Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1307

Frightened by the gel, the key restrained a little. He pinched his lips, some unwilling, but some helpless. Look at the mashed potato that is being carried on the back by the gel. After thinking about it, he said, "I am not much more familiar with this city than you. I used to be locked up in a very narrow cage. This is also the first time I came outside... "

Gel said, "brother, we don\'t have high requirements now. Just find a place to hide first and hide until the evening! As long as it\'s night... As long as it\'s night, everything can be solved! "

The key looked at the door again, confirmed again that there were no humans around, retracted and said, "well... Let\'s do it! You two hide here for a while, and I\'ll stay here. If someone comes near, I\'ll go out and lead them away until the evening, okay? "

Although this idea is really not much good, it seems that it is the only way now.

This made the gel that had just carried the cassava behind his back a little embarrassed. He frowned and thought. After confirming that there was no other way, he had to move the cassava back down again and put it safely into the coffin where he had just fallen asleep.

After re entering the coffin, Mashu turned over inside like finding his favorite bed, smiled at the corners of his mouth, continued to snore unprepared, and "woom" went to sleep.

Gel looked at the blood sister in the coffin and could only sigh for a moment. But just as he turned around and planned to say something to the key over there

Touch -!

A bolt of lightning slammed over, overturned the whole person of the gel, and crashed him into another open coffin next to him like playing billiards.

"Ouch! Wu...... "

"Don\'t talk, hide."

Just when gel wanted to ask what had happened, the lecherous, arrogant kid who had no idea just now had already put on a very rigorous and serious attitude.

After whispering, he no longer looked at the gel, but turned his head and silently looked at the direction of the entrance of the whole cemetery.

At this moment, gel naturally didn\'t feel open. He held his breath, and the whole person shrank into the coffin and covered his heart with fear.

Outside, on the key side, with the "that feeling" getting closer and closer, the blue and purple lightning on him also began to emerge slowly.

With these lightning flashing around his body, his hair was upright, his fists were clenched, and a pair of ice blue eyes reappeared the terrible color that seemed to lose humanity.

However, in the face of such a crazy lightning magician, "that thing" seems to have the meaning of avoiding at all, but continues to approach here, and... Closer and closer!


A man wearing heavy armor and holding a gold shield and a gold sword was walking slowly from the other side of the cemetery.

Is that a... Paladin?

No, maybe the Templar?

The key dare not neglect, can only tightly bite the teeth and clench with both fists.

The Templar\'s pace was very steady, but his goal was very certain, and he came to the coffin room accurately.

After confirming that he couldn\'t escape, the key glanced at him from the corner of his eye, put his head slightly out of the coffin and looked at his gel. After thinking about it, he opened his mouth and compared his mouth——

(if you find a chance, run away immediately.)

After comparing the mouth shape, the child jumped out of the coffin room and stood on a huge tombstone, allowing the lightning to flicker around him. The scene was very conspicuous.

And the Templar, seeing the child fleeing from the coffin room, no longer approached the coffin room over there. He raised his head and looked at the boy. Without saying a word, he just slowly raised the shield and sword in his hand. After gently patting the shield with his sword, a layer of yellow electricity began to surround the whole shield.

Now, although the key was standing high, his teeth were clenched more tightly. The little genius who just appeared arrogant now began to tremble slowly with his fist, and some colors called fear also twinkled in his ice blue eyes.

After a moment of stalemate, he did not speak, suddenly raised his hand and waved his fist to the gloomy sky! As a thunder light roared into the sky from his fist, the sky, which was just a little gloomy, immediately began to become dark clouds. It seemed that all the clouds around began to condense towards the cemetery, and even began to send out rumbling low thunder.

"Come on."

There was no fluctuation in the words of the Templar, just like doing an ordinary thing.

The key groaned, and the raised palm pressed down quickly. Then, a blue and purple lightning roared down. Of course, the target was the Templar standing over there!

At the critical moment, the Templar raised his shield directly. The thunder thundered on the shield. It came quickly and went quickly.

With the thunder, the heavily armed Templar seemed to have nothing changed except that his cloak was slightly stained with dust.

No... it should be said that the Yellow lightning that originally surrounded his shield has turned blue and purple.

"Is that it?"

