Great Slaughter System

Chapter 108

Seeing the big man, Li Zongquan and others flashed a name at the same time.

"Longwei escort agency."

Longwei escort agency is taboo. Longwei escort agency is the largest escort agency in the eastern region, and it is said that Longwei escort agency also has business contacts with lingzu countries outside the eastern region.

What scares them even more is "Wang Tongtian", the chief escort of Longwei escort agency. Wang Tongtian is the most mysterious among the five forces in Jiangzhou. Not only his identity is mysterious, but also his strength is unfathomable.

"What? You look very unwelcome to me."

The big man said jokingly.

Meng Changhe was also serious when he saw the big man. His name was Nie Fang. He was one of the three deputy escort leaders of Longwei escort agency. His strength had already reached half a step.

Because of his reckless origin, Nie Fang\'s combat effectiveness is a very strong group of people even in the half step virtual environment.

Even Li Zongquan admitted that he was not sure of winning Nie Fang completely.

With the arrival of Nie Fang, the atmosphere in the field became dull.

Just as the four forces looked at each other, a loud bang sounded.

When they heard the reputation, they saw a wind family child who didn\'t know what to touch. A crack slowly opened under a thick tree.

Everyone looked shocked, and the word "treasure" flashed in their mind

When the crack stopped, a secret road leading to the underground appeared in front of everyone.

Then Feng Qingyun, Li Zongquan and others were no longer hostile to each other and rushed to the underpass.

"Let\'s send someone down to explore the way?" Li Zongquan looked around the entrance of the underpass and looked at the people.

The other three had no objection and each sent one person down.

Then Li Zongquan and others followed into the channel.

"Young Lord, shall we go down too?"

Gao Jianli asked.

Shen Lang shook his head: "it\'s not urgent. There are still people who haven\'t appeared. Let\'s go down now. Can we be a pathfinder for them?"

Hearing Shen Lang\'s words, Gao Jianli and others suddenly realized that there are more than four forces in the Heifeng mountain, such as Li Zongquan, but there is also a blood demon sect in the dark.

Sure enough, before Shen Lang\'s words fell, he saw a group of people in red robes flying in the distance like a red lightning.

In front of those people was an old man in a blood red robe. The old man\'s face was withered and wrinkled. Behind the red robe was a big blood red character.

With the old man\'s movement, the word "blood" seems to be flowing blood. It\'s changeable and treacherous. People can\'t help but have a smell of blood.

The people of blood demon sect came to the tunnel and walked into the secret road without hesitation.

"Go, we\'ll go down too." Shen Lang saw the people of the blood demon sect go down, and then he didn\'t delay any longer. He was wearing black and gold clothes and floated in the air.

Shen Lang and others changed into underground clothes and went down into the channel.

Below the passage is a curved tunnel, and only three people can walk side by side. It is like a maze.


Li Zongquan and others walked for half an hour before they suddenly opened up. What appeared in front of everyone was a hall.

The hall was shrouded in black fog, and there were thousands of white bones on the ground. The dense branches in the whole hall gave people a shivering feeling. The surrounding gray walls were like a huge mouth of an abyss against the black fog.

"Where is this place? How can I feel uneasy in my heart."

A Li family disciple looked at the white bones in the hall and said tremblingly.

"Shut up."

Li Zongquan scolded, then frowned at Meng Changhe and others: "gentlemen, before we find the treasure, I hope we can work together to prevent unexpected crises."

Meng Changhe and others are not stupid people. This hall is so strange that they don\'t want to lose anything until they see the benefits.

After reaching a consensus, Li Zongquan and others looked dignified and walked into the hall. As soon as they entered the hall, they immediately felt a strong fog wrapping them.

This fog is very strange. Li Zongquan and others even smell a strong smell of blood.

Moreover, not only that, the fog could block their sight and affect their spiritual sense, which made Li Zongquan and others vigilant.

As Li Zongquan and others entered the black fog, the people of blood demon sect also came here.

Ouyangbo saw the black fog in the hall, his face changed and said in shock.

"This... Is this the great dark sky of Heifeng\'s father?"

Then ouyangbo seemed to think of something again. He couldn\'t believe it.

"Hasn\'t Heifeng died yet?"

As soon as ouyangbo\'s voice fell, a middle-aged man suddenly appeared beside him. The middle-aged man had blood lines all over his face. With the man\'s words, the blood lines seemed to live, distorted and deformed, and the end was very terrible.

"It should not be possible. Heifeng\'s father has been dead for thousands of years. How can he still be alive."

Ouyangbo heard the man\'s words, pondered for a moment and nodded.

"Well, brother Shentu is right. I don\'t believe a person can live for ten thousand years."

Then ouyangbo and others no longer hesitated and set off one after another and stepped into the black fog.

After the blood demon sect and others entered, Shen langcai walked out of the corridor with Gao Jianli and others. Looking at the back of blood demon sect and others, Shen langcai whispered, "big dark sky?"

"Little Lord, big dark sky, should be the power of Heifeng\'s ancestors in the field."

Absolutely no God, said with a dignified look.


Shen Lang looked at him with a horse face in surprise, making him absolutely godless.

"Well, the strong in the virtual world understand the power of heaven and earth, and the strong in Xianwu is to form their own field. In the field, the strong in Xianwu is an invincible existence. Anyone who steps into the field of the strong in Xianwu will be suppressed. Only the strong in Xianwu at the same level can rely on the field to maintain their combat power."

Absolutely no God explained.

Shen Lang nodded, which is a good explanation for why the strong Xianwu will cover and crush one side. With the strength of the field, even more strong virtual realm will be crushed by the strength of the field.

However, Shen Lang thought of another question, frowned and asked, "after the death of xianwuqiang, will the field not die?"

There is no divine way: "this is a strange place. According to the young Lord, the ancestor of Heifeng has been dead for thousands of years, and the field should have been broken long ago, but why the ancestor of Heifeng still exists is unknown to his subordinates."

"Let\'s go. I\'ll know why in a minute."

Shen Lang waved.

In the black fog, Shen Lang and others walked forward vigilantly, their bodies were tight, and they were ready for emergencies at any time.

As Shen Lang and others stepped into the black fog, a dry body slowly opened its eyes deep in the hall. At the moment when the dry body opened its eyes, a faint green light rose, which was particularly eye-catching in the black fog.

A voice like the friction between gold and iron sounded slowly: "is it finally coming?"

"Ten thousand years, what has the outside world become? I really want to go out and have a look."

With the voice of the dead body falling, the whole hall was quiet again.

"What sound?"

The sound made everyone present feel creepy.

Even Shen Lang and others at the back were not surprised. They were covered with hair.

In a gloomy and strange scene, an inexplicable sound suddenly appeared, and everyone would feel creepy.

"No, he\'s not dead."

Ouyangbo suddenly exclaimed.