Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 204

The words of these scholars were heard in the ears of Li forgetful and the two elders, but they didn\'t make the three people have any reaction at all.

Only Li Qieyou couldn\'t help waving his hand, as if he were driving away the flies flying in his ears.

"I\'m really ashamed that the two fathers praised me falsely, but I don\'t have this poem and Fu for the time being." Li forgetful came to Yuan Tiangang today. He didn\'t bother to "copy poetry" before he had his business done.

Seeing that Li forgot his worries and was unwilling to write poetry, the two elders were very sorry.

However, the scholars next to Prince Joe were interested. One of them deliberately frowned, paced back and forth, and suddenly began to recite poetry.

"If a thousand plants are exposed, where will they shine red.

The wind warms the fairy source, and the spring is in the water country. "

Naturally, this poem was not made by the scholar temporarily, but he happened to have made a poem about peach blossoms. Now he recited it and wanted to show it off.

This poem is not bad. Although it is far from the handed down work, it is also a good work.

The poor scholar who can make Taiyuan Wang\'s fancy naturally has some Kung Fu.

When the poem was sung, even the two old men couldn\'t help but nod their heads. They thought the poem was acceptable and belonged to a good work.

However, it\'s only fair. Compared with Li\'s previous works, that\'s the difference between abalone and salted fish.

"Ha ha, good poem, brother. I have one here, please listen." another scholar, unwilling to fall behind, also stood up and recited his poems.

"The flowers in the dance hall are still red every year.

Tears stop the morning dew, and sorrow depends on the spring breeze. "

"OK! This is called poetry. Ha ha, it\'s ridiculous. Some Tian Shirang probably recite some limericks, so he thought he could write poetry."

"If the two brothers are really talented, they will be admitted to the academy this spring!"

"Ha ha, it\'s easy to say. My brother is also a good poet, but we also rely on childe Wang."

These scholars, after reciting their favorite works one after another, couldn\'t help flattering each other. They didn\'t forget to flatter Wang ziqiao by the way.

Hearing them say the word Chunwei, the people didn\'t notice that the corners of the two old men\'s mouths couldn\'t help showing a trace of sarcasm.

They didn\'t know that the two elders who were humiliated by these scholars were the two great Confucians of the current Dynasty.

One is the Minister of rites, Lu Kuan.

Another old man who knew Li Lianyou was Kong Yingda and Kong Chongyuan, one of the eighteen scholars of the Qin palace.

On that day, the qujiangchi poetry meeting was the title of poetry and Fu announced by Kong Yingda to Zhusheng. Li Lianyou met him from a distance at that time.

However, at that time, he only saw two sides from afar, and then Li forgot to worry, so he got drunk and went into the water Pavilion of Qujiang pool, but he didn\'t know who he had seen that day.

So Li forgot to worry and didn\'t recognize Kong Yingda just now. He just felt familiar.

This spring, Lu Kuan is the examiner of the Ministry of rites, and Kong Yingda is the Deputy examiner.

In other words, several scholars recommended by Taiyuan Wang\'s preparation for the "general list" just had an open mouth and abused the two examiners.

After listening to the poems of these scholars, Lu Kuan and Kong Yingda always felt sorry, so they turned their eyes to Li forgetful.

"Ziyou, don\'t hide your clumsiness. How about writing a poem for the two of me?"

"This......" Li forgot to worry and hesitated.

Not waiting for him to think about whether he wanted to copy one, he heard that the scholars began to make noise again.

"Poetry? Doggerel?"

"This Qingkou child wants to be able to write poetry. I kneel down and kowtow to him. Ha ha."

Li Qieyou could not help but squint at the man, and said calmly, "worship me as a teacher? You are not qualified!"

His words are not nonsense. Now Li forgets to worry about two disciples, one is the minister under the sixth grade, and the other is the Minister of the Ministry of punishment on the fourth grade. He will be the junior prison. If he says anything, he can scare these scholars to death.

Not to mention the poor character of the middle-aged man, Li forgets to worry and doesn\'t look at it at all.

This kind of person is kneeling and begging him to accept him as a disciple. Li forgets worry and won\'t take another look.

Li Qieyou consciously told the truth, but he was regarded by these scholars as humiliating their words, and became angry one by one.

If it hadn\'t been taken behind Li forgetful sorrow, Niu Wu\'s burly body would have rushed up with his desperate mind.

"Hum, you\'re really smart! You\'re crazy!"

"I\'m full of nonsense. I don\'t know what to say! Childe Wang, who\'s the young man\'s disciple? Why is he so frivolous?"

Li forgot to worry and snorted coldly: "you poor and big, if you want to listen to a poem, just prick up your ears!"

Originally, he wanted to keep a low profile, but since someone had to send his face up, Li forget worry naturally didn\'t mind and slapped these scholars in the face.

He paced in the peach garden, thinking about which big poem he should copy.

In the peach garden of xuandu temple, a small thatched cottage is built, which is a resting place for the craftsmen who manage the peach garden. Outside the thatched cottage, several farm tools for loose soil and cultivated land are stacked.

Li forgot to worry, but his eyes lit up and opened his mouth to recite.

"There is a peach blossom nunnery in the peach garden and a Peach Blossom Fairy under the peach blossom nunnery.

Peach blossom immortals grow peach trees and pick peach flowers for wine money. "

He recited the peach blossom nunnery song by the great scholar Tang Bohu, but changed the beginning of the peach blossom dock into a peach garden, which is more suitable for the occasion.

These four poems have simple language and no gorgeous rhetoric.

The scholars turned their mouths and looked sarcastic.

This is also called poetry?

There is a peach blossom nunnery in the peach garden. There is a peach blossom fairy in the peach blossom nunnery. The Peach Blossom Fairy grows a lot of peach trees. He takes off the peach blossoms to change wine money

Frankly speaking, he is indeed Tian Shirang. How can he have the slightest literary talent? These scholars looked at each other and couldn\'t help but say sarcasm.

Lu Kuan and Kong Yingda are naturally not as superficial as they are, but they think that these four sentences are a metaphor for hermits through peach blossoms, which vividly depicts the image of a hermit who travels under the forest, is free and easy, loves life and is happy like a fairy.

However, if there are only these four sentences, it would be too thin and not a good work.

They were frowning, but they heard Li forgetful continue to recite.

"When you wake up, you only sit in front of the flowers. When you are drunk, you come to spend the rest.

Half drunk and half awake, day after day, flowers bloom year after year. "

As soon as these four poems came out, the scholars were surprised and the sarcasm on their faces disappeared.

Lu Kuan and Kong Yingda looked at each other and thought that Li forgets worry. This poem is really good. No matter sober or drunk, he will never leave the peach blossom. Day after day, year after year, he will let time flow, flowers bloom and fall, but his original intention will not change. Wonderful!

They did not wait for their admiration, but Li forgot to worry and continued to recite.

"I wish I could die of old age in the flower and wine room and would not bow in front of cars and horses.

The rich have fun, the wine and flowers are poor.

If you compare wealth to poverty, one in the flat and the other in the sky.

If you compare poverty to horses and cars, he has to drive me away. "

These poems, however, made those scholars look ugly and thought that Li forgot to worry was satirizing them.

Money can buy enjoyment, but not leisure and poetic life. Despite poverty, it does not lose the fun of life and spiritual wealth.

However, they deliberately curry favor with the Wang family in Taiyuan for their glory and wealth, which is completely opposite to the life attitude in this poem.

Lu Kuan and Kong Yingda are looking brighter and brighter. Today, the xuandu temple is right!

If you can hear such a poem, it will come to light!

It\'s a pity that they have no wine around now