Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 202

These scholars competed to show their loyalty in front of Wang ziqiao, and spoke out one after another to scold Li forgetful.

"Why are you so rude, young man? You don\'t look at your identity. You\'re talking to the prince like this. Don\'t apologize quickly?"

"Speak wildly, Qingkou child, how dare you speak so wildly? Is that what your family taught you?"

"It\'s ridiculous to ask childe Wang to salute you and avoid you!"

"Shut up! Don\'t be rude! Is it you who can humiliate, childe Wang?"

"How can this xuandu Temple even enter in white? I\'m not afraid to lose my identity as a royal Taoist temple."

Li forgot his worries and was stunned. What happened?

These scholars were as excited as beating chicken blood. Did they step on their tail?

However, he quickly reacted and was not happy. Sure enough, there were no fewer flatterers in any dynasty.

Obviously, this group of scholars wanted to show themselves in front of the legitimate son of the Wang family in Taiyuan. The appearance of the "loyal" protector made Li forget his worries and couldn\'t help thinking of the local dogs guarding the house in Dingzhou village.

It seems so. I like barking at people.

What made him feel full of joy was that these scholars obviously wore white clothes, but felt that his entry into xuandu Temple humiliated the identity of the Royal Taoist temple. It was really black humor.

Li forgot to worry naturally did not know that this group of scholars surrounded by Prince Qiao have voted for the Taiyuan Wang family, which are among the best.

With the recommendation of the Taiyuan Wang family, it can be said that one foot of these Ju Zi has entered the official career. Naturally, they began to despise others in white.

Their sour words made Niu Wu roll up his sleeves and wanted to beat people, but Li forgot to worry about it.

Li forgot to worry and said loudly to Niu Wu with a smile, "Niu Wu, do you know that recently, prices have soared in Chang\'an city because of locusts. Everything has increased in price. That\'s why this man is getting cheaper and cheaper."

Niu wuleng, what does Lang Jun mean?

When Niu Wu reacted, he almost didn\'t laugh. His husband\'s mouth is really unforgiving.

When the other group of scholars figured out what Li forgot to worry about, they almost choked to death. The boy was beating around the Bush and scolding them for being cheap!

"You... You Tian Shirang, how dare you!"

"It\'s insulting to be polite, it\'s really insulting to be polite!"

"Young master Wang, how dare you be so presumptuous!"

These scholars jumped with anger at Li\'s forgetful words, and Prince Qiao\'s face became darker.

If it weren\'t for the fact that there were a lot of honourable people coming to enjoy the flowers in the xuandu temple, he would also have to take into account the face of the Wang family in Taiyuan. Wang ziqiao wanted to directly let his own episode drag Li forgetful out and beat him up.

As for that shit bet, Prince Joe has long forgotten it.

After his defeat from pingkangfang that day, Prince Qiao always wanted to revenge Li forgetful.

But recently, it is a critical period for the aristocratic family to fight with Li erchaotang.

The aristocratic family headed by the five surnames and seven hopes wants to use the locust plague to attack Li Er\'s reputation and gain greater voice. This is no secret in the court.

After the accident of Zheng KangBo, the Zheng family in Xingyang, aristocratic family members restrained their children one after another. For fear that they might cause any trouble at this juncture, Li Er grabbed the handle and turned over the plate.

So Prince Qiao didn\'t immediately go to Dingzhou village to find Li forgetful, but he didn\'t expect to meet him in xuandu Temple today.

Wang ziqiao shot a cold light in his triangular eyes, quietly stretched out his hand to attract his own episode, and whispered a few words in his ear.

The episode nodded, looked at Li forgetful with a grim smile, hugged his fist and saluted, then turned and left.

Li forgot to worry, but didn\'t notice Wang ziqiao\'s move. He was still busy talking to the scholars next to Wang ziqiao.

The scholars\' angry words had no effect on Li forgetfulness.

He turned to Niu Wu and said with a smile, "Niu Wu, do you see what these shameless people are like?"

"Hey, Lang Jun, I see!" Niu Wu immediately agreed.

The scholars beside Wang ziqiao were more and more angry: "you, how dare you humiliate me!"

"Humiliate you? I\'m sorry, I think you misunderstood. I didn\'t say you don\'t want face." Li forgetful grinned from them and showed white teeth: "I\'m just saying that people who don\'t want face are the same as you."

"You... You Tian she Lang! Tian she Lang!" scholars have never seen such swearing. They are so angry that they jump to their feet, but they can only curse Li forgetful with one sentence.

"Gentlemen, you are all learned people. You have beautiful articles in your belly. What can you say to this sharp mouthed and vulgar child? Don\'t pay attention to this person again."

Seeing that a group of scholars around him could not scold Li forget his worries, Wang ziqiao had no choice but to stand up and make a round.

"Hey, hey, I don\'t know if you have a beautiful article in your belly, but I\'m sure you all have a fish in your mind." Li forgets worry and doesn\'t intend to spare them.

The group of scholars didn\'t understand what Li forgetful worry meant, but they certainly didn\'t say anything good, so they pretended not to hear or answer.

Instead, Niu Wu immediately asked, "Lang Jun, what does this mean?"

"There must be a lot of water in their minds because they want to raise fish. Fish have to eat. Fish will defecate after eating. Niu Wu, do you think there are so many things in their minds?"

"...." Niu Wu was speechless. His husband\'s mouth was really poisonous. Didn\'t he beat around the Bush and scold the other party that his brain was full of water and feces?

After Li forgot to worry, before Prince Qiao and others were angry, there was a burst of laughter not far away.

Obviously, someone heard Li forgetful\'s cursing words and couldn\'t help being amused.

Wang ziqiao and others looked angrily at the laughing people at the sound. In the peach garden, in addition to Li forgetful, who is so unkind and dares to laugh at them?

But in the peach garden, two old people were standing not far away, laughing happily.

"Ha ha, what a young man with sharp teeth. Brother Chongyuan, do you know who this little gentleman is?" one of the old men asked the old man with a wrinkled smile.

The skinny old man smiled and nodded: "I do know this little man. He is Huxian Li forgetting worry and writing worry. Little man, am I wrong?"

"Oh? He\'s a plum worry? It\'s a coincidence today. I just want to see him." another old man was surprised when he heard the speech.

Li forgot to worry, but he was stunned. The thin old man looked familiar, but he couldn\'t remember where he had seen him.

He quickly bowed and bowed: "yes, the boy is Huxian Li forgetful. I don\'t know what to call the two fathers?"

"Ha ha, we are just passers-by here. Don\'t worry about us. You continue."

"The little gentleman is interesting. I haven\'t heard anyone say such interesting words for a long time. It\'s really fun!"

The two old men did not think it was too big to watch the excitement. They not only did not explain their identity, but encouraged both sides to continue.

Their words made Wang ziqiao and others almost angry. Where did these two old men come from?

They were scolded. It\'s so annoying that two old men said it was interesting! Like that bastard Li forget worry!