Under the Templar\'s heavy helmet, there was a very contemptuous voice.

Hearing this, the key seemed to be angered. He suddenly opened his mouth, roared loudly, clenched his fists, and countless lightning began to burst and bloom on him!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

With this roar, the key on the top of the tombstone jumped down, and the whole body turned into a flash of lightning and ran directly towards the Templar!

Naturally, the Templar was ready. The shield in his hand was ready at any time.

But just as the key was about to approach the Templar, he turned a lightning turn in mid air and suddenly ran behind the Templar! The clenched fist has been full of lightning containing countless thunderstorms!

This scene also seemed to surprise the Templar. He had no time to turn around and raise his shield. At the moment when the fist of the key was about to hit his lower waist, he quickly raised his golden sword to block the position of the fist behind him. Only a roar was heard. His body in heavy armor involuntarily took two steps forward. After stopping his pace, he turned around for the first time, raised his shield, and then bumped into the key that hadn\'t breathed back for a while, bumping the child\'s small body against a tombstone in the back.

Touch -! Touch -! Touch -!

One, two, three... After smashing several tombstones in succession, the pace of the Templar finally slowed down.

The eyes under the helmet flashed a little surprised again, because now, the 12-year-old child still pressed his shield with his hands. Although the corners of his mouth had begun to shed blood, the ragged clothes on his body became more fragmented and scattered inch by inch after such tossing, even if his back had been bumped by stones and pulled out countless wounds, and blood splashed everywhere

But the boy still stood upright in front of him.

"I think I\'ve seen a lot of geniuses in element affinity."

There was a hint of approval in the Templar\'s tone. At the same time, the cloak, which had just been punched by the key, now finally had an effect and began to break and float away inch by inch——

"But you can definitely be regarded as a genius among geniuses. Not only the talent of element affinity, but also the willpower. If the average child has experienced such an experience as yours, I\'m afraid he\'s already crazy, or he\'ll never recover and be timid. "

"However, you are the only one. The more setbacks you encounter, you will stimulate stronger strength and be more reluctant to admit defeat. You know what? Child, with such a character, you will definitely become an unprecedented great lightning magician on the whole golden road in the future. "

Crackle crackle!

Blood began to seep from the palms of the hands on the shield, but this did not affect the blue and purple lightning to jump more happily.

The key gasped. Facing the recognition of the Templar, he just laughed and said, "don\'t you... Don\'t you want to know when you will die in my thunder hand? I think... You dare not let me grow up again... Because if I grow up again, I will completely... Become a monster that you can\'t stop at all!!! "

Under the heavy armor, the voice did not have such violent emotional ups and downs, but slowly said: "monster? No, it should be said to be a demon. To tell you the truth, I even doubted that the recent rumors about the demon king\'s coming back to the world were about you? Your dark side is already very strong. If you continue to tolerate the development of things like you, I\'m afraid you will become the legendary demon king again? At that time, how many lives will you cause? "

"You killed my parents! Kill me, friend! Burn everyone!!! "

"Now! You talk about me! Yes - demon king???!!!!!"

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!!!

Just now, it was just a simple flickering blue and purple lightning that suddenly broke out at this moment! Even the gel hiding in the coffin room can feel the lightning magnetism. Not only the coffin room, but also the whole coffin began to bring layers of electric shock!

He hurriedly climbed out of the coffin, lay on the ground, crawled to the door of the coffin room and looked out.

But the violent lightning on the key has wrapped him and the Templar! The dark clouds above the whole cemetery are now thundering! One after another in the lightning barrier where the two of them are!

The scattered electric sparks destroyed everything around, interrupted the tombstones, discounted the trees, and the lightning swept across the ground, digging deep ditches on the ground. The air was full of the freshness raised by the lightning splitting the air, and even the freshness was breathless.

The grave keeper of the cemetery fled early. The whole cemetery now seems to have become a raging field of terrible Warcraft. Everything is suffering from the most cruel destruction in the world!

Finally, the scattered lightning swept over the top of the gel and blew the whole roof of the coffin room away! Gel raised his head and looked at the sky that had been almost completely destroyed. After thinking about it, he still clenched his teeth, climbed back to the coffin of Mashu, stood in, stretched out his hands, and tried his best to form a small magic barrier with his own elements.

