Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 209

Li Qieyou guessed a little, but he still arched his hand at the head of the Yamen service class politely.

"This is Li forgetful in Huxian county. What can I do for you?"

The head of the Yamen service class was burping with wine. He came forward and was ready to stretch out his hand to grasp Li forgetful\'s neck. He also scolded and shouted, "it\'s really you, boy! Shit, the man is drinking happily. You\'re looking for something for the man, aren\'t you?"

"Stop! What do you want?" the Taoist Abbot exclaimed.

Before the head of the Yamen service class grasped Li forgetful, he was firmly pulled in his hand by a strong hand. The head of the Yamen service class struggled for several times and couldn\'t break away.

Niu Wu held the gilded bronze statue of Daozu in one hand and tightly grasped the arm of the head of the Yamen service in the other hand.

"Excuse me, what do you mean?" Li forgot to worry and asked leisurely, looking at the Yamen soldiers around them.

Chongrenfang belongs to the jurisdiction of Wannian County Yamen in Chang\'an. He has never dealt with Wannian County, so he naturally doesn\'t know these Yamen.

Obviously, the head of the Yamen service class drank a little too much, and took a mouthful of saliva. Xingzi sprayed Li forgetful worry and Niu Wu with the spirit of wine: "boy, you have committed a crime! Someone accused you of stealing other people\'s property. Don\'t talk nonsense. Go back to the County Yamen with me."

"Stealing property? This tolerance, did you drink too much? Someone stole whose property?"

The abbot of xuandu temple also looked angry and scolded: "team Tan, are you crazy? Do you know where this is? How can you do anything to steal other people\'s property?"

"Bull nose, what are you talking about? You\'re crazy! I told you, this is the king..." the head of the Yamen service class suddenly realized that he almost slipped his tongue and quickly changed his mouth: "you can\'t control this! If you don\'t know interest, I\'ll catch you in prison!"

The head of the Yamen service class waved to the Yamen service around and motioned them to catch people.

This group of Yamen soldiers is obviously the same as the head of the Yamen team. It seems that they are drinking just now. At this time, they walk a little shaky and talk with a big tongue.

"Dare you! Presumptuous! You don\'t want to live, surnamed tan? I\'ll see who dares to do it today! Even Lu Ming\'s house here dare not be so presumptuous!"

The abbot of xuandu temple was about to be mad by these Wannian County Yamen. He didn\'t expect that a small Wannian County Yamen squad would dare to run to the gate of xuandu temple to catch people.

The head of the Yamen service class is surnamed tan. He is very respectful to xuandu temple on weekdays. Today, I don\'t know if he drank too much cat urine and dared to shout at him.

You should know that xuandu temple is a royal Taoist temple. All the dignitaries in Chang\'an city can enter xuandu temple to worship.

Not to mention these soap coated yamen servants, they are the county magistrate of Wannian county. The official of Lu Ming\'s house and zhengliupin in his mouth dare not come to xuandu Temple recklessly.

The tan team, who has no qualification to meet him on weekdays, seems to the abbot of xuandu temple that they are just little people like ants.

But these little people dared to point at him and scold the ox nose just now, which made the abbot of xuandu Temple almost go mad.

If the tan team really let Li forget worry away from the gate of xuandu temple, his face will be completely thrown to the ground.

Not to mention the young man who can take out Li Er\'s imperial edict, can he be an ordinary man? He was even more afraid to watch Li forget worry and be captured by these yamen servants.

"Ox nose, you... You\'re special. Don\'t take Ming mansion to scare me!"

Not only was the head of the Yamen service not frightened by the abbot of xuandu temple, but waved his arm and shouted, "today... It\'s hard for anyone to come today. I have to take this little... Boy today!"

The head of the Yamen service team is a veteran and gangster in the county yamen. How dare he speak like this on weekdays.

However, I had two more drinks today. That\'s the case with the so-called strong wine and courage. Second, in the view of team Tan, the people who came to him to do this today have a great background. What about even Lu Ming\'s house?

The man who asked him to work promised him that he would recommend him to be transferred to an internal official.

You know, even if he is the head of the Yamen service team of the county yamen, he is just a petty official and does not enter the grade at all.

There are great differences between officials and petty officials in the Tang Dynasty.

All civil and military officials, big and small, who are among the nine grades, are called liunei officials.

Xu and Li are two separate concepts. Li refers to officials without grade, and small officials and officials without official grade and rank of honor. It is also called liuwai officials.

Xu is not an official, but a "professional service" and is regarded as a "cheap service".

Team Tan belongs to Xu, the lowest official in the government. Petty officials have no political future and almost have no hope of promotion in their official career.

He is in his early forties this year. He has been a petty official in Chang\'an City for half his life. He dreams of becoming a liunei official.

But he had no money and no power. It was a dream for him to change from a petty official to an internal official.

Today, he was leading a group of Yamen servants to drink bad wine in the wine shop for fun, but he was accidentally found and ordered him to guard at the gate of xuandu temple, waiting to catch a young man.

When he went to the gate of xuandu temple to catch people, the tan team naturally dared not. Even if the wine was strong, he knew how many kilograms he had.

But the visitor promised that he would recommend him as a liunei official after his success, which couldn\'t help but make Tan\'s team excited.

You should know that the person who asked him to do things was the work of the Wang family in Taiyuan. As a veteran of Wannian County, Chang\'an City, team Tan naturally knew the work of the Wang family.

He not only knew the royal family trilogy, but also knew that this man was the confidant of Wang ziqiao, the legitimate son of the royal family. In other words, the person who really let him do things is Qiao, the legitimate son of the Wang family in Taiyuan.

With the promise of the Wang family in Taiyuan, the tan team couldn\'t care whether the xuandu temple was not xuandu temple. They directly took their dizzy yamen servants and blocked the door of xuandu temple, waiting for Li to forget his worries.

In his eyes, it was easy to set a charge and put the young man into the county government prison to clean up.

Team Tan seemed to have seen his appearance in official robes and couldn\'t help laughing.

"Brothers, give it to me and catch the thief who stole other people\'s property!"

He turned around and saw the gilt Taoist statue held by Niu Wu\'s hand. He immediately shouted, "see, this is stolen goods!"

The abbot of xuandu Temple almost got angry. The tan team is going crazy!

Seeing that Niu Wu was still holding the head of the class\'s arm, the group of Yamen servants who drank seven dizzy and eight elements simply pulled out the horizontal knife from their waist. They were ready to move the guy after a word of disagreement.

As soon as Niu Wu saw that they had pulled out their knife, he was afraid to hurt li forgetful, so he pushed Tan\'s team and protected Li forgetful behind him.

He didn\'t have a knife on his body today, so he just held the gilded statue of Daozu and confronted these yamen servants.

The abbot of xuandu temple was also nervous. It was obvious that these yamen servants had drunk too much. In case a gun went off and let them hurt li forgetful, it would be a big deal.

"Stop, put the knife down! Put it down quickly!" the abbot of xuandu Temple rushed to the Yamen in a hurry and stretched out his hand to grab the horizontal knife in their hands