Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 201

There is no mistake. The leader of the Taoist temple is called abbot or abbot.

In fact, the word Abbot was originally an inherent title of Taoism. Later, Buddhism was introduced into China and borrowed this term.

However, after the prosperity of Buddhism, the abbot became a special term of Buddhism, and Taoism became a pirate. This is really unfair.

Abbot is the highest leader of Taoist ten jungles. It can also be called "Abbot".

Wang Anshi of the Song Dynasty said, "the Taoist Abbot should have no dream. He wants to chant for a long time and imitate huixiu."

In Zhuangzi Tianxia, Cheng Xuanying said, "Fang is the way." in the book of rites, Ben Ming: "Zhang is the long way." that is, it is a respectful title for the elders of Tao.

With Sun Simiao\'s prestige in Taoism, even if xuandu temple was a royal Taoist temple, the abbot of the Taoist temple held his disciples\' rites respectfully when he saw the old Taoist priest.

"Can yuan Tiangang and Yuan Daoyou be in the temple?" Sun Simiao asked directly.

"Return to immortal master. Master Yuan went to visit friends in Chang\'an city today and hasn\'t come back yet. Please come to the temple and serve tea. Wait a moment." the abbot of the Taoist temple replied respectfully.

Whether Sun Simiao or yuan Tiangang, as the abbot of the Taoist temple, he belongs to senior experts and can\'t be served carelessly.

In Taoism, senior masters are usually called Taoist masters or immortal masters.

"Then wait a minute and let me know immediately when yuan Daoyou comes back." hearing that Yuan Tiangang is not in the Taoist temple, Sun Simiao can only go to the Taoist temple and wait for him to return.

The abbot of xuandu temple asked the little Taoist priest to send the clay stove and tea frying tools to fry tea for everyone.

Li Qieyou really couldn\'t adapt to the "dark cuisine" in the tea. In addition, he couldn\'t understand the Taoist Scriptures discussed between Sun Simiao and the abbot of the Taoist temple, so he simply sued for his sin, went out of the guest room and led Niu Wu around the xuandu temple.

Xuandu temple, the peach garden behind the temple, has long been famous in Chang\'an city.

Whenever the peach blossoms in the temple are in full bloom, scholars, senior officials, Xun GUI and those noble women in Chang\'an city invite relatives and friends to enjoy the flowers in the xuandu temple.

They came to xuandu Temple today in March of spring, when peach blossoms were in full bloom.

As the imperial Taoist temple of the Tang Dynasty, xuandu temple has no status, but it is difficult to enjoy the peach blossoms.

Therefore, in the xuandu Temple of Nuo University, there are not too many tourists enjoying peach blossoms. From time to time, there are bursts of Pipa music in the peach garden. Obviously, it is Le Ji brought by the noble people who come to the peach garden to play music.

Li Qieyou only wandered around in the peach garden. In his eyes, the peach blossoms were as magnificent as the sea and the tide; Enjoy the beautiful and charming near, like a girl\'s first makeup.

A gust of light wind blew, and little peach petals fell, which was very beautiful.

Li Qieyou only regretted that he didn\'t take his beautiful boss with Aphrodite to enjoy the peach blossom in the xuandu.

Behind him is Niu Wu, a strong one eyed man. It\'s really a bad sight.

I was thinking about it. Two days later, when I brought my beautiful boss and them to watch the peach blossoms, I saw several scholars dressed up not far away talking under the peach blossoms.

Li forgot his worries and was happy.

Sure enough, it\'s not that the enemy doesn\'t meet. Who is Wang ziqiao, the legitimate son of the Wang family in Taiyuan, surrounded by several scholars?

Hei hei, the legitimate son of Taiyuan Wang\'s family is really powerful. Everywhere he goes, he is the focus of the crowd. Is this going to be the debut of position C?

Li forgets to worry about this prince Joe is also deeply resentful. The reason why he asked Li Er to keep the knighthood secret for the time being is to dig a hole for Wang ziqiao and others.

