Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 208

The plan Li forgot to worry about with Yuan Tiangang just now is also very simple.

He asked yuan Tiangang to hold a Luo Tian festival in the Tai Chi palace in front of Li Er and his officials in the name of praying for blessings.

Luo Tian dipped in the sacrifice ceremony. At that time, Lao Tzu, the Taoist ancestor, will show his holiness and personally break the scourge of locusts.

Jiao is a grand ceremony of offering sacrifices to gods in Taoism.

Luo Tian, the great Luo Tian, refers to the extremely high and mysterious realm above the three realms of heaven.

The luotian grand festival is a grand ceremony for worshiping heaven and worshipping 1200 priests. One is to protect the country and the people, the other is to prolong life and death, the third is to eliminate disasters and disasters, and the fourth is to pray for blessings and gratitude.

"The seven signs of Cloud Collection" wrote: "the lower part of it says that when praying for valley and blessing, the altar, where the stars are 1200, is Luo Tian\'s grand festival, and the magic objects and manners are first-class in the middle altar."

1200 deities, including gods and earth, Jiuzhou land, ten city gods, ancestors and heroes, three emperors and five emperors, Yao, Shun and Yu Tang, Duke of Zhou, King Wen, Confucius, sage and great Confucianism, sage and Lord, virtuous, loyal and brave, high morality and great virtue.

In the past dynasties, many emperors called on Taoists to set up altars in the palace or famous mountain palaces whenever there were major state-owned events or major disasters.

In the name of eliminating the plague of locusts, there is no problem in setting up altars and Jiaos in the Tai Chi palace and holding Luotian dip, which won\'t make those aristocratic family members doubt.

However, Li forgets to worry about wanting the Taoist ancestor to show his holiness in the Luo Tian Festival and break the scourge, but Sun Simiao and Yuan Tiangang can only smile bitterly.

Although they are all practitioners, who has heard that Taoist ancestors can really show their holiness? How can this be done?

Although Taoism also has some tricks that can deceive secular mortals, it is not much different from the monk Li forgetful saw on the cross street of Huxian that day.

The monk used the chemical reaction of the rotten street of later generations to deceive the Li family and defraud them of two hundred liang of gold. Among Taoists, there are naturally many such techniques, and even more subtle ones.

But in the Tai Chi palace, in front of all officials and aristocratic families, it is impossible to deceive them with those techniques!

Even if yuan Tiangang can deceive people\'s eyes, he can\'t think of how to make the statue of Daozu holy and break the scourge.

If he really has such skills, would he still be a small county magistrate in Huojing county?

Yuan Tiangang knows that someone can speak in ventral language. He doesn\'t have to speak. Others seem to be talking.

However, such methods can not deceive officials in public.

So even yuan Tiangang could only shake his head after hearing Li\'s idea of forgetting worry.

The original plan put forward by Ma Zhou only wanted to borrow the power of Taoism to hold Luo Tian Festival, claiming that the saying of heaven\'s scourge was nonsense.

But after careful consideration, Li forgets that this alone is not enough to convince the aristocratic family leaders, and it is even more difficult for them to agree to the court\'s order to kill locusts.

So as soon as Li forgot his worry, he came up with such an "upgraded" plan.

Sun Simiao was also frightened by Li\'s brain hole, so he repeatedly refused and introduced yuan Tiangang to him.

Yuan Tiangang also admitted that he was not an immortal. How could he do it? He asked the Taoist ancestor to show his holiness at the Luo Tian Festival and break the scourge.

"Hey, master yuan Xian, don\'t worry about it. I\'ll get it done. You just need to do what I say."


"Nature is serious!"

Yuan Tiangang hesitated for a moment, nodded and agreed.

Although he didn\'t believe it, Li forgets worry and can show his holiness to Daozu. But since Li forgot to worry and patted his chest to ensure that it was Li Er\'s intention at this time, he naturally had no reason to refuse.

Although yuan Tiangang was proficient in metaphysics, he was not a man who saw through the world of mortals and devoted himself to the Tao like the old Taoist Sun Simiao.

