Great Slaughter System

Chapter 106


Shen Lang shouted.

"Ha ha, I have no gods. See you, little Lord."

A fierce laugh sounded.

As soon as he fell to the ground, Jue Wushen hugged Shen Lang and said nothing.

Jue Wushen looks about 30 years old. He looks cold and cold. He is wearing a black armor. It shines and shines.

"How long have you been here?"

Shen Lang asked faintly.

Jue Wushen respectfully said, "dear Lord, I was here two days ago."

Shen Lang frowned and asked, "what did you find?"

There was no divine way: "my subordinates did find it. They were here when the fierce tiger stronghold was destroyed that day."


Shen Lang looked very interested.

Just now, he saw a clue from the body of the minion, because the death of the minion was very similar to one of his skills, that is, the blood Sabre Sutra.

Others may not see the strange appearance of the little minion, but Shen Lang sees it. The blood essence of the little minion has been sucked dry.

Since Shen Lang\'s debut, in his impression, the only martial arts that can suck people\'s blood essence are his blood Sabre Sutra, but he didn\'t destroy the fierce tiger stronghold, so he became interested.

"At that time, my subordinates happened to pass by Heifeng mountain and were going to Jiangcheng to find the young master.

But when passing the Heifeng mountains, my subordinates saw a touch of blood rising into the sky. Curious, they rushed over.

At that time, the tiger stronghold was being slaughtered by a group of people in red robes. Among them, there were two strong men who transformed the virtual environment. Their subordinates didn\'t dare to expose them, so they hid. Later, after those people slaughtered the tiger stronghold.

My subordinates heard one of the people who transformed the virtual world say that they belong to the blood demon sect. They came to Heifeng mountain to look for a treasure. "

"But the man didn\'t elaborate. He just asked the tiger if he knew the whereabouts of the treasure. Without asking anything, the man waved to kill the tiger and left."

"My subordinates feel that things are not simple. Later, they searched here, but only found this ring."

With that, Jue Wushen took out a ring from his arms and gave it to Shen Lang.

Shen Lang took the ring and watched it carefully.

The ring is small and dark. It is almost the same as an ordinary iron ring, but some patterns engraved on it show an extraordinary trace.

When Shen Lang stared at the patterns on the ring, the patterns seemed to move strangely, but when Shen Lang looked carefully, the patterns returned to the original.


Shen Lang was surprised, but when Shen Lang looked at it, the patterns didn\'t reflect.

Shen Lang handed the ring to the demon moon and frowned, "demon moon, come and have a look at this ring."

The demon moon received it and looked at it carefully.

After watching it for a while, the demon moon shook her head and said, "little Lord, this is an ordinary ring, nothing special."

"But these patterns are a little unusual, but my subordinates can\'t see what these patterns are."

Shen Lang took the ring and didn\'t study it. He said faintly, "let\'s go. These people should be the people of the blood demon sect. We can\'t manage them. We\'d better do the old wind first."

Although the blood demon sect slaughtered the tiger stronghold, it had nothing to do with Shen Lang, but Shen Lang felt that something big might happen in Jiangzhou.

Heifeng mountain is not big, but it is not small. If you want to find the whole mountain, it will not take a day and a half. Fortunately, Shen Lang wandered in the mountain with demon moon and others.

Shen Lang of Heifeng mountain came once before, but he came to accumulate killing points. He didn\'t look carefully. This time, he just looked for Huayang sect disciples and took a good stroll.

The origin of the black wind mountain range is the name of a strong man in ancient times. It is said that at that time, the black wind mountain range was the residence of a strong man. The strong man was named the ancestor of the black wind and was a giant demon owl.

Heifeng\'s father is a demon monk, but although Heifeng\'s father is a monk, his strength is very strong.

According to historical records, Heifeng was an unparalleled strong man in the immortal martial arts realm, but unfortunately, he was not spared in the war between the Lord and the devil in ancient times. Moreover, when the war between the Lord and the devil broke out, Heifeng was the first to be attacked.

Heifeng\'s father was also a cruel man. At that time, there were no less than five righteous immortal martial arts experts who besieged Heifeng\'s father, but in this way, Heifeng still killed two people.

At that time, the war also interrupted the Heifeng mountains, which were huge mountains across Jiangzhou and Yunzhou. This shows how fierce the war would be at that time.

Later, Changchun Zi also lived in seclusion here, but why Changchun Zi lived in seclusion here is unknown.

The sky is getting dark.

A blood moon hung across the sky. There was no star in the sky. The whole black wind mountain seemed to be covered with a layer of blood.

If someone looks from the outside, they will see that the Heifeng mountains seem to be shrouded in a bloody shield.

At this time, outside the Heifeng mountains, a group of warriors with long swords came in a hurry.

Looking at the Heifeng mountains shrouded in blood, a middle-aged man of about 40 said with a heavy look: "Zhang HUFA, are you sure the treasure is in the Heifeng mountains?"

An old man beside the middle-aged man said, "well, this is the information obtained by the people of our intelligence hall. It should not be wrong."

"OK, let\'s go."

The middle-aged man whispered. Then, under the leadership of the middle-aged man, they stepped into the black wind mountain shrouded in blood.

At the same time, there are also fighters in other parts of the Heifeng mountains, with different costumes and extraordinary momentum. With the entry of these people, the blood color over the Heifeng mountains, which is already shrouded in blood, seems to be more intense.