Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1308

"Your Majesty, it\'s hard to explain what\'s happening next. Many of the ancestral tombstones of civilians have been destroyed, which needs to be comforted. "

Ariel looked at the huge war over there, turned her head and said something to the fierce waves here.

Meng Lang took a sip of wine, gently shook the glass in his hand, nodded and said, "this is really a problem. Civilians... Civilians also need to deal with it. Um... Well. Ariel, go outside and call someone in. "

In such a tone, do you still treat Ariel as a maid?

But Ariel was eager not to touch the letter in her hand, so she quickly went to the door and opened it. When the maid outside the door saw the door open, two immediately came in and saluted the emperors and nobles inside.

"Go and send an order to Sheriff Paladin guangzhongguang, and let him lead his hand to deal with the situation on the other side of the cemetery, calm the emotions of the civilians there, and don\'t let them make trouble."

The maid answered, and Ariel quickly drew up an order on the parchment and respectfully handed it to the fierce wave.

Menglang was just thinking about how to write such an order, but he saw such an order handed over by Ariel. After glancing at it, he glanced at Ariel with great satisfaction, smiled at the tide over there and said, "my lovely brother, you are really the happiest person in the world! If you can have such a good woman willing to follow you, you should cherish it and never live up to others, you know? "

The tide smiled a little embarrassed and remained silent.

Menglang rolled up the order, handed it the sealing paint with a candle, then printed it on the sealing paint with the seal on the ring, and handed it to Ariel again.

Ariel was holding the seal paint to the maid over there and gave the order to the other party.

As a result, the parchment placed in front of Ariel was now used up. Look at the emperor\'s desk over there. It seems that there is not much parchment for writing letters. Seeing this, Meng Lang frowned slightly, but now it is estimated that he is in a good mood, so he didn\'t investigate. He just said: "well... Ariel, go back and choose a time and send it to me early tomorrow morning."

So far, the disaster has finally passed. Ariel breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. Naturally, a faint smile appeared on her face. She bent down and nodded gently.

Meng Lang took another sip of the wine glass. At this time, the thunderstorm on the other side of the cemetery finally disappeared slowly. It seems that there should be a conclusion about the war situation.

In this regard, menglang seemed more happy, nodded, drank the wine in his hand and put down the cup.

Seeing that he was in a good mood now, Ariel in the back thought about it and said, "Your Majesty, when I come to see you this time, I not only hope to see your majesty with my own eyes and congratulate your Majesty on his accession to the throne, but also want to discuss with you about the guild tax of mermaid song."

The fierce wave was a little stunned, then turned to look at Ariel, smiled and said, "what\'s the meaning of mermaid\'s song? Oh, by the way, I remember. When is your guild going to dissolve? "

Ariel shrugged, forcibly suppressed the fear and tension in her heart, kept that smile on her face all the time, and said quietly——

"Your Majesty, it\'s easy to dissolve the mermaid song guild. Not only can I dissolve the mermaid song, but I can also contact several cities in the border province to dissolve all the guilds in those cities and solve your Majesty\'s troubles at one go. "

Meng Lang smiled, stretched out his hand and patted Ariel affectionately on her shoulder. This action is no longer like treating a lady, but more like treating your confidant with the same respect, saying: "I knew you must have a way, and I know you will never let me down."

Ariel stooped slightly and said with a smile, "thank you for your praise. There are just some small things I want to confirm with your majesty. "

Menglang: "you ask, I will answer you."

Ariel smiled and said, "it\'s not troublesome to dissolve all the guilds in the border province, but the trouble is how to fill in the responsibilities originally undertaken by the guilds after the guilds are dissolved? Take my mermaid song as an example. If the mermaid song is dissolved and all members come to Hanhai city according to your Majesty\'s idea, how can the security situation of Pelican city be guaranteed? In addition to public security, there are also tax responsibilities. You know, today\'s Pelican city is not a small town with only 300 or 400 people, but a small city with more than 3000 people. Without a strong and powerful means of violence, I\'m afraid it will be difficult to collect all the taxes. "

Meng Lang stretched out his hand, nodded in front of Ariel, showed an expression of approval, and said, "you have considered the problem very comprehensively. In fact, I have already considered this problem."