Otherwise, as a Taoist, he would not be a county magistrate in Huojing County, Shu county.

Yuan Tiangang still had enough awe for secular imperial power. For what Li forgot to worry about, after the success, Li Er had another reward, but he also looked forward to it.

Although yuan Tiangang can even calculate his own longevity, he still can\'t jump out of the world of mortals. From this point of view, Yuan Tiangang is not as good as Sun Simiao.

Seeing yuan Tiangang nodding in agreement, Li forget worry immediately asked Niu Wu to call the little Taoist priest and ask him to invite the abbot.

When the abbot arrived, Li forgot to worry, took out a royal edict from his arms and read Li Er\'s will to him.

The imperial edict ordered the abbot of xuandu temple to gather the manpower and material resources of 58 Taoist temples in Chang\'an city to hold a Luo Tian festival in the Tai Chi palace three days later.

This imperial edict was sent by Li Er to Li QIAOYOU yesterday.

Li Er ordered these Taoist temples to set up altars to celebrate the Luo Tian Festival.

The abbot of xuandu Temple took the imperial edict in fear and immediately ordered the little Taoist priest to ask the abbot of 58 Taoist temples in Chang\'an city to come to xuandu temple to discuss the matter.

In front of the abbot of xuandu temple, Li forgot to worry and asked yuan Tiangang to be the main sacrifice of Luo Tian\'s grand festival, so that the abbot would obey yuan Tiangang\'s orders.

In this regard, the abbot of xuandu Temple naturally nodded and agreed.

Li forgot to worry about the matter and was not ready to stay.

Anyway, he doesn\'t know what to do with the Taoist Luo Tian Festival. Just leave it to these professionals. Li forgetful only plans to be a shopkeeper.

Before leaving, Li forgot to worry and asked the abbot to find him a statue of Taoist ancestor. He was useful.

Daozu is Lao Tzu and Li Er.

As early as the beginning of the founding of the state, Li Yuan, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, respected Lao Tzu Li Er as his ancestor. Therefore, Li forgot his worries and chose Daozu to show his holiness as a God to break the theory of heaven\'s curse.

The abbot of xuandu temple and Yuan Tiangang couldn\'t understand what Li forgot to worry about. However, according to his instructions, they invited a bronze statue from the hall dedicated to the Taoist ancestor and gave it to him.

The statue of Lao Tzu, the founder of Taoism, is about 50 cm high. It is made of copper, gilded and hollow cast. It is not heavy.

His plan to get rid of the scourge will fall on the statue of Lao Tzu.

Li Qieyou looked at the gilded statue carefully and felt it was suitable. He motioned Niu Wu to hold the statue and leave.

Sun Simiao and his disciple Liu Shenwei stayed in the xuandu temple, ready to catch up with his old friend Yuan Tiangang and help prepare the Luo Tian Festival.

Not to mention the xuandu temple, people began to get busy and prepare for the Luo Tian Festival. Li forgot to worry, but with a relaxed face, led Niu Wu out of the Taoist temple and prepared to go back to Dingzhou village.

The abbot of xuandu Temple politely sent Li forget you out of the Taoist temple. Although he didn\'t know Li forget you\'s real identity, he could get the imperial edict and was the person in charge of the Luo Tian Festival. He didn\'t dare to neglect it.

Unexpectedly, Li forgot to worry and took Niu Wu out of the xuandu Temple just now. Before he got on his horse\'s back, he saw several yamen servants in soap clothes around the Taoist temple.

These yamen soldiers in soap clothes, holding iron ruler chains, saw Li forgetful and Niu Wu coming out of the Taoist temple. Their eyes were bright. Without saying a word, they rushed over and surrounded them in the middle.

"You are Huxian Li forgetting to worry?" the head of a yamen service class, with a face full of flesh and a waist full of horizontal knives, was full of wine, and his steps were a little staggered. He belched and shouted at Li forgetful.

Li forgets sorrow and Niu Wu are both stunned. What\'s the situation?