Black bellied men are not atmospheric people. They can laugh away their gratitude and hatred.

Before the Wang family in Taiyuan withdrew from marriage, he felt that he had lost face for no reason, and he was inexplicably against himself. Li forgetful had been angry for a long time.

But he was a confessor at that time. Although he was friendly with the dandies, he had no power and power, and the dandies could not protect him at any time.

So even if he was unhappy, Li forgot his worries and had to bear it.

After winning the gambling fight with Wang ziqiao, he shrank in Dingzhou village because he was worried about being retaliated by the Wang family in Taiyuan and the Zheng family in Xingyang.

His small arms and legs can\'t stand the toss of the aristocratic family.

Li forgets worry to see very clearly, these aristocratic families really want to deal with themselves, which is no different from crushing an ant.

At the beginning, a small seven grade household of Li family in Huxian County joined the army, almost tossed himself and the village households in Dingzhou, not to mention the aristocratic family, which was the force that even Li Er dared to pit.

Without enough confidence to confront such a rich family with five surnames and seven hopes, he was forced to choose hibernation.

But the day before yesterday, he was accidentally knighted by Li Er. Li forget worry, the black man, immediately strengthened his courage.

Although he is only the lowest Kaiguo County man, he can protect him from being bullied wantonly by borrowing the power of the government.

Although the title of Datang is only an honorary title, it belongs to a real privileged class.

In addition to not paying taxes and being able to levy taxes from the closure of households, Li QIAOYOU\'s title as a man in Kaiguo county is also equivalent to an official title from the five grades.

So Li forgot to worry about this black man. After being knighted, he thought about how to use this opportunity to dig a hole for the Wang family in Taiyuan at the first time.

I just didn\'t expect to meet Prince Qiao when I came to xuandu temple with Sun Simiao to find yuan Tiangang.

Li forgot to worry. With a smile, he quickly welcomed the past and said warmly: "brother Wang, I didn\'t expect to say goodbye to pingkang square a few days ago. Today we met again. Ha ha, it\'s really where we don\'t meet in life."

Prince Joe, who was surrounded by a group of scholars and occupied the "C position", couldn\'t help turning black when he heard Li\'s voice.

This bastard dared to appear in front of himself after humiliating him last time?

Wang ziqiao suddenly felt guilty and hurriedly looked behind Li forgetful to see if Chumo\'s dandies were there.

When he saw that Li Qieyou was alone and only followed by a one eyed trilogy, he couldn\'t help but breathe a sigh of relief in his heart.

"Li forgets worry. You are really brave. You dare to appear in front of me."

Li forget you pretended to be surprised: "eh, why did brother Wang say that? Did I remember wrong? It seems that I won the last gambling fight? Brother Wang, did you forget the content of our gambling fight? Do you want me to remind you?"

Wang ziqiao\'s face was darker. He thought of what he said that day that he would salute and avoid Li forgetful in the future. He felt a surge of anger in his heart.

But in front of these scholars, he didn\'t want to lose his demeanor.

Under the pressure of his anger, Prince Qiao snorted coldly: "hum, I don\'t want to talk to you who don\'t know what to say."

"Tut Tut, brother Wang\'s words are really sad. However, brother Wang, people can\'t break their promises. Don\'t forget our gambling agreement. You can give way now." Li forgets worry but says with a smile.

Like the stars holding the moon, these scholars surrounded Prince Qiao are all the people who went to Beijing for the exam this spring.

They all voted for the Taiyuan Wang family and were recognized by the Taiyuan Wang family. Today, Prince Qiao invited them to xuandu to watch the flowers in order to attract people\'s hearts.

These scholars thought Li forgetful worry was Wang ziqiao\'s friend. After hearing the dialogue, they immediately understood that the two sides did not deal with each other.

These scholars had been trying to curry favor with Prince Qiao. At this time, seeing Li forgetful in white, they knew that he was just a civilian.

So before Prince Joe could speak again, someone jumped out and challenged Li QIAOYOU for Prince Joe.