojin\'s title in the future.

Moreover, when inheriting, the rank decreases in order, and each generation decreases by one level. You can inherit three generations, and you won\'t inherit after three generations.

Therefore, now that Li forgets to worry about being knighted, even the lowest founding County man makes a lot of dandies secretly envy, envy and hate.

Especially after Li forgot to worry about taking out his goldfish charm in an extremely forced and indifferent attitude and passing it on to the dandies, the dandies were even more unhappy.

Tell you to pretend to force him!

The dandies were unhappy. As a result, they took turns to fight. Li forgetful was poured over again and drank fragments again