Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 203

The words of the two old men made Li forget his worries and also speechless.

It\'s really good for you to watch the excitement like this?

One of the elders obviously knew himself. Naturally, he was embarrassed to continue to scold with those scholars.

Li forgets to worry about looking at the two old men. They have a kind of family style. The elder\'s bearing is very much like Yu Shinan.

He knew that these two must not be ordinary people, so he just smiled and stopped talking to those scholars.

But the scholars beside Wang ziqiao didn\'t have the eyesight of Li forgetting to worry.

They were already ridiculed by Li forget you, and they were furious. They wished they could knock Li forget you over and step on a few feet.

The two old men not only laughed at them, but also said that the little bastard was funny and didn\'t pay attention to them at all.

So several scholars hated the two elders together.

Looking at the two old men, there were no servants behind them, and their clothes were very simple. They were also dressed in white and had no accessories at their waist. They felt that they were just two ordinary old men.

After Li forgot to worry and didn\'t speak, these scholars did not spare, and scolded them together with the two elders.

"Hum, childe Wang, this xuandu Temple doesn\'t deserve its name. How can any cat and dog enter this xuandu temple?"

"Yes, xuandu temple is the Royal Taoist temple of the Tang Dynasty, which is famous all over the world. But the access control of this Taoist temple is too lax. Prince, you should reprimand the abbot of this Taoist temple and strictly manage it."

"It\'s shameless to rely on the old and sell the old at an old age."

"Confucius said, \'it\'s a thief to be young without grandchildren, long without narration, and old without death.\'"

The scholar next to Wang ziqiao could not scold Li forgetful. He actually spilled his anger on the two old men.

Wang ziqiao originally wanted to stop these scholars and humiliate the two elders.

Because although he doesn\'t know these two, he always feels that these two elders or their origins are extraordinary. It\'s better not to offend them easily.

But before he could open his mouth, these people around him felt that they had leaned on the Taiyuan Wang family. They thought that they would be promoted and raised, marry Bai Fumei, and go to the peak of their life. They couldn\'t wait to export and humiliate them again.

At this point, he could only shake his head and sit on the wall without saying a word.

The humiliating words of the scholars made the two old men almost go mad and felt that they had made a mistake today.

Originally, I was in a good mood today, so I thought of coming to xuandu temple to watch peach blossoms.

Because the servants around him were in the way, they drove them away. The two old men enjoyed themselves.

But I didn\'t expect to have fun with Li Xiaolang, so I was abused.

They did not expect that there were people in Chang\'an City who dared to humiliate them like this. It was really a disaster.

The two old men\'s faces twitched a few times. Finally, they suppressed their anger and turned their heads with a cold hum. They were too lazy to talk more with those scholars.

"Ziyou, why are you free to come to xuandu Temple today? Do you have any new poems recently? Tell me about them." the thin old man called "brother Chongyuan" looked at Li forgetful and asked.

Li Qieyou reached out and touched his nose. He wondered who they were?

I really haven\'t seen them. Why do I know my name and who he can write poetry?

He smiled and replied, "two old men, I\'m looking for someone in xuandu today. As for poetry, I haven\'t had it yet."

"Ha ha, with your plum\'s intelligence, didn\'t you pick up this poem easily? Why don\'t you write a poem for me and me today with the peach blossom of xuandu temple?"

"Yes, Li is worried about your poetry. Now it is sung everywhere in Chang\'an city. I wonder if you can write a poem for me today?"

After the words of the two old men, Li forgot to worry and didn\'t reply, but he heard a burst of laughter from the scholars not far away.

"Ha ha, brother, did you hear that? The old man asked that Qingkou child to write a poem. It\'s really amazing in the world! When will this poem become something that the Tian she Lang can do?"

"What\'s more funny is that he even said that the young Lang\'s poetry was famous in Chang\'an. He really laughed to death. Do these Tian she Lang really know what poetry is?"

"It\'s also sung everywhere in Chang\'an city. Someone has been in Chang\'an for more than a month. How come he has never heard of any poems written by Li Ziyou? He\'s really bragging and doesn\'t make a draft."

"In front of us, dare to say poetry, ha ha, I\'m afraid I don\'t know that we are the Jinshi imperial examination in Chunwei this year?"

Jinshi Section is one of the subjects selected by the imperial examination system in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. In addition to examining classics and current affairs policies, Jinshi Section pays more attention to poetry and Fu.

In the Tang Dynasty, the Jinshi examination could be publicly recommended by the aristocratic family before the examination, which was called the "general list".

The old Tang Dynasty Book Xue dengzhuan describes this: "drive through the gate of the temple, go in and out of the first place of the princes, open Chen poetry, only sigh and cough, spit, and reach the top of the mountain, hoping for the grace of the lotus."

It can be said that like these scholars, they worked hard to curry favor with the dignitaries in order to obtain the imperial examination and the scholars.

These scholars were recommended by the Taiyuan Wang family to the examiner after they voted for the Taiyuan Wang family.

Being accepted by the Wang family in Taiyuan, these scholars also have some skills in poetry and Fu. Therefore, after hearing that the two elders praised Li\'s good poetry, they would make such sarcasm.

In their opinion, these Tian Shirang talking about poetry and Fu in front of them is basically playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong and humiliating themselves.

However, their words made Prince Joe scold his mother in his heart. He thought there was something wrong with these scholars selected by his family this year?

Even though Prince Joe is now in the same boat as Li QIAOYOU, he won\'t attack him and can\'t write poetry.

Are they idiots?

I\'ve been in Chang\'an for so long. Haven\'t I heard the handed down works of Li forgetting sorrow?

Even the Wang family in Taiyuan were laughed at because of Li\'s poems and poems. Are they crazy? Want to compete with Li forgetful about the level of poetry and Fu?

In fact, Wang ziqiao really wronged them. These scholars have never heard of Li forgetful\'s handed down works.

There is no other reason, only one word, poor!

Yes, it is because they are poor. These scholars are shy in their pockets. After coming to Chang\'an, where can they have copper money to go to pingkang square to listen to the prostitute\'s family sing Li forgetful\'s masterpiece.

Because they were poor, they simply made a single heart, threw a roll to the Wang family in Taiyuan, and deliberately flattered them in order to advance.

Because of their poverty, these taxis, who are not young, will be so crazy after being accepted by the Wang family in Taiyuan. It\'s simply because the loser has spent his whole life. Seeing that the dawn of life is ahead, he dares to say anything under the psychological expansion.

Wang ziqiao opened his mouth, but he didn\'t know what to say.

If he introduced Li Qieyou\'s poetic talent to these scholars, he couldn\'t say it again. It gave Li Qieyou prestige in plain terms.

But otherwise, it is estimated that these families are optimistic about taxis. I\'m afraid they will lose their face today.

But think about it anyway, it\'s not his prince Joe\'s shame. In addition, he felt dissatisfied with these scholars, so he just kept silent. He should just watch the excitement.

Wang ziqiao didn\'t say anything to remind these scholars that they mistakenly thought that Prince Wang was acquiescing in their provocation in the hope that they would educate these Tian Shirang with poetry and Fu, so they became more and more proud.