Pa pa -!

The lightning split on the lightning barrier of the gel, perhaps because of the affinity of the same elements, which finally reduced the pressure. But even so, the gel felt that its scalp had begun to numb and its whole body began to enter an energized state. He bit his teeth and lowered his head. He only saw that the cassava in the coffin was still sleeping soundly under his own protection. He couldn\'t help feeling a little desperate!

(damn vampire sleepy bug! You\'d better hurry up... Wake up -!)

However, even if you pray in your heart, the blood sleeping beauty will still fall asleep as long as she falls asleep. Especially now, under the protection of layers, she sleeps very sweet and doesn\'t feel at all.

The gel continued to support, but such support made his magic affinity consume rapidly, and the whole person seemed more and more unbearable.

When he looked at the simple vampire sleeping at his feet again and felt his arms about to be unconscious by electric anesthesia, he finally couldn\'t stand it and bit his teeth

He raised his foot directly and kicked it on the little face of the blood girl who was still smiling and sleeping.



Suddenly there was a loud thunder outside the window, which shocked Ariel, who had just written the beginning, and quickly raised her head.

Obviously, the thunder was so close and loud that the tide in the office and the emperor couldn\'t help turning their heads and looking at the window at the same time.


Just as everyone looked at the window, a few cracks suddenly appeared on the landing window. Through the cracked window, Ariel could see the strange gathering of clouds in the sky and the terrible lightning explosion below.

"Is this...?!"

Seeing the huge lightning explosion, Ariel was surprised and immediately thought of gel. She couldn\'t help muttering——

"Which direction is... The direction of the cemetery in the civilian area?"

Looking at the huge thunderstorm ball, the tide\'s face looked a little ugly. He involuntarily stepped back and exclaimed: "that... Is that magic? Is there such terrible magic in this world? "

Compared with the tension of the tide, the face of the fierce wave suddenly became much easier! Instead of fearing the cracked glass, he took a step forward. It was at this time that Ariel noticed that the faint anger that had been hanging between the emperor\'s eyebrows since she came in had now disappeared?

"Ah, of course it\'s magic."

Looking at the magic that seemed to destroy any life involved, the corners of the mouth of the fierce wave raised slightly. He nodded his head gently and said with eyes of great appreciation——

"Moreover, it is the most powerful magic. It was a genius, a once-in-a-century genius, a genius of the most powerful lightning magician in history, in addition to the demon king. "

Seeing the fierce wave\'s smile, Ariel was slightly stunned, as if she felt something. Suddenly, a sudden cold began to climb up her back, which made her shiver.

The tide seemed a little unclear. Therefore, seeing that his brother was standing in front of him now, he dared to take two steps in front and said, "the strongest genius magician? Brother Huang, it\'s really rare to hear this praise from your mouth. So... What\'s going on over there now? The magician... Is he practicing? Even if there are few people in the cemetery, you can use magic of this scale to practice... The tombs of the families of those civilians will be destroyed... "

Menglang (harmony) snorted and said, "it can only be said that he has no choice. Although he is a genius, he doesn\'t understand his own mission. Forget it, the Holy See should be able to catch him soon. "

The tide was stunned: "is the Holy See catching him? Well... Shall we provide some manpower now? "

Meng Lang shook his head, looked at the still fierce thunder ball, smiled and said: "the Holy See has made full preparations, and all kinds of anti lightning mantras, guards and equipment have been prepared. In addition, since we have started to do it, we must have set up an array to reduce lightning damage. No matter how talented that genius is, there is only one person, one person, and it is impossible to resist the whole holy see. "

With these words, Meng Lang looked back and didn\'t seem to care about the situation outside. Instead, he came to the bar next to him, opened a bottle of wine and poured out three cups. With a smile on his face, he raised two of them, one to his brother tide and the other to Ariel here. Then he went to pick up the last glass of wine, sat down on the sofa again and had a good drink.

Ariel glanced at the thunderstorm over there, took a sip of the wine in her hand. Obviously, the mood of menglang is much better now, just like a heart disease in his heart has been completely cured. If it were more accurate, Ariel believed that a song and dance drama would be arranged for him immediately, and the emperor would gladly agree to watch it, rather than continue to force herself to write this personal letter?