Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1306

Gel was stunned: "the soldiers of this country caught you, and then the magician of this country taught you magic?"

The key nodded and said, "yes, at first I thought it was strange. I always thought there would be a conspiracy. But then I found out that they really wanted me to learn those powerful and terrible lightning magic! Moreover, this kind of teaching is not sneaky, but many people teach me together. Even if I can\'t learn it at once, I\'m required to remember the magic spells, arrays and amulets first. "

"I learn very fast. The faster I learn, the more surprised they will be. When the lightning I sent out one day was no longer yellow like you, but blue and purple, those magicians were very happy one by one. They praised my magic affinity one after another, even stronger than all lightning magicians they recognized. I even look forward to when I can evolve my lightning into lacquer black. At that time, I may be the only lightning magician with black lightning except the demon king. "

The gel opened his mouth and exclaimed, "brother, you are really strong. This is not flattery, I mean it! You have so powerful magic affinity, so smart and so fast to learn. In the future, you will become a lightning magician famous all over the world! Just... "

The key put his hands on his hips and said proudly, "but what?"

Gel frowned, "it\'s just... Why do they teach you magic? Why train you to be a powerful lightning magician? Aren\'t you going to avenge your parents? "

Hearing his parents, he immediately bit the key\'s teeth and hummed, "how is it possible? I\'m sure to kill that bad man. I\'ll avenge my parents! "

Gel: "in that case, why should they cultivate you and let you grow? Even grow into one of the most powerful magicians? Isn\'t this a contradiction? Train you and let you kill their soldiers? "

When asked about the gel, the key immediately looked like he knew everything, and hummed, "do you think I didn\'t think about it? I\'m a genius! I am also a genius not only in learning magic, but also in learning words and thinking about things! "

"Tell you, don\'t tell anyone! Those magicians probably saw that I practiced hard, so they were also relieved of me. Once I overheard them chatting, saying that after I was trained, I would give me to others, and then let my strength be used by others! "

"So I think they must want to train me well and sell me at a high price. So they won\'t be afraid of me. Hum, how can there be such a good thing in this world? "

Gel nodded and said, "in other words, do you want to be a mercenary? Well... It seems that this explanation is not quite right... But it seems that there is only such an explanation. "

The key patted his hands and said, "I don\'t want to be used as a tool by them anymore. My power belongs to me. They will only obey my orders! Since they taught me magic, I won\'t care about them. I\'ll only kill the bad leader and let others go. With this idea, I escaped from the place where I was imprisoned before. I wanted to leave the city first, and then think about how to use my magic power to make money, and then kill the bad man! "

Looking at the child\'s self-confidence, gel sighed involuntarily. Hearing this sigh, the key smiled and patted him on the shoulder and said, "how can you sigh? Talk to big brother. If big brother can help you, he will help you! "

Gel sighed again and said, "brother, you escaped from the place where you were locked, but it made so much trouble that I was also implicated and pursued by you."

After thinking about it, the key immediately understood that he meant yesterday. Then he laughed again and said, "OK, OK! Why are you so careful? Aren\'t you being pursued? As a lightning element affinity, I can\'t handle this. What kind of lightning element affinity? ok On the whole, it\'s my fault, but I saved you, didn\'t I? "

Gel sighed again: "brother, your wish is to escape from this city? Since you want to escape the city, you can\'t just stay here. Do you have any plans? "

The question was about the reverse key. The 12-year-old now frowned, thought about it and said, "originally, I wanted to climb up the high-rise buildings in the whole city and see where I could go out. But if I climb too high, I will be seen by those bad soldiers... But if I don\'t climb high, this city... To be honest, I haven\'t been hiding here for about seven days and I\'m not familiar with this city yet. It\'s too big here! I don\'t even know where the exit is. "

The gel frowned and said, "so, what about going out along Central Avenue? Central Avenue can certainly leave the city. "

The key shook his head again: "no, there are too many guards on Central Avenue, and there are also many guards near Central Avenue. Because I escaped, there were many more officers and soldiers on the street. Now I dare not go out casually. "

Gel can only sigh, shake her head and say, "brother, if you don\'t make such a big noise, maybe I can take you away quietly. But now, the situation has become much more complicated... "

Hearing the gel complaining about itself, the key immediately raised his eyebrow and said, "dare you teach me a lesson? When I started learning magic, you... You... You were nothing! "

Gel had no mind to argue with a child, but said, "brother, do you want to leave the city?"