The emperor got up, poured himself another glass of wine, sat down on the sofa again, smiled and said, "you know, our Empire used to take the adventurer guild as the basic security force surrounded by the region. If our empire wants to do something in these towns, it is often the cheapest and most convenient way to use the local adventurer guild. "

Ariel nodded, "I\'ve experienced this myself."

Meng Lang: "this method is cheap and effective. It seems very good. However, over time, there will always be some guilds that do not do their work very well and take the method of enriching their own pockets and colluding inside and outside to hinder the Empire\'s work. On the surface, they seem to be out of work, but they don\'t contribute. Sometimes these adventurers\' associations even turn local towns into their own territory. My tax officials have to take a lot of trouble to collect taxes. "

Ariel tilted her head, nodded and said, "any policy will have both advantages and disadvantages. The key is whether the advantages are big enough to suppress the disadvantages."

The fierce wave breathed out a sigh, looked a little depressed, and said, "but the problem is, I found that these benefits may not be able to suppress the disadvantages... Forget it, these are not the key points. The key point is how you say I should consider those adventurers, right? I\'ve made up my mind. I\'ll let all the adventurers join my imperial army. Then, I will let the Imperial troops in other areas go to maintain law and order in the marginal provinces. "

Ariel frowned and said, "mobilizing troops from other regions... Seems to solve the problem of collusion between the army and local governments, but the other problem is that it also costs a lot of money? Your majesty... I dare to ask, is there any solution to the problem of expenditure in this regard? "

In this regard, Meng Lang\'s eyebrows, which just seemed a little relaxed, frowned again. He rubbed the bridge of his nose slightly and closed his eyes.

Seeing this, Ariel couldn\'t help but click in her heart. Did she think she had gone too far?

Fortunately, the emperor was not a man who would vent his anger at will. After thinking for a moment, he said slowly, "since I became king, there have been many problems at home and abroad... It\'s like someone is deliberately tripping me."

Ariel was silent. The tide over there also shrunk his neck and dared not speak.

"The hunter Empire doesn\'t know what the wind is. It has constantly provoked war on our border in the past year. In China, there is a severe drought, and many areas have no grain harvest. Many refugees have begun to become mountain bandits and robbers! Alas... I don\'t know how those nobles discipline the people under their own rule. How can they cause so much trouble to me? It really gives me a headache. "

Ariel shut her mouth silently, still speechless.

But a moment later, the fierce wave breathed out slowly, smiled at Ariel and said, "however, someone recommended a method for me. I believe I can solve the economic problems in a short time. "

Ariel is very interested. Who proposed a method to solve the difficulties faced by the blue bay Empire?

Meng Lang smiled and said, "in fact, you know this person too. He is your teacher. Remember him? "

Ariel was stunned. She couldn\'t help covering her mouth and said in surprise: "Connor conservative teacher

Meng Lang nodded, continued to smile and said, "yes, it\'s him. He put forward three strategies for me and said that as long as I can follow these methods, the blue bay empire can slowly recover! "

"The first one is his most respected one. I tell you now, don\'t tell anyone else. I\'m afraid he\'ll get into trouble, you know? "

Then the fierce wave turned his head and glanced at the nearby tide. The tide turned his eyes and said, "brother Huang, you know I\'m not interested in politics or economy. If you want, I\'ll go now. "

Meng Lang quickly shook his head and said, "how can this work? Ariel is your mistress. How can I be alone with your mistress while you are away? I trust you. Don\'t tell others, ha ha. "

The tide once again showed an expression of indifference and stopped talking.

Menglang said with a smile: "first, your teacher recommended me to make peace with the hunter empire for the time being, and even cut a little land, compensate a little money and admit the strength of the other party. Then, using this peaceful time, let me promote reform in our empire as soon as possible, and then distribute a large number of various noble titles, preferably even those Dalits in the slums. "

Ariel was stunned and blurted out, "what\'s this? If you randomly issue noble titles, the noble is not a rotten street? "

Meng Lang nodded and said with great approval, "I think so, so I asked your teacher, but your teacher said it was to make the noble title rotten. Because there are only aristocrats in the rotten street, and there will be no aristocrats at that time. In that case, I can start to clean up those aristocrats who have plundered a lot of wealth in their own territory and refuse to turn it over to the state treasury. "

