Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 1005

The king of Qin?

Fang Xuanling, Gao Shilian and others almost wanted to dissuade, but they all closed their mouths again.

Obviously, this title is Li Er\'s compensation for Li forgetting his worries.

Although some are out of time, Fang Xuanling and others don\'t want to cause more trouble, which makes Li Er unhappy.

It is not unacceptable for everyone that Li forgets to be king. This belongs to Li Er\'s posthumous seal for Li forgetting sorrow. It is sorrow and honor.

But king Qin is not an ordinary Prince title.

Before the change of Li Er\'s Xuanwu Gate, his title was the king of Qin.

The king of Qin represents the state of Qin in the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period. Later generations granted the king, with the most distinguished titles of Qin, Jin, Qi and Chu.

The king of Qin almost represented Li Er, so there was a generation of Tang Dynasty. No one was named king of Qin except Li Er.

Now Li Er has given the title of king of Qin to Li QIAOYOU, which can be described as the extreme of sorrow and honor.

Li Er chose to announce the sequestration of Li forgetful sorrow in public at this time, that is, he did not intend to hide Li forgetful sorrow\'s death.

As for Li QIAOYOU\'s posthumous son, the two newly born children were granted the title of prefect. In the eyes of everyone, it\'s not a terrible thing. If Li forgets sorrow and is made a prince, it is also reasonable for his direct son to inherit the title of Prince.

After the old housekeeper Li Heng was surprised, he immediately responded. Li Er just used the word "seal up".

Posthumous seal means "posthumous title" and "respect". It means to add a title to the deceased.

"Your Majesty, did you make a mistake? My husband, he, he... How can it be sealed?" Li Heng\'s face suddenly became as white as paper, and his body on his knees trembled unconsciously.

Niu Yong and others on one side also understood Li Er\'s words. They were shocked and speechless.

Changle was even more incredulous: "Dad, what are you talking about? What\'s the sequestration? Li Lang, what\'s the matter with him?"

Empress Chang sun sighed and stretched out her hand to hold her daughter: "Changle, this matter will be explained to your mother slowly."

"Aung, tell me exactly what\'s going on? What\'s the matter with Li Lang?" Changle was not willing to listen to empress Chang sun and kept asking her in a panic.

In desperation, empress Chang sun could only whisper to her daughter about Li forgetful\'s encounter with a sandstorm in the desert a few months ago.

After listening to empress Chang sun\'s story, Changle shook and almost fainted to the ground.

"No, no, it\'s impossible. Aung, you must have lied to me! How did Li Lang die? No, no, Aung, you lied to me, didn\'t you?"

Empress Chang sun knew that her daughter had deep feelings for Li forgetfulness. At this time, it was difficult to accept this cruel fact.

She didn\'t argue with Changle, but held Changle in her arms.

The next second, Changle burst into tears

In the delivery room, Su Changqing, who had just given birth to dragon and Phoenix twins, looked haggard, but a smile appeared on her face, and looked sideways at a pair of dragon and Phoenix twins being taken care of by Peilan and Aphrodite.

However, Li Er\'s words and Changle\'s cry were unreservedly introduced into the delivery room, which made Su Changqing\'s face, who was lack of blood because of production, suddenly become as white as paper.

Pelan and aphelo stood still on the spot. They didn\'t understand how such bad news could come on such a happy day

After su Changqing gave birth to his son, Li Er immediately pursued Li forgetful in public. Perhaps it seems very unkind to future generations. He has no scruples about Su Changqing\'s feelings as Li forgetful\'s wife.

But in the eyes of the Tang people, this is his Majesty\'s sorrow and honor for Li forgetting his worries.

Especially Li Erzai