The key nodded immediately: "think! Of course! Dream! "

Gel said, "I know some friends, some good friends, who can help you leave. I said you were my friend. I believe they can help me. "

Hearing this, the key looked suspicious and said, "who\'s your friend? Can you help me leave? So good? Is it reliable? "

The gel was a little anxious: "Mr. Mayor is absolutely reliable! As long as you see Mr. Mayor, you will understand that even if you can\'t trust anyone in the world, Mr. Mayor can definitely be trusted! "

In this regard, the key still maintained a skeptical look.

Gel breathed out helplessly and said, "in a word, if you are willing to believe me, let\'s go to the mayor first. The mayor also opened an adventurer guild. If you want to make money, joining this guild should make a lot of money. We also have many companions, and everyone is very good. "

The key stared at him, thought about it and said, "little brother, what you said about the adventurer guild... Are you also a member of the guild?"

Gel was stunned, then looked a little depressed, lowered his head and said, "I... I\'m not yet. Because I\'m not strong enough, Mr. Mayor thought I might be in danger of joining the guild, so he didn\'t let me join... "

The key nodded, snapped his fingers and said, "OK! Since you trust your mayor so much, I might as well trust you first. Wait until you see your mayor! So... What should we do now? You said you could take me away? What about the details? "

I spared a big circle and finally came back. Gel felt relieved and thought that if it were the mayor, it wouldn\'t take so much time to cut into the theme?

"First, go to my friend. She came out with me. I was a little worried about her. It\'s been a day and a night. I don\'t know if she has gone back... In a word, let\'s find her first. "

After thinking about the key, he nodded and said, "well, since you miss your little girlfriend so much, let\'s go! Where is the target? How do we get there? "

When the key agreed, the gel finally breathed out a long breath. After looking out at the door, he nodded and said, "it\'s not too late. Since our actions are too eye-catching at night, let\'s act during the day. Elder brother, I just hope you can guarantee that when you see a Guard officer along the way, don\'t make any drastic actions. You should learn to be patient and exercise restraint, okay? Otherwise, our affairs will become more and more troublesome. "

The key snorted and put his hands on his chest. After all, he nodded and agreed.

At that moment, the big one and the small two children gently pushed open the door of the shack and went out.

As it was daytime and the sight was good, the two people walked around the neighborhood path for several times and finally came to a small street.

Gel: "cemetery, how can I get there?"

Key: "cemetery?"

Gel: "well, my friend and I agreed to meet at the cemetery, but now it\'s a day late. I don\'t know if she\'s still there..."

Key: "is your friend a zombie? How about meeting at the cemetery? Is your friend reliable? "

Gel: "don\'t worry, she\'s a good person, but she\'s too serious."

Key: "... Brother, trust you again. I still know the cemetery. This way."

The two men walked towards the cemetery hand in hand. The closer you get to the cemetery, the fewer pedestrians on the road. And now it\'s winter. No one likes a dead place like the cemetery. Before you go far, it\'s desolate around, as if you had entered a dead city.

Stepping into the cemetery, this cemetery dedicated to civilian areas is still as depressed as ever. Except for a few tramps searching around those cemeteries for offerings, no other creatures haunt here.

Gel looked east and West. After determining the direction of the target, he walked uneasily to the spare coffin room stacked in the corner of the cemetery. Entering the coffin room, he quickly determined the coffin he was looking for, rushed forward immediately, saw that the four corners of the coffin had not been pried, tightened his heart, slapped the coffin and whispered, "Ma Shu! Are you in there? The seams of the coffin are sealed. Are you okay? "

Rao was a big hearted child. He was a little flustered when he saw that the gel was lying next to a coffin. He quickly pulled the key of the gel and said, "what are you doing? Is your friend really a zombie? "

Gel shook her head and said, "my friend is like this. She said it was safe to stay here. She also said that one of her predecessors hid in such a place before. It\'s just... It\'s just that when I let her in the day before yesterday, the seams of the coffin were not sealed. Why are they sealed now?! "

The key sighed, shook his head and said, "that\'s over. These coffins should be ready for burial, right? So every day, tomb guards come here to inspect. When they see that a coffin is not covered, it must be sealed. After all, no one would think there were still living people in the coffin. "

The gel was so anxious that she frowned and hurriedly stretched out her hand to push open the coffin.

