Great Slaughter System

Chapter 107

The uninvited guest outside the Heifeng mountains, Shen Lang doesn\'t know yet, but sits in the forest and eats barbecue with demon moon and others.

"Young Lord, the Heifeng mountain is so big. Where can we find Huayang sect\'s disciples?"

Gao Jianli asked after eating a piece of barbecue.

Shen Lang wiped his mouth and said faintly, "try to find the best. If you can\'t find it, there\'s no way."

For the kindness of the ninth master Feng, he still remembered that since the ninth master Feng came to him, he would try his best to do it.

Hearing the dialogue between Shen Lang and Gao Jianli, Jue Wushen interposed and asked, "young Lord, are you looking for a young disciple of the sect?"


"You know?"

Shen Lang looked sideways at Jue Wushen.

No God nodded and said, "well, if I remember correctly, that Huayang sect disciple should be more or less unlucky."

Shen Lang looked motionless and asked, "what do you say?"

"Last time I came here, I met a young man on the road. The young man was almost the same as the Huayang sect disciple mentioned by the young Lord, but those people of the blood demon sect left in the direction of the Huayang sect disciple."

"If there is no accident, those people of the blood demon sect should meet the Huayang sect disciple. According to the hot means of those people of the blood demon sect, if they do, the Huayang sect disciple should not survive."

Absolutely no God gloated.

Shen Lang nodded. He agreed with Jue Wushen\'s inference. The reputation of blood demon sect in Zhenwu mainland is not very good. Killing innocent people indiscriminately is as simple as drinking cold water in the eyes of blood demon sect.

"Come on, let\'s go and have a look. Even if we die, we have to find the body. Then we can give an explanation to the ninth master."

Then Shen Lang and others put out the fire. There was no God to lead the way. They walked in the direction of Huayang sect disciples.

"Young Lord, be careful. There are people nearby."

When Shen Lang and others were looking for Huayang sect disciples, Jue Wushen, who was walking in front, suddenly said with vigilance.

Shen Lang and others looked shocked. Are they from the blood demon sect?

"No, it should not be the people of the blood demon sect. The strength of the people of the blood demon sect is not so low."

Jue Wushen closed his eyes and felt it, opened his eyes and said in a deep voice.

"Little Lord, what shall we do?"

Gao Jianli came forward and asked.

Shen Lang pondered, "go, don\'t be found by those people. Let\'s follow up and have a look."

Shen Lang flickered at the feet of all the people and silently came to the distance of the people who had no God\'s words. Then they gathered their breath and observed quietly.

I saw that those people were people holding long swords, wearing blue robes and embroidered with the sign of long swords. Their faces were cold and their breath was heavy, but they were careful as if they were searching for something.

Shen Lang whispered, "these people should also come for the treasure."

The demon moon and others nodded. If there was no absolute intelligence, they couldn\'t guess it, but after hearing the absolute absolute intelligence about the blood demon sect looking for treasure, they naturally thought of the purpose of these people holding swords to Heifeng mountain.

"What is this treasure?"

Shen Lang murmured.

He felt that this treasure should not be simple. After all, even the blood demon sect of the six evil demons appeared. If it was just an ordinary treasure, it would not lead the blood demon sect to the eastern region to look for it all the way.

However, although Shen Lang didn\'t know what was hidden in the treasure, it didn\'t hinder his interest. He was going to follow these people secretly to see what was in the treasure.

Everyone has curiosity, and Shen Lang is no exception. Since you encounter it, you can\'t miss it.

Just then, the demon moon looked a little moved and said in a cold voice, "someone is coming again."

Shen Lang was surprised, and then the corners of his mouth turned up. It seems that the so-called treasure is really not simple.

"Come on, let\'s hide before they find out."

Shen Lang waved and said.

As soon as Shen Lang and others hid their bodies, they saw another group of people dressed in luxurious robes and gold and jade coming over.

"Oh, isn\'t this the brothers of the wind family?

What? The Feng family can\'t hold it anymore? They are moved by the treasure of Heifeng\'s father? "

The speaker is a fat man with a bloated body. The fat man should be about 30 years old. As the fat man moves, the jade pendant jingles around his waist.

Seeing the fat man, a middle-aged man among those martial artists with swords walked out slowly and said with a gloomy look: "Meng Changhe, don\'t you come to your rich villa?"

These people who wear gold and jade are the people of Fugui mountain villa, one of the five forces in Jiangzhou.

Those who hold long swords and wear green robes are people of the Feng family who belong to the five forces in Jiangzhou.

Fugui mountain villa is famous for its wealth. Its industries are all over the eastern region. Relying on its huge wealth, Fugui mountain villa has attracted countless strong people, which is one of the top five forces in Jiangzhou.

However, the Feng family is no weaker than the rich mountain villa. The Feng family is also famous in Jiangzhou by relying on the thirteen strong wind sword technique.

"Oh! Do you want your wind family to monopolize it if I don\'t come?"

Meng Changhe sneered.

Feng Qingyun looked at Meng Changhe coldly and said faintly.

"Well, Meng Changhe, since you are here, let\'s find the treasure together. When we find the treasure, we\'ll rely on our abilities."

Meng Changhe slapped his mouth. Feng Qingyun didn\'t quarrel with him. He felt a little boring, but business matters, and Meng Changhe didn\'t make a mess.

Meng Changhe is also very famous in the whole Jiangzhou. Like Li Zongquan, he is half empty. Only Li Zongquan is sharp and stands out in everything, so he will have such a great reputation. Meng Changhe is low-key. Although he has a bit of a muddy temper, he never stands out.

Then the search team grew again. The number of people on both sides was about 10. The strength of each martial artist was in the congenital state, and Feng Qingyun and Meng Changhe were half step away.

However, before the two sides searched for a long time, another group of people came in the distance.

Seeing the people who appeared this time, Shen Lang\'s eyes flashed a different color. These people were Li Zongquan, an old acquaintance of Shen Lang.

"You came early enough."

Li Zongquan just came here and said with a sneer when he saw Meng Changhe and Feng Qingyun.

"It\'s coming. What nonsense? Come and find it quickly."

Meng Changhe pretended to be thirteen when he saw Li Zongquan coming here. He couldn\'t help but curl his lips and say.


Li Zongquan choked at Meng Changhe\'s words.

After Meng Changhe said this, Feng Qingyun shrugged and followed Meng Changhe to find it.

This made Li Zongquan almost crazy.

However, Meng Changhe\'s temper, Li Zongquan also knew that he was the kind of master who didn\'t forgive people. Then he suppressed his anger and shouted to the Li family\'s children behind him: "what are you doing? Don\'t hurry to find it."

The children of the Li family looked shocked, and then they hurried forward to look for it.

"Ha ha, it\'s so lively that you\'re all here."

Before he could stop for two minutes, a rough and crazy voice sounded.

A man with a machete on his back, a rough face and a beard came out with a group of people dressed in escort agency clothes.