Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 206

These gentlemen, who had just been elated with horseshoe disease, now looked like dust, trembled like chaff, and were afraid of regret.

Even if they don\'t have a clear mind, they know their career is over.

Even if there is a recommendation list of the Wang family in Taiyuan, it offends the two examiners in Chunwei and the head of the chaotang hall. It\'s wishful thinking to want to win the list of scholars.

Originally, these poor scholars had a good level of knowledge, otherwise they would not be accepted by the Wang family in Taiyuan.

But because of one thought, he deliberately flattered Prince Joe, thinking that he could become an official, but he forgot his duty.

It\'s really a pity that you should have ruined your future by acting recklessly.

If there is another chance, these scholars would rather not vote for any line papers. They honestly rely on their own knowledge to go to the examination room. If they can\'t say it, they can win the list and become officials in one fell swoop.

However, it is obviously too late to say anything now. Lu Kuan and Kong Yingda, two great Confucianism, have a very bad impression of these scholars.

No matter how good their knowledge is and how bad their character is, they will never let them be admitted to the Jinshi.

If people with such conduct become officials in the future, they will be the people of the Tang Dynasty.

Wang ziqiao was stunned when he learned the identity of Lu Kuan and Kong Yingda, and then his face became ugly.

He looked back at the taxis sitting on the ground, but a look of disgust flashed in his eyes.

He was only glad that he had not spoken too much and had not provoked unnecessary enemies for his family.

As for these scholars, there is no doubt that the Wang family in Taiyuan is bound to abandon them.

If you can\'t pass the exam, it\'s rubbish. It\'s useless for the Wang family in Taiyuan.

Prince Qiao made a deep bow to Lu Kuan and Kong Yingda again: "Lu Shangshu, Kong offered wine. My Taiyuan Wang family has nothing to do with these people. Please don\'t blame me Taiyuan Wang family. I Taiyuan Wang family is also ashamed to be with them. Please be careful."

How could he deceive Lu Kuan and Kong Yingda with his words so clear of relationship.

The two of them also felt disgusted at Wang ziqiao\'s behavior of abandoning those scholars like shoes.

The aristocratic family is really cold!

But they didn\'t want to offend the Taiyuan Wang family too much, so they just nodded slightly: "since it has nothing to do with the Taiyuan Wang family, please help yourself."

Wang ziqiao looked at Li and forgot his worries. The cold light in his eyes flashed away. After meeting Kong Yingda again with a smile, he threw off his sleeve robe and led his own episode away.

He didn\'t even bother to take another look at those scholars, as if he didn\'t know them.

Several scholars stretched out their arms to the back of Prince Joe and wanted to shout something, but they opened their mouth and finally closed their mouth.

Tears of regret fell directly from the corners of several people\'s eyes

After Wang ziqiao left, several scholars also entered the line, walked like meat, made a random salute to Kong Yingda and walked out of the Taoist temple.

Kong Yingda didn\'t bother to talk to these scholars. He smiled and looked at Li forgetful: "Ziyou, don\'t you remember me?"

At this time, Li forgot to worry. He finally remembered where he had seen the thin old man. It was the qujiangchi poetry meeting that day.

He quickly bowed and bowed: "I\'ve seen Kong sacrifice and Lu Shangshu. Please forgive me. I saw you in Qujiang pool that day."

"Ha ha, I didn\'t think you could remember it. Ziyou was famous at the qujiangchi poetry fair that day. Xiaojing on the Quchi Spring River and going out of the fortress are handed down from generation to generation, and your drunken poem" sleepwalking grandma singing goodbye "surprised me."

"Kong\'s offering wine was falsely praised. It was all the boy Meng Lang. He was greedy for a cup and wasted his time when he was drunk." speaking of this, Li forgot to worry and his face turned red.

I was drunk for a while and recited in front of Li Er "an Neng is a powerful man, which makes me unhappy!" it\'s just trying to die.

For this matter, after being knighted the day before yesterday, Li Er taught him a lesson by holding his ear for a long time, so that he didn\'t regret it.

Now the matter has been mentioned by Kong Yingda, and Li forgets worry even more embarrassed.

His embarrassed appearance made Lu Kuan and Kong Yingda laugh, and they increasingly felt that Li forgetting worry was to their taste.

"Ziyou, what I said just now is not a joke. Don\'t you really consider joining this year\'s spring palace?" Kong Yingda smiled and said to Li forgetful again.

Li forgets his worries and has no words. Why do these great scholars want to enter the official career like Yu Shinan?

It was not easy for him to brush the kindness of the two big men, look around, and there was no one else, so he took out a thing from his robes and handed it to them.

"Hey hey, it\'s not that the boy doesn\'t want to sacrifice wine and Lu Shangshu, but now the boy\'s identity is not convenient to participate in any Chunwei."

Kong Yingda was stunned and reached for the object: "what do you mean? Ziyou, why are you inconvenient to participate in spring... This, this is the goldfish charm?"

Lu Kuan was also stunned when he heard the speech. He quickly reached out and took the goldfish symbol from Kong Yingda\'s hand and looked at it carefully.

"The Baron goldfish talisman of the founding County Baron! Ziyou, where did you come from?" Lu Kuan was also surprised.

What Li Qieyou mentioned to them was the identity certificate given to him after he was knighted.

The fish talisman of the Tang Dynasty is the official\'s identity certificate.

"New Tang Dynasty book ยท Chefu Zhi": all of them wear fish charms and fish bags for more than five grades of internal and external officials, so as to "be clear, expensive and cheap, and answer the call".

"Princes use gold and common officials use copper. They all write their positions and names."

In the period of Empress Wu, the golden fish talisman was changed into a turtle talisman, which is also the origin of the golden turtle son-in-law, which refers to the son-in-law with noble status.

Li QIAOYOU, a man from the founding County, gave the fish amulet made of gold with his name and title written on it, which is the proof of his title.

"Hey, hey, the boy was granted the title of Huxian male by the sage a few days ago, so even if the boy wants to participate in the Chunwei, he can\'t do it." Li forgot to worry and replied slightly.

Lu Kuan and Kong Yingda feel a little toothache at the moment.

The 16-year-old young man was knighted? If this matter gets out, I don\'t know how many people\'s eyes will be surprised.

Even the two old men still have a slight taste in their hearts, because even they have not been knighted yet!

Kong Yingda was not only the 18th Bachelor of the Qin palace, but also the Imperial College\'s wine offering, but he failed to be knighted all his life.

Lu Kuan was granted the title of Duke of Rui by Li Er Chi in his later years, but it was twelve years since Zhenguan. At this time, it was still ten years before he was granted the title.

"Huxian man, you......" Kong Yingda didn\'t know what to say.

Li forgot to worry and quickly bowed down: "Kong offered wine. You\'d better call me Ziyou. I really can\'t be your honorific title."

Lu Kuan handed the goldfish charm back to Li forgetful, shaking his head and smiling bitterly.

Huxian Li forgets his worries. It\'s really extraordinary!