Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 1003

Changsun Wuji, in fact, has always had strong ambition.

But he also knew that he had no ability to shake Li tangjiangshan, so changsun Wuji had always been very careful to hide his careful thoughts in front of Li Er.

Li Er also really valued Chang sun Wuji. It can be seen that Ling Yange ranked Chang sun Wuji first.

In history, Li Er also married his eldest daughter, Princess Changle, to his eldest son, changsun Chong. His favor for changsun Wuji has reached the extreme.

However, it is obvious that changsun Wuji is not satisfied with being a powerful relative. After Li Chengqian was involved in the rebellion and abandoned, changsun Wuji realized that there was a glimmer of dawn in his chance to take power.

Therefore, he is also his nephew and eldest sun Wuji did not choose to support Li Tai, who is an adult and has always been known as intelligent, but chose Li Zhi, who is only 15 years old.

At that time, Li Er once considered passing the throne to Li Tai, but under the lobbying of changsun Wuji, he finally chose Li Zhi.

Chang sun Wuji chose to support Li Zhi, naturally because Li Zhi\'s ability is mediocre and even cowardly. In the view of eldest sun Wuji, such a nephew ascends the throne of God, he is easier to control and power.

However, the eldest sun Wuji did not calculate that Li Zhi married a powerful wife.

Finally, the eldest sun Wuji failed to fight Wu Meiniang, his body died and his name cracked, and his relatives were exiled to Lingnan

Now, although changsun Wuji has no such ambition, he also feels deeply afraid and uneasy about the rapid rise of Li forgetful.

He is different from the five surnames and seven hopes. All rights come from Li Er.

Therefore, Chang sun Wuji, who was originally close to Li Qieyou, became more and more dissatisfied after Li Qieyou\'s title became higher and higher and became closer to Li Chengqian, Li Tai and others.

When the "bad news" of Li forgetting his worries came, sun Wuji was overjoyed. He felt a stumbling block and disappeared.

Therefore, when he returned to the mansion, he immediately urged his son Chang sun Chong to pry the corner of Li forgetful.

Needless to say, time is like a white horse, and eight months are fleeting.

To May and early summer of the sixth year of Zhenguan.

In the past eight months, many things have happened.

After Cheng Yaojin rushed to Dunhuang county to take over the western expedition, he immediately led the rear army into the desert and joined the 50000 Chinese army who still stayed in the desert oasis and searched everywhere for the trace of Li forgetful.

Together with the elite of thousands of riding companies led by Mituo, 120000 troops searched the desert for dozens of days again. They almost didn\'t raze the surrounding sand dunes, but they still didn\'t find the trace of Li forgetful.

In desperation, Cheng Yaojin can only leave 10000 sergeants to Mituo and lead his army to continue the western expedition.

Cheng Yaojin, the devil of the mixed world, came out, and the Tang army\'s incomparable combat effectiveness made it natural that there was no suspense about the western expedition.

When the Tang army appeared outside Gaochang City, Gaochang king was scared to death as in history, and his successor directly opened the city and surrendered.

After the Tang army took Gaochang city without bloodshed, it took Gaochang as the center, sent Niu JINDA and Xue Wanjun to attack everywhere, successively captured Kucha and other countries, and incorporated a large area of land in the western regions into the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

But the victory of the western expedition did not make Li Er excited and happy.

Li forgets worry all the time without any news. Mito almost turns over the desert, but he can\'t find the trace of Li forgetful worry.

Now, even Li Er has silently accepted this fact in his heart and believes that Li forgetfulness should have fallen in the sandstorm.

Just because of this, Li Eryu felt guilty and remorse for sending Li forgetful to the western regions.

He paid more and more attention to Su Changqing\'s unborn child.

In Li\'s house, Li Er had already sent countless female officials and maids in the palace, and wenpo, the imperial woman in the palace, in order to take good care of Su Changqing\'s production.

Even Feng Yu Liu Shenwei of Shangyao Bureau was sent to Dingzhou village by him.

Sun Simiao and Zhang Baocang were also summoned into the palace by Li Er. They revealed the news that Li forgets worry and may die. They ordered them to take good care of Su Changqing and make no difference.

That child is Li QIAOYOU, who keeps the last blood in the world.

It can be said that with Sun Simiao, Zhang Baocang and Liu Shenwei\'s care, this degree of attention is better than that of the eldest grandson queen of Yitianxia.

Su Changqing, a very clever woman, has had some bad guesses since so many palace maids sent by Li Er and their attitudes towards Sun Simiao and Liu Shenwei.

In addition, Li forgot to worry about going on an expedition for several months, but she didn\'t even send back a letter, and there was no news at all, which made her feel even more uneasy.

However, Su Changqing didn\'t say anything and didn\'t ask about Li forgetful\'s whereabouts. He just stood on the terrace of the castle every day, overlooking the west, with sad eyes

This day, Su Changqing came to the terrace again. He gently touched his bulging belly with his hands and muttered to himself: "baby, your father may go back to that world again. Hum, he didn\'t bring his mother and baby. Next time he sees his father, baby must teach him a lesson for his mother."

"Elder sister, why did you come out again? Old immortal sun has said that elder sister is about to give birth. Why are you running around these two days? What if the injured children do?"

Two beautiful figures appeared behind Su Changqing.

Su Changqing reluctantly smiled: "don\'t worry, I\'ll be fine. Old immortal sun also said that proper exercise is good for children."

"My sister wants to see her husband again?" Peilan gently held Su Changqing and said with a mouthful, "your husband is true. He has been in the western regions for eight months and didn\'t know to ask someone to send a letter back. Hum, he said he would come back in eight months."

Su Changqing reached out to touch Peilan\'s hair and said with a smile, "well, don\'t blame him. Forget his worries. He may be entangled in something."

Aphrodite also grabbed Su Changqing and said with a smile, "yes, the western regions and Chang\'an are so far away. Nu came to Chang\'an with the caravan at the beginning, but she has gone for a whole year. Peilan, don\'t blame your husband."

"Hum, you all speak for your husband. I can\'t argue with you." Perrin smiled and stuck out her tongue: "sister, let\'s go back."

Su Changqing nodded, looked up at the west again, and when he turned to leave, he suddenly covered his abdomen with his hand and issued a light cry.

Aphrodite and Perrin were startled: "sister, what\'s the matter with you? But the child kicked you again."

A few drops of sweat rolled off Su Changqing\'s pretty face and slowly shook his head: "the amniotic fluid seems to be broken, but it may be that the child is going to be born..."

This surprised the second daughter immediately. After a long time, she gave a cry of surprise. She quickly called the palace maids and maidservants, carefully helped Su Changqing back to the room, and ordered someone to invite Sun Simiao and others immediately.

Sun Simiao and others hurried to make a diagnosis, and the stable woman in the palace also checked Su Changqing\'s body.

"Quickly, report to the palace immediately. Yanling County mainly produces!"

The news was immediately sent back to the Taiji palace. Under the protection of the Imperial Guard of the brigade, the Phoenix chariot of Li Er and empress Chang sun quickly came to the Li house in Dingzhou village with Changle, Li Chengqian and Li Tai

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