Speaking of this, Meng Lang looked forward to holding his arms and said, "Alas... I don\'t know how much money those nobles earn? They don\'t need to spend money to manage the country. They just need to take the money into their pockets. But the royal treasury, in addition to supporting the food and clothing expenses of our royal family, is still used to protect the whole country! If I can, I really want to find out some of them and squeeze them dry! See how much oil and water they have! "

Ariel\'s eyes also showed some longing brilliance and said, "this is really an expected scene! Then, your majesty, is that all? "

Meng Lang smiled and said, "it\'s not just that. He also suggested that I take the method of raising people\'s interest, reduce taxes as much as possible, and let the royal family and those rich and powerful nobles eat together for several years, even more than ten years and decades. In this way, perhaps when my son grows up, the blue bay empire can regain its former glory. "

If so, it may be a road worth taking... Isn\'t it?

Ariel thought of this, nodded gently and said, "it sounds like a good method."

"Alas..." unfortunately, the emperor\'s sigh made Ariel know that the best policy was definitely yellow.

"Sounds good. How can I immediately cut off the land left to me by my father less than a year after taking over it? At least I\'ve been on the battlefield. If I beg for mercy from the hunter empire as soon as I come up, what\'s the face of the royal family? Ariel, you are also a member of the royal family. Do you think it will have face? "

Ariel said something for a moment.

"Of course, the face of the royal family is even now. More importantly, how can aristocratic titles be freely awarded? I\'ve been nagged by those old friends for a long time since I made you a noble that day. If I give a lot of noble titles, it\'s good? "

"As for drawing money from those nobles... Alas, I also want to, but I still have to rely on them to maintain my empire. I can\'t do such a thing as pumping out the pillars of the country. "

"As for the method of recuperation... No more. My hope is to be a little faster... Faster. I hope I can solve these problems within five years, instead of waiting until my son grows up and inherits the throne. I don\'t know what the environment of the whole world will become at that time. What if the hunter Empire starts to attack us again in the process? "

Ariel recognized the helplessness and eagerness in his tone from the words and behaviors of the fierce wave.

His majesty, the new emperor, hopes that his name will leave a strong mark in the history of the blue bay Empire and that he can become an emperor with achievements and responsibilities. I hope the huge empire left by the former Emperor can keep rising without falling into a trough in his hands!

This is a hope!

And what mankind needs most is this hope?

"So... What other methods did my teacher propose?"

Asked Ariel, swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

Meng Lang smiled and said, "your teacher\'s worst policy is to immediately announce an all-out war against the hunter Empire, interrupt all bilateral trade and stop any bilateral exchanges. Then, those disobedient mountain bandits and refugees will be sent to the border to fight with the hunters. "

"War is the quickest way to die. As long as the extra refugees die, there will be less mouths to eat. As long as you have enough to eat, the problem of food shortage caused by drought can be suppressed. The continuous war can also make those adventurers work harder, because it is a better way to make fast money. We can adapt them into mercenaries, so that we can have a team that is cheap and may continue to die without money. "

"In the process of war, civilians will feel that living is the best thing, so at this time, they will plunder their land and let all their land be in the hands of the royal family. With land, there will be taxes and money. Then our blue bay empire can develop again. "

After hearing this bad policy, Ariel only thought it was a bloody strategy... To maintain the current social system by greatly reducing the poor population in China! If ordinary people look at war from the perspective of the cruelty, blood and justice of the war, I\'m afraid only their head teacher of the Department of economics will give this rich country method to calculate human life completely from an economic point of view!

Fortunately, since the emperor first said this bad policy, it means that this article should also be rejected?

Ariel felt relieved about this.

"So... What is the best policy?"

Facing Ariel\'s inquiry, menglang shrugged slightly, smiled and said, "Ariel, when I heard Connor say these three strategies, I think he had already decided to let me choose his best strategy. The other two options are purely made up by him, right? At the beginning, I thought it was reasonable, but now think about it, your teacher really has a bad heart ~ ~ "

Ariel could only smile awkwardly and stop talking.

Meng Lang didn\'t delay any longer and continued: "he gave me the best policy. In fact, he wanted to tell me what he could do."

"This strategy requires me to send an important envoy to the hunter Empire to meet their queen and communicate with the queen of the hunter. Peace talks should be held under the condition that the face of the blue bay empire can be guaranteed. Of course, your teacher also gave me a specific chip to implement this middle policy, that is, to increase the trade between our blue bay Empire and the hunter empire. "