The key was disappointed and said, "don\'t think about it. If it was sealed during the day yesterday, it has been sealed for at least one day and night. Even if it was a monster, it has been suffocated. Unless it\'s really a zombie. "

The gel looked more worried, turned around and said to the key behind him, "big brother! Help open the coffin! My friend... My friend will be fine! Absolutely! "

The key shook his head, went to the coffin and held out his hand. His fingertips jumped out of an electric light and soon completely broke a nail that sealed the coffin. The gel hurriedly pushed hard, barely opening a little gap. He quickly looked at the gap and said, "sister Mashu! are you there You must be safe! "

With a bang, the key reached out and pushed slightly, and the huge electric charge pushed the coffin board out completely. He pinched his nose, looked inside and said, "don\'t get so close. It may have smelled. Ventilation is also considered..."

The key that originally seemed very complacent was suddenly stunned at this time.

Because after the coffin was pushed open, there was not a woman who had suffocated to death, but another scene.

A girl... A little girl about eleven or twelve years old, dressed in a big family dress, lay on her side and slept in the coffin. Her complexion, though not rosy, must not be called pale. The girl\'s hand was littered with many small blood red beads, which looked bright under the residual electric light reflection.

Now the girl is not so much suffocated as sleeping soundly.

"So cute..."

Lying next to the coffin, I was stunned at the key.

But the gel immediately jumped in, reached out to pick up the girl\'s shoulder, reached out to explore her nose, and then said with a frightened face: "no breathing! Sister Mashu! Sister Mashu, don\'t die! No, no, no, it\'s not true! Absolutely not! "

Key: "sister? I thought you had only one big brother, but you still have one big sister? What a pity... It\'s so suffocating... "

The gel took the cassava out of the coffin and put it on the ground outside. Seeing that Mashu still doesn\'t breathe at all, but her face is peaceful and looks like a sleeping beauty, which makes the gel completely don\'t know what to do for a time.

"Sister Mashu... Wuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwu..."

The key sighed: "well, well, don\'t think so much. I\'m sorry, people always die, and even if this girl dies, she dies so beautiful. It\'s like falling asleep. It\'s also a kind of luck... "

Mashu: "woom..."

At that moment, the two boys, gel and key, were stiff and stared at the girl lying on the ground.

The key is full of panic, and the gel is full of excitement! He hurriedly went up and stretched out his hand to explore his nose. With the extension of time, the girl\'s breathing began to recover gradually. This made the gel breathe a sigh of relief and said, "OK, OK! Sister Mashu? Sister Mashu, wake up! You scared the hell out of me! "

However, no matter how the gel pushed, the cassava still lay on the ground like a dead fish. Except for the occasional "woom" sound from the nose, it really didn\'t react any more.

The key couldn\'t help wiping the sweat on his forehead and said, "your friend... What a sleepy person."

Gel bit her teeth and said, "it\'s day now. Sister Mashu still can\'t wake up. We can only wait until evening... Am I going back to the shed with sister Mashu on my back? "

The key came forward, looked at the girl who seemed to be about her age again, saw her pointed ears and pale skin, and said, "if it weren\'t for your lovely appearance, I would really think you were a zombie. Little brother, now big brother is more and more interested in your friends. "

Gel glanced at the kid. He was not big, but the color gall floated out first?

But now he is not in the mood to tell the little devil that the girl who looks only 12 years old is already a big sister of 20 years old. He can only frown and think: "brother, this is not the time to think about this kind of thing. Shall we continue to hide here? It\'s hard to guarantee that no one will come here during the day. "

After such a reminder of the gel, the key seemed to come back. He glanced at the door, confirmed that there was no one around, turned around and said, "don\'t worry, if someone dares to come over, I can make the other party don\'t know how he died!"

Gel shook her head: "brother, don\'t you want to leave here safely? If this goes on, we will be pursued again. "