Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 213

For the surprise of Li Jing, the Duke of Wei, Li forgets to worry. He can only smile and shrug his shoulders. He doesn\'t know how to answer.

He was also surprised to be knighted by Li Er, okay?

Who knows why Li Er, who has always been "stingy", was knighted when he only came up with a waterwheel and a four-wheel carriage.

Li Er is quite cautious about being knighted. He won\'t be knighted without great merit.

Just look at Kong Yingda, such a great scholar in the court hall, who has not been able to get a title, we can see how difficult it is to be knighted.

Li forgot to worry about why he was knighted because he underestimated the significance of the four wheeled carriage to the Tang Dynasty.

After Li Er submitted the drawing of the four wheeled carriage to the Ministry of industry for trial production and improvement, it was confirmed that four horses could transport 30 stone goods at a time and travel 300 miles a day.

This result shocked Li Er, Fang Xuanling and other important officials. For the vast Tang Dynasty, the four-wheel carriage is too important.

Its importance is even far beyond what Li forget worry can imagine.

Now the Ministry of work has begun to make large-scale four-wheel carriages. Li Er and Fang Xuanling and other important officials are convinced that with enough four-wheel carriages to transport food and grass for logistics, the horseshoes of the Tang Dynasty will expand their territory a lot.

Therefore, in Li Er\'s view, Li forgets to worry and presents the drawings of the four wheeled carriage, which is no less than opening up the territory. In fact, a man in the founding county is not enough to commend his meritorious deeds.

However, Li forgets to worry that he is too young. It may not be a good thing to grant a higher title before he reaches the crown.

Out of love, Li Er thought it over and over again before he granted Li Qieyou the title of male of Kaiguo county.

But in the eyes of uninformed others, it has been too shocking.

Li forgot to worry about being expelled from the clan by the Li family in Huxian County, and his name was also checked out in the Yellow Book of Zongzheng temple.

But in Li Er\'s opinion, it was purely Li\'s brain disability in Huxian county.

Huxian Li did not recognize Li forgetting his worries, but Li Er now regarded him as a treasure.

Had it not been for Li\'s failure to reach the crown, Li Er estimated that he would have ordered Li to return to the royal clan as the owner of the family.

Even if there is no official order now, the Zongzheng temple has not yet re entered Li forgetful into the clan yellow book. However, just because Li Er told Li forgetful to call him uncle at the Li family that day, it is enough to explain Li Er\'s attitude.

Knowing that the young man in white is actually a Kaiguo County man, Lu Dejing is not good.

He quickly and respectfully saluted Li QIAOYOU: "I don\'t know the identity of Huxian man. It\'s really presumptuous just now. Please don\'t blame Huxian man."

Lee forgot his sorrow so far, but he can\'t suck up his title.

It\'s also a respectful title. How domineering are others?

The titles of defending the country and Lu are so loud that they call themselves Huxian... Will they be honored as Huxian Gong when they are granted the title of founding the country in the future?

Thinking of this possibility, Li forgot to worry and couldn\'t help shivering. It\'s really terrible.

For Lu Dejing\'s courteous performance, Li forgets his worries. He just nodded calmly: "Lu Mingfu doesn\'t need to be polite, as long as he can give an explanation."

With that, he looked at Tan Bangtou and others who were kneeling on the ground and shivering: "Lu Ming\'s house, go to the court for trial now! There is still something to go into the palace to see the sage in a moment. There is not much time to delay."

Li forgetful worry\'s words completely broke Lu Dejing\'s idea of protecting Tan\'s team. He had no choice but to make an invitation gesture to Li Jing and Li forgetful worry, and was ready to go to the county government hall to ask questions.

In Wannian county yamen, a group of Yamen servants and scribes all cast sympathetic eyes on Tan Bangtou and others who knelt on the ground.

It seems that the tan team is doomed to be unlucky. Who told him that he was so unkind that he went to trap a Kaiguo County man. Isn\'t it a trick to die?

When they were about to move to the lobby of the county government, a dozen figures rushed in from outside the county government. They shouted and scolded: "Lu Dejing, get out of here! If you dare to send someone to catch our brother, I must skin you!"

"What nonsense do with them? Kill them in and save the son!"

Before they could stop the Yamen servicemen in Wannian county yamen, they were beaten by the people who rushed into the county yamen.

This sudden scene almost made ludjing cry.

What evil is this doing today?

Li Jing, the Duke of Wei, personally came to escort the Yamen servant who committed the crime. The victim was still a male from Kaiguo County, which was enough to give him a headache.

Now the county government has been beaten in. What are you doing?

Really take bean bags as dry food? Take yourself as a cadre?

Lu Dejing\'s anger rose. He opened his mouth and wanted to ask the County Yamen to take these people down.

But when he saw the people who had been killed in the county government, a trace of anger just gushed out of his heart was immediately extinguished by him.

In his words, he also flattered and flattered: "what are you doing? If you have any orders, I will follow them."

It was Chumo and others who rushed into Wannian County Yamen.

"Zhiniang thief, your yamen servants in Wannian County dare to catch my brother. Hurry up..." Chumo didn\'t finish talking. Finally, he saw Li forgetful worry nearby. He was surprised and shouted, "Ziyou, are you okay? Have these bastards done anything to you?"

Greatly moved, Li forgot to worry and quickly waved with a smile: "I\'m fine. Thank you, brothers. Why are you here?"

Fang Yiai said with a smile, "we went to Dingzhou village to have a drink with you today. Your housekeeper said you went to xuandu temple. We went to xuandu temple to find you again. As soon as we arrived at xuandu temple, we heard the little Taoist of Taoist temple say that you were caught by the yamen of Wannian county. Don\'t we come to save you right away? Did Lu Dejing send someone to catch you?"

Li forgot to worry and was speechless. The little Taoist of xuandu Temple didn\'t speak reliably.

It is clear that he and Li Jing came to the county yamen under the pressure of the Yamen. How did he get caught by the Yamen?

Without waiting for his explanation, Lu Dejing, who was on the other side, looked bitter and said wrongly, "you little gentlemen, how dare you let the Yamen seize Huxian man? I dare not borrow my courage. It\'s really... Yes..."

He also did not know how to explain the behavior of Tan Bangtou and others.

"Wait, what are you talking about? Huxian man? Who is Huxian man?" Fang Yiai suddenly interrupted him and asked.

Chumo also looks at each other. Why does another Huxian man come out? They have never heard of the Baron of Kaiguo County in Chang\'an city.

Lu Dejing looked surprised and couldn\'t help looking at Li forgetful.

Before he could explain, Li Qieyou smiled and touched his nose. Embarrassed, he said, "Hey, brothers, I\'m Huxian man."

"What? Are you knighted?"

"Brother, you can\'t joke about this? When did you become a knight? Why didn\'t you hear from the court?"

"Huxian county? Is not the important place of Gyeonggi unsealed?"

"Where\'s the goldfish charm? Show it to me!"

"Ziyou, why did the saint grant you a title?"

A group of dandies roared and surrounded Li forgetful, trying to find out what was going on.