Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 207

Li forgot to worry, took his goldfish charm and put it into his arms again.

Just when I was about to say something, I saw a little Taoist in xuandu Temple rush to find Li forgetful in the peach garden.

"Good scholar, master yuan Xian is back. Master Sun Xian asks you to go there."

Li forgot his worries and was so happy that he finally waited until yuan Tiangang came back. He quickly accused Kong Yingda and Lu Kuan, and followed the little Taoist to Yashi.

Halfway through, Li forgot to worry and suddenly remembered that he forgot to ask Kong Yingda to keep it a secret.

But think about it, Li forgets worry and decides to forget it.

Today, I saw how Wang ziqiao abandoned his shoes to those scholars. He was not very interested in digging a pit for the Wang family in Taiyuan.

Taiyuan Wang family is too cold. Even if you dig a pit for them to jump, you will only throw out some abandoned children to block the knife, which won\'t hurt their muscles and bones. It\'s meaningless.

It\'s better to help Li Er get rid of the "scourge", which can better crack down on the aristocratic family, five surnames and seven hopes.

Even for the sake of righteousness, you can let yourself export evil Qi.

In the elegant room of xuandu, Li forgets worry and finally meets yuan Tiangang, a legendary Taoist in the early Tang Dynasty.

Lao Dao is now in his eighties. He looks like a child with a pale face and red hair. He is very energetic and his body is no worse than Sun Simiao.

Li forgot his worries and was a little surprised. Yuan Tiangang seemed to be in such good health. Why did he run out of longevity yuan only six years later?

You know, Sun Simiao lived more than 140 years!

Although Sun Simiao has outstanding medical skills and is proficient in health preservation, Yuan Tiangang seems to be in good health. It can\'t be seen that he has only six years left.

Li forgets to worry, thinking wildly in his head, and hurriedly comes forward to respectfully salute.

"Huxian Li forgot his worries and met yuan Xianshi."

"Xiao Lang doesn\'t need to be polite." Yuan Tiangang\'s Sichuan tone makes Li forget his worries and listen to him with some kindness.

After Sun Simiao introduced each other to the two sides, the two sides saluted, knelt down in the elegant room, and the little Taoist brought tea and snacks.

Li forgot to worry about not saying his intention, but saw yuan Tiangang staring at his face and looking at it carefully. The more he looked at the look on his face, the more surprised he was.

"Master yuan Xian, is there anything on my face?" Li Qieyou reached out and touched his face, thinking he had touched something unclean.

Yuan Tiangang shook his head and replied, "nothing. I\'m just used to showing people my face."

"Oh? I don\'t know what my face looks like?" although Li forgets worry doesn\'t believe in face divination, it\'s rare to see yuan Tiangang, a historical celebrity who is said to have met Wu Zetian. Naturally, he is also very curious about his face.

Yuan Tiangang hesitated about Li forgetting his worries.

After looking at Li\'s face carefully for a long time, he replied uncertainly, "I can\'t understand Xiao Lang\'s face."

"What does Master yuan Xian mean by this?" Li forgot to worry and asked.

Yuan Tiangang hesitated for a moment and replied, "if I\'m poor, I\'ll just listen to Xiao lang. don\'t take it seriously. I see Xiao Lang\'s face, but he is low in the sky and has conquered his parents early. Coupled with Lianxin\'s eyebrows, he has bad luck. He is often framed and criticized by others and is poor in money."

Li forgot to worry and opened his mouth. Yuan Tiangang was really powerful!

Isn\'t that it?

Now his parents are dead, and since he came to Datang, he has been framed and criticized by villains.

This is true for both the Li family in Huxian county and the Wang family in Taiyuan.

Before Li forgot to worry and exclaimed, he heard yuan Tiangang say, "I see Xiao Lang\'s face, but his life is not long, he is easy to get bad diseases, and he seems to have the appearance of premature death."

Li forgot his worries and was stunned. His longevity was not long?

Is the former owner of temeow\'s body a premature death? Not himself?

Did you come to the Tang Dynasty and finally be knighted? The good days are in front of you. Won\'t you live long?

When he was unhappy with Yuan Tiangang\'s words, he listened to the old Taoist priest continue to say: "but look carefully, I can see that Xiaolang mountain root is flat and full, which makes the Tao grow. This is clearly the phase of longevity. And the life palace has clear eyes, Saturn is towering, the amount is like the word of Sichuan, and life meets the release of horses, which is clearly the phase of great wealth."

Yuan Tiangang shook his head: "it\'s the first time I\'ve seen someone with two fates on his face, and on the contrary, I really can\'t understand Xiao Lang\'s face. It\'s really strange!"

Li forgets worry and sleeps for a long time, and finally recovers himself.

Is yuan Tiangang really so divine? NACK\'s parents, the face of premature death and poverty, are afraid it\'s not the former master of the body?

And after his soul wore the Tang Dynasty, he replaced the unlucky "Li forgetting worry". Is this a change of life against the sky?

Great wealth and wealth, should this be yourself? Hei hei, now he has been knighted, and various industries in his family are booming. It seems that Yuan Tiangang is really right.

He looked at Yuan Tiangang with a little guilty conscience. He secretly said that his soul wore the Tang Dynasty and the dove occupied the magpie\'s nest. Won\'t the old Taoist see it?

Yuan Tiangang just looked at him with a little deep meaning, then exposed the matter and didn\'t mention it anymore.

Li forgot to worry and almost sweated on his back. Yuan Tiangang was indeed a master of metaphysics. He could see so much just by looking at his face.

He quickly turned off the topic: "master yuan Xian, how old are you this year? Boy, look at your childlike face and hair. You are really an expert!"

"Ha ha, I have one in eighty this year, and I don\'t have much longevity yuan."

"If master yuan Xian is anywhere, you are in better health than me. You are also a monk. You must live a long life."

Yuan Tiangang smiled and waved his hand: "I can figure it out. In another six years, my life will be exhausted."

His light words made Li forget to worry about goose bumps, and the cold hairs on his arms were about to stand up.

Yuan Tiangang, can he really calculate these? What a god! Is this metaphysics really so powerful?

Li forgot to worry and dared not discuss these with Yuan Tiangang again. He quickly said his intention: "master yuan Xian, I come to visit with the old immortal today, but I have something to ask."

"Xiao Lang, please."

After Li forgot to worry and asked the little Taoist priest who served the people in the elegant room to step down, he told him the reason why he and Sun Simiao came to him.

Finally, he bowed his hands to Yuan Tiangang and said, "this matter is related to the people of the Tang Dynasty. Whether they can escape the plague of locusts or not, please ask Master yuan Xian to help. When it is done, the sage will be rewarded. This is also a matter of great merit. Please don\'t refuse."

After hearing Li\'s words, Yuan Tiangang didn\'t speak, but bowed his head and meditated.

Li forgot to worry a little and asked, "master yuan Xian, but what are your concerns? You don\'t have to worry about the aristocratic family. The sage will decide for you."

Yuan Tiangang waved his hand: "Xiao Lang, I don\'t have much to worry about. I\'m naturally willing to serve as the chief priest and preside over the ceremony. But what you said is to let the Taoist ancestor show his spirit and break the plague of locusts in person. How can this be possible? I don\'t have this ability."

That\'s why Li forgot to worry, but he couldn\'t help laughing. It depends on his ability.