Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 211

The old man\'s temper was also very hot. After listening to Tan\'s team shouting like this, he slapped him in the face and made a crisp noise, which made Tan turn around in situ for several times.

After this slap, Tan\'s wine also woke up for a few minutes. He covered his face with his hand, a look that he couldn\'t believe.

Before he could speak again, the old man had bullied him, grabbed his wrist, made a buckle, cut his hands behind him, turned back and shouted, "catch them all for me and ask questions when you wake up!"

"Promise!" the strong men who followed the old man had already rubbed their hands. After hearing the old man\'s instructions, he rushed over immediately, knocked over the group of Yamen servants like a tiger down the mountain, and tied them up with ropes.

"You... Who are you?" team Tan finally felt as if he had kicked the iron plate and struggled to shout.

This series of changes were not only fooled by the tan team and a group of Yamen servants on the ground, but also stunned by Li forgetful and Niu Wu.

Li forgot to worry, but he didn\'t expect such a reversal. He also estimated that he would suffer some flesh and blood. Only when he went to Wannian county yamen, took out the goldfish charm and revealed his identity could he get out of the evil spirit.

But he didn\'t expect the old man who suddenly appeared. He cleaned up the drunken Yamen in two or three times, which made him a little relieved.

Prince Joe, who was waiting to see the excitement in the restaurant, hated to smash his wine glass on the floor.

"How could it be him? Damn it! Why was the farmland slave so lucky that he could be saved?" Prince Joe roared.

Cui Daogu also saw the old man\'s powerful scene. He could only sigh and comfort him: "brother ziqiao, your luck is really bad. You can actually meet him. Forget it. Just treat it as if it hasn\'t happened. Let your episode be more strict. We can\'t provoke that person."

"Hum!" Prince Qiao snorted coldly and stopped looking at the scene outside the window. Today, it was futile to find Li forgetful, which made him hold his breath.

"Let\'s go and drink in pingkangfang."

After Wang ziqiao went out, Cui Daogu, Cui Hong and Lu Siyang looked at each other, but their eyes showed a smile.

Although the five surnames and seven hopes share the same spirit, they also fight openly and secretly with each other. They can see that the legitimate son of the Wang family in Taiyuan eats flat again and again, which also makes them feel cool in their hearts.

Cui Daogu didn\'t bother to continue watching the excitement. They joked with each other, so they went to pingkang square to drink flower wine with Prince Qiao.

In front of the xuandu temple, team Tan was tied up by the strong man brought by the old man. After waking up for a few minutes, he finally began to be afraid and shouted at the top of his voice, "childe Wang, help me!"

But at this time, Wang ziqiao had already gone away. Where would he save him.

Even if Prince Joe didn\'t leave, with his character, I\'m afraid he will only kick him aside as garbage like those who abandoned him before.

The life and death of such petty officials was not in the eyes of Wang ziqiao at all.

Li forgets worry to hear Tan team shouting, more confirmed his guess just now.

It\'s the bastard Wang ziqiao!

I\'m not looking for you, but you\'re still trying to deal with me by such inferior means! Wang, wait for me!

Let\'s ride a donkey and read the libretto. We\'ll see!

Li forgets to worry down the anger in his heart and comes forward to the old man: "Huxian Li forgets to worry, thank you for your help."

"Oh? You are Huxian Li forgetful? Yes, you are a good-looking talent, but your bones are too weak!" the old man smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

Li forgot his worries and was speechless. How come everyone seems to know himself when he meets these old men today? Now in Chang\'an City, has your reputation been so great?

"How dare you ask your father-in-law\'s surname?"

"Old man Li Jing!"

Li Jing? The name sounds familiar

Li forgot to worry, and quickly bowed and saluted: "but Duke Wei face to face?"

"Ha ha, yes, I am."

Li forgets to worry, his heart beats faster, Tang Junshen, so he ran into him in the street?

Li Jing, the pharmacist of Chinese characters, is one of the twenty-four meritorious heroes of Lingyan Pavilion and is granted the title of Duke of Wei. He was both talented and civil, became a general and became a prime minister, made great military achievements for the Tang Dynasty, and was praised as a generation of military God by later generations.

Li forgot to worry and hurriedly saw the ceremony again. This is a real big man. No wonder it was easy. He cleaned up team tan. This action is more crisp than Niu Wu.

The abbot of xuandu temple also hurried forward to salute. Naturally, he knew the Duke Li Jing.

Wang ziqiao walked away directly because he recognized Li Jing\'s identity, so he had no choice but to leave.

After a few greetings, Li forgot to worry, pointing to the bound yamen servants, asked, "Duke Wei, what do you think of these people?"

"Hum, send it to Wannian County Yamen. I want to ask Lu Ming\'s house how he manages his petty officials!" Li Jing looked angry when he mentioned it.

He was upright and most hated these wanton petty officials. He had already seen clearly what had just happened outside the crowd.

Obviously, this group of Yamen servants want to frame Li Xiaolang and frame him to steal the statue from xuandu temple. It\'s ridiculous!

Li Jing didn\'t think much. He thought it was just that these yamen servants drank too much wine and wanted to blackmail Li forget you. He didn\'t know the gratitude and resentment between Li forget you and the Wang family in Taiyuan.

Li forget worry naturally has no opinion, and he is also thinking of giving a profound lesson to these wanton yamen servants, lest any cat and dog dare to stretch their paws at him in the future.

Li Jing\'s episode escorted the group of Yamen servants, and they went to Wannian county yamen, ready to ask questions.

Xuanyang square, where Wannian county is located, is not far from xuandu temple. After leaving Chongren square and passing pingkang square, xuanyang square is located.

The county structure of Wannian county is almost the same as that of Chang\'an County.

As soon as the party entered the county memorial archway, the Wannian county magistrate who was informed welcomed out.

Wannian county magistrate, surnamed Lu, named Dejing, is a collateral clan of the Lu family in Fanyang.

But he knew nothing about today. Prince Joe didn\'t let anyone tell him at all.

After hearing the report from his subordinates, the Minister of the Ministry of war and Li Jing, the Duke of Wei, led his own episode and escorted the team of Tan, the Yamen servant in the county yamen, to the county yamen. Lu Dejing was cluttering in his heart and said something bad.

He didn\'t know what had happened to the damn Tan team, but it must be a big deal if he could make it so that Duke Wei personally escorted them back to the county government.

"I have seen the Duke of Wei."

"Lu Mingfu, are these yamen servants from your Wannian County Yamen?" Li Jing asked directly without giving him a good face.

Lu Dejing secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva and nodded carefully: "exactly, I don\'t know how these bastards make Duke Wei angry? The lower officer will not spare them!"

Li Jing snorted coldly: "hum, these bastards are drunk on duty and frame others to steal finance. It\'s really damn!"

As he spoke, he pointed to Li QIAOYOU, meaning that this is the victim who was trapped by this group of Yamen servants.

Lu Dejing quickly looked up, but he was relieved to see that it was a young man in white.

It\'s not to provoke any aristocratic family childe or Xun GUI. It\'s just a common man in white. That\'s not a big deal.

I\'ll give him some compensation later and reprimand these yamen servants again.

Note: Li Jing was also the Duke of Wei in the second year of Zhenguan, which was advanced in the novel.