Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 1004

The news that Su Changqing was about to give birth to a son soon spread all over less than half of Chang\'an city.

The elders, including Yu Shinan, Gao Shilian and Fang Xuanling, who were close to Li QIAOYOU, Li QIAOYOU\'s disciples, Ma Zhou and Yan Liben, and Yuchi Jingde, who had always been good friends with Li QIAOYOU, also set off quickly. They followed Li Er\'s imperial convoy and rushed to Dingzhou village.

Li forgot to worry about the "death of Hong" and could hide it from the people in Li\'s house, but it was impossible to hide it from these court officials and generals.

Almost everyone knows that the child to be born today may be Li forgetful\'s posthumous son and will inherit Li forgetful\'s title in the future.

When Li Er and empress Chang sun led the crowd to Li\'s house, Su Changqing had been sent to the delivery room by wenpo. The maids and maidservants kept sending all kinds of towels, hot water and other appliances to the delivery room. The old housekeeper Li Heng and Niu Yong were walking back and forth anxiously.

Seeing Li Er and others appear, Li Heng and Niu Yongzheng plan to come forward to the ceremony. Li Er waved his hand: "don\'t make those false gifts, Li Heng, what\'s the situation in Yanling now?"

"Your Majesty, sun Laoxian and Liu Fengyu have been diagnosed. The lady is healthy and should be able to give birth smoothly. The stable women in the palace are helping her."

Both the mistress and the young lady in the Tang people\'s house were called empresses by servants. This habit of addressing makes Li forget worry that he has been taken advantage of

Empress Chang sun immediately said, "go to see Chang Qing in this palace."

One side of Changle also pulled her mother\'s sleeve: "Aung, I also want to see my sister."

When Changle first met Li forgetful, she was just a seven or eight year old little Lori.

Now, five or six years later, little Lori has also grown into a beautiful young girl.

Li forgot to worry about crossing to the Tang Dynasty, but he had a good skin bag. He was very handsome. He was no worse than those flow Xiaosheng in later generations. In addition, he "shameless" copied a large number of handed down works, which added charm to his charm.

Even if Li Qieyou is not the Duke of Fufeng County, he can also be called "national Idol" in the Tang Dynasty. He is the dream lover of countless little women.

Changle is the age when love begins. How can it not be dumped by Li forgetful? Therefore, her feelings for Li forgetfulness have already changed from respect and worship to love and nostalgia.

Since Li Er and empress Chang sun planned to betroth Changle to Li forget you as his wife, the little girl became shy and avoided Li forget you, the "teacher".

But in the little girl Changle\'s heart, she had already regarded Li forgetful as her future husband.

At the beginning, Li forgot his worries and refused to marry. He even didn\'t hesitate to be punished by Li Er. He ran to Huayin County as a county lieutenant, which made Changle unhappy for a long time. He often hid in the palace and cried secretly.

This is also the reason why Li Er was so angry that his teeth itched.

My precious little cotton padded jacket is crying and sad because of Li forget you, a bastard. Damn it!

Li Er, even though he was an emperor through the ages, was first and foremost a father.

It\'s really annoying and angry that the pig despised his own good cabbage.

Fortunately, in order to marry Su Changqing, Li forgot to worry and finally agreed to marry Changle, which satisfied Li Er a lot.

Changle is looking forward to Li forgetful sorrow\'s successful return from the western regions, he will marry himself and join Li\'s house.

Therefore, Changle has already changed his mouth and called Su Changqing his sister, which means he has regarded himself as a member of the Li family.

Who would have thought that when the sky failed, Li forgot to worry and died in the desert, which made Li Er both feel sad and sorry for his eldest daughter.

Li forgets to worry about the accident. Li Er and empress changsun still hide it from Changle and don\'t know how to tell her this cruel fact.

Changle\'s words made the empress changsun hesitate a little. She nodded down, took her daughter\'s hand and went to the delivery room.

