Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 214

Facing a pile of questions from the dandies, Li forgets worry and doesn\'t know how to answer them.

But I heard a heavy cough nearby: "cough, you boys, are you going to pretend not to see me?"

When the dandies heard of the reputation, they bowed down and saluted one by one. Why is this big man also in Wannian County Yamen?

"I\'ve seen Duke Wei!"

"I\'ve seen Li Shangshu!"

Li Jing came forward and seemed to blame them. In fact, he intimately gave them a chestnut: "if you don\'t learn well, Wannian County Yamen dare to break in! It seems that I have to talk to them about how to discipline my son?"

Chumo pleads for mercy with a bitter face: "Duke Wei, aren\'t we afraid that Ziyou will be bullied by Wannian county? Hey, hey, please forgive us this time."

Even Cheng Yaojin, Yuchi Jingde and other famous generals could not compare Li Jing\'s status in the Tang military.

It is no exaggeration to say that half of the Tang Dynasty was fought by Li Jing, which shows his position.

It was precisely because of the great credit and high status that Li Jing closed her door to show her innocence, saved herself and got a good end in her old age in order not to be suspected by Li Er and falsely accused of rebellion.

It is recorded in the old book of Tang Dynasty that Jing is to close the door and prevent guests, although relatives are not allowed to enter.

Closing the door and guarding oneself is to close the door and completely isolate from the outside world. Even relatives don\'t receive it, so as to prove that they don\'t have a sense of surrender.

In later novels, it is said that Li Jing opened the door to anyone to visit at will in order to prove her innocence. This is the opposite.

As the founding Duke of the Li family, even if the door is open, outsiders can\'t see anything... Because the government is too big

Chumo and his group of dandies suddenly see Li Jing here. Everyone is scared.

They dared to play tricks with ludjing, but in front of Li Jing, they were as good as kittens and didn\'t dare to blow their hair at all.

Even Fang Yiai and others turned their resentful eyes on Li forgetful. That means, brother, why didn\'t you say that the big man was here earlier? I don\'t know how to inform my brothers. It\'s really not righteous enough!

Li forgot to worry and turned his eyes. You directly entered Wannian County Yamen. Where can I tell you?

Li Jing gave them a kick in the fart stock: "well, no one dares to bully Li Xiaolang, you guys, you can get out!"

"Yes, yes, let\'s go now." Chumo and others, if granted amnesty, hurried to sa Yazi and ran away. Before they ran, they forgot to wink and give a secret signal to Li forgetful sorrow, meaning that they were waiting for him outside the county government office and went back to drink together.

Li Qieyou was moved and speechless. These dandies are so cute.

After the dandies withdrew from Wannian county government, Lu Dejing looked at the government servants who were beaten black and blue by the dandies. They also wanted to cry without tears.

There was no place to reason about it, and he didn\'t dare to go to the trouble of those dandies because of it. He had to hold his nose and admit it.

He glared angrily at the tan team kneeling on the ground. Now Lu Dejing has no intention to protect him at all.

After making an invitation gesture to Li Jing and Li forget you, Lu Dejing went directly to the county government hall to ask questions.

Tan Bangtou and a cadre of Yamen servicemen trapped Huxian man Li forgetting his worries. The evidence is conclusive and undeniable.

Lu Dejing was also very straightforward. According to the crime of false accusation plus third class, he sentenced team Tan in court. He fought 80, lost 3000 miles and worked hard for three years.

Other accomplices to the Yamen service were also sentenced to 30 battles to open up the county yamen public office.

"Duke Wei and Huxian male, are you satisfied with this punishment in this county?" Lu Dejing asked Li Jing and Li forget your worries flatteringly.

Li Jing is noncommittal about this. He just doesn\'t like the behavior of these yamen servants.

Li forgets to worry but shakes his head: "Lu Mingfu, do you remember to falsely accuse the product official, and the conviction is worse than sitting back."

"This..." Li forgot to worry, but Lu Dejing had some toothache.

He knew that what Li forgetful worry said was not wrong. According to the law of the Tang Dynasty, the punishment would be more serious if he falsely accused officials of grade.

But anyway, team Tan is his "cheap father-in-law". Can he still sentence team Tan to hang? Then little Tan in his family has to jump into a well.

Without waiting for Lu Dejing to explain, he saw Li forget his worries and sighed: "but forget it, who makes this man\'s house kind-hearted, that\'s it."

In this regard, Lu Dejing quickly bowed his hand and thanked Li forgetful.

Seeing that Li forgetful is no longer investigating his crime of falsely accusing the product officer, team Tan, who has just been fighting 80 battles and lies bloody on the county government hall and almost fainted, thanked Li forgetful with gratitude.

Li Jing also thought that Li forgot to worry was to let go of the tan team. She also twisted her beard and nodded with satisfaction. She felt that the Li Xiaolang was really pure and good.

In fact, the black man is not kind enough to let go of team tan. He wants ludjing to judge this bastard and make an example, so as not to bully his Li family in the future.

But Li forgot to worry just now, but he remembered that it was the second year of Zhenguan, and there was a great plague of locusts in the world. Many people sold their children and women in exchange for clothing and food.

By April, Li Er would have ordered the royal palace to redeem the sold children and return them to their parents. Because of last year\'s long rain, this year, it suffered from drought and locusts, thus amnesty.

Amnesty, as its name implies, is to pardon all criminals in the world, let bygones be bygones and write them off.

In addition to major crimes such as rebellion, crimes such as team Tan, even if sentenced to hanging, will be pardoned by Li Er before the end of the year.

In that case, he forced ludjing to sentence him by hanging, which was meaningless. He might as well give him a verbal favor.

Seeing that Li forgot his worries and would no longer be investigated, Lu Dejing ordered the Yamen to put Tan ban tou in prison first, and then exiled for three thousand miles and sent him to Lingnan to serve his sentence.

A farce was finally over. Li forgetful and Li Jing were respectfully sent out of the county government by Lu Dejing.

Li Jing encouraged Li to forget his worries and left with his own episode.

After he left, the group of dandies immediately ran out and surrounded Li forgetful.

Chumo looked ferocious: "Ziyou, you\'ve been knighted by a saint. How dare you hide such a big thing from your brothers? Tell yourself, what crime should you commit?"

"Yes, Ziyu, your behavior really makes us sad. How can you make up for me?" Fang Yiai also pinched his knuckles and threatened.

Li Qieyou quickly made a circle of bows and bows: "brothers, all the mistakes are the fault of my younger brother. In order to make up for your brothers, how about my younger brother being the host today?"

"Ha ha, that\'s right! Walk, Ping Kang Fang or hu man\'s restaurant?" has the final say. "

Ma Dan, I knew these bastards wanted to drink flower wine! Despise them!

When Li forget worry and a group of dandies rode to the wine shop, the news that he was knighted by Li Er spread rapidly in Chang\'an city with Wannian county government as the center, which attracted waves in Chang\'an City