Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 210

Not far from xuandu temple, in the elegant room on the second floor of a restaurant, Prince Qiao is sitting by the window facing the street, drinking wine leisurely.

"Brother ziqiao, why did you think of drinking with us today? Why did you choose to drink in this broken restaurant? Take a walk and drink in the painting building of pingkang square."

The door of the elegant room was pushed open from the outside, and Cui Daogu, Cui Hong and Lu Siyang came in.

"Ha ha, I invite you to see a good play."

"Hmm? What good play?" asked Lu Siyang.

Wang ziqiao proudly pointed out the window: "isn\'t that a good play?"

Several people came to the window and looked in the direction of Wang ziqiao\'s hand. They just saw the scene where Li forgetful and Niu Wu were surrounded by yamen servants.

"Ha ha, brother ziqiao, your hobby is really special. Just find someone to clean up the Tian Shirang, and you have to watch it with your own eyes." Cui Daogu said with a smile: "how did you get the boy?"

It\'s good that he didn\'t mention it. Prince Joe was angry when he said it.

"Hum, I\'m in a good mood today. I want to find some scholars to accompany me to xuandu to watch flowers and relax. However, I didn\'t want to run into this farmhouse slave in xuandu temple."

Wang ziqiao drank a glass of wine: "naturally, I can\'t just let him go, so I asked my family to find a Wannian county yamen, ready to clean up this bastard."

Cui Daogu clapped his hands and shouted: "ha ha, that\'s really a trap. It\'s bad luck for this boy!"

Prince Qiao spat: "bah, it\'s even worse for me! I met Lu Kuan and Kong Yingda in xuandu Temple today. Several scholars valued by my family this spring offended those two old things for a slip of the tongue. I can only give up those wastes ruthlessly. It\'s a waste of my efforts!"

His words made Cui Daogu look at each other and couldn\'t help laughing: "ha ha, brother ziqiao, you\'re really unlucky today. But it\'s all right. Clean up the boy well, even if it\'s angry for you."

The Yamen who stopped Li forgetting worry was naturally the one prince Qiao phen ordered to find his own episode. As for the recommendation promised to him, it was just a matter of one sentence.

In the face of Wang ziqiao, it\'s easier to get an official position from the ninth grade than drinking water.

He asked his family\'s episode to go to the Yamen to clean up Li forgetful worry. He didn\'t forget to ask people to inform the aristocratic family dandies to come to the theatre together.

He was humiliated by Li Lianyou in pingkang square that day. He also lost face in front of several dandies. He came to see them today to save his face.

Several dandies sat in the restaurant, drinking wine and watching the excitement at the gate of xuandu temple.

In front of xuandu temple, the abbot rushed up to take the horizontal knife from the Yamen servants, but the Yamen servants who drank too much kicked him aside and fell to the ground.

The Taoist priest hurried forward, helped up the abbot and glared at the lawless yamen servants.

"Give it to me, lock them up! Take them back to the Yamen!" Tan Bangtou, who was drunk seven times, waved his horizontal knife and shouted to his Yamen.

He feels very good now, as if he is not wearing a soap colored public dress, but a blue official dress.

"Lang Jun, what should I do now?" Niu Wu was a little nervous. Looking at the Yamen soldiers waving horizontal knives and shaking iron chains, he had no idea for a moment.

He was not afraid of these yamen servants, but worried about his husband\'s injury. Even if he could overthrow several yamen servicemen, it was difficult to protect Li from worry.

Li Qieyou knows that there is no reason to talk to these drunk people. Even if he takes out the goldfish charm now, I\'m afraid these disoriented yamen servants will not admit their identity.

If they cut him like this, he would be wronged.

"Niu Wu, put down the statue. Don\'t break it. It\'s still useful for me. Let them lock it. Don\'t resist first. Hum, I\'ll see. Now lock us. How can they take it down later!"

Niu Wu nodded and gently put the statue of Daozu aside. Without resistance, he let those yamen servants lock themselves with latte chains.

Seeing that the one eyed strong man did not resist, all the Yamen were relieved.

The strong man is so big that they really want to make trouble. They are also worried that they will be beaten by the strong man.

"Ha ha, lock the boy! And take the statue away. This is evidence!" team Tan laughed proudly when he saw that he had controlled the situation.

The abbot of xuandu Temple looked angry and glared at team tan.

He also saw that the goods are so drunk that he dares to beat and scold himself. It\'s useless to say anything now. I\'d better wait for revenge.

"Xiao Lang, I\'ll go to Wannian County Yamen with you. I know Lu Ming\'s house. I want to ask him for justice. I\'m not finished with them today! A small class leader dare to be so rampant!"

His face was purple with anger. He turned around and ordered the little Taoist to go to Wannian County Yamen to find Lu Ming\'s house now.

The farce at the gate of xuandu Temple attracted many passers-by in Chongren square. The crowd blocked the road in front of xuandu temple, and the scene looked very chaotic.

"Give way, give way in front, what are you doing here?" there was a cry outside the crowd, and then several strong men pushed away the crowd and squeezed in.

"Hello, are you from Wannian County Yamen? Why did you arrest people in front of xuandu temple?" someone asked.

"Shit, it\'s none of your business for me. Get out of here!"

The contented team Tan shook his body and turned his head when he heard someone\'s inquiry. Impatiently, he waved the horizontal knife in his hand and shouted: "handle the case, stay away from me, or I\'ll catch you together!"

"Time on the job, drunkenness, foul language! What\'s the difference?"

An old man separated several strong men in front of him and came out from behind the crowd. Looking at the drunken Tan team, he frowned and scolded.

"How can I be on duty? I need your old man to talk more? Bah! Get out of here!" team Tan waved the horizontal knife in his hand and shouted, "old man, it\'s not true. I\'ll catch you together!"

Team Tan now feels that he is about to reach the peak of his life. Under the stimulation of alcohol, it doesn\'t matter who the person is.

Taiyuan Wang\'s family is behind him. Who else is he afraid of in Chang\'an City?

"Catch me?"

The old man laughed when he heard the speech, but the abbot of xuandu Temple recognized the person and was ready to come forward to salute.

The old man waved to him and motioned him not to come. Instead, he walked towards team tan.

"Get out of the way, old man! Get out of the way!"

When the seemingly thin old man came to team Tan, he suddenly stretched out his right hand and grabbed it directly at team Tan\'s wrist. Then he folded and buckled it, and grabbed the white blade with empty hand. The horizontal knife in team Tan\'s hand changed its owner.

"How dare you rob me of my knife? Old man, how dare you!" team Tan was scared for a while by the old man\'s sudden move. Then he opened his throat and shouted, "it\'s against heaven! It\'s against heaven! Are you going to rebel? Catch the old man!"