In the delivery room, Su Changqing had become pale because of prenatal pain. His forehead was full of bean sweat, wet his long hair and pasted it on his forehead.

Seeing her like this, Changle hurried to the last issue, carefully took the warm towel from Peilan\'s hand and carefully wiped it for Su Changqing.

"Elder sister, is it hard to have children? Is it painful? You are enduring it. I heard from my mother that it will be fine when the children are born."

Su Changqing reluctantly smiled at Changle: "Changle, sister is fine."

Changle slightly tangled and stirred her clothes: "but Changle is afraid of pain. Will Changle do the same in the future?"

Without waiting for others to speak, Changle seemed to have made up his mind: "but if it\'s for Li Lang, Changle won\'t be afraid of any pain!"

Her words made Su Changqing and the empress changsun look dark at the same time. No one opened his mouth to answer, and he was not in the mood to make fun of the little girl.

Empress changsun hesitated, comforted Su Changqing, and took Changle out of the delivery room.

Her eldest daughter is still looking forward to the future, which makes her mother\'s heart more and more uncomfortable. She doesn\'t know what to do.

Empress Chang sun could not help thinking of what her brother said to her when he entered the palace these days. Perhaps, for the sake of Changle, it\'s time to reschedule her marriage.

As her nephew, Chang sun Chong seems to be a good choice

Empress changsun was absent-minded thinking about things, but Su Changqing\'s painful voice came from the delivery room, interrupting her thoughts.

Li Er and others were also nervous at this time. When a woman in the Tang Dynasty gave birth to a child, she really broke through the gate of hell and couldn\'t be careless.

Even Sun Simiao, in order to be more in case, had prepared an operating room in Li\'s house early. If Su Changqing had dystocia, he had to have another caesarean section.

Ma Zhou, Yan Liben and other disciples, as well as Li Heng, Niu Yong and others, were even more nervous and almost held their breath.

Fortunately, in a short time, there was a loud cry of the baby in the delivery room, which slightly alleviated the tension of the people.

"Congratulations, your majesty. Princess Yanling gave birth to a little girl smoothly. Mother and daughter are safe." immediately, a female official in the palace hurried out to report the news.

Everyone breathed at the same time, and immediately a sense of loss came into being.

Girl... You can\'t inherit Li\'s title

Li Er shook his head. Just as he was about to let the Chamberlain read the will, he heard a burst of baby crying again in the delivery room.

Two babies? twins?

Immediately, a female official rushed out again: "Congratulations, your majesty. Princess Yanling gave birth to another little husband. She is twin, dragon and Phoenix twin! Mother and son are safe!"

The news immediately shocked the people. The old housekeeper Li Heng softened his knees and knelt down: "the ancestors of the Li family bless, the old master bless, the husband has a future! A future!"

Ma Zhou and other disciples were even more ecstatic. The incense inheritance of our teachers will not be broken! This is the best news they have heard in almost eight months.

"Ha ha, yes, yes, Yan Ling has worked hard! Pass on my will. Li, the Duke of Fufeng County, forgets his worries and has made great achievements. He should return to the imperial clan for his meritorious service to the country!" Li Er was so happy that he didn\'t bother to let the internal attendant pass on the order, so he directly announced it in public.

As soon as the old housekeeper Li Heng heard that his husband could return to the imperial family, he was so excited that he almost had a cerebral hemorrhage. He immediately knelt down again and kowtowed to Li Ersan.

"The old slave thanked your Majesty on behalf of your husband!..."

Before Li Heng finished speaking, Li Er\'s next sentence almost made the old man faint directly.

"Li forget you, Duke of Fufeng County, is the king of Qin. His eldest son is the king of Fufeng County, and his eldest daughter is the princess of Fufeng!"

This remark surprised everyone

(talent, I can guess not only the dragon and Phoenix fetus, but also the relationship between sister and brother. It\'s great!)