Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1305

The boy reached out his hand, took the key, pressed it on his shoulder and said, "thank you, brother. Today is the first time I can cry bitterly... It really makes me feel much better to find someone to talk about these things... "

The key also wiped his eyes. He sat down beside the gel, looked at him with his head tilted and said, "how did your parents die? Is it painful for them to die? "

Gel doesn\'t want to recall the scene that her mother killed her father and then her mother was hanged by the villagers. She can only shake her head, show a painful smile and perfunctorily say, "they... They died of illness. Unfortunately... We didn\'t have food in the village some time ago. Everyone was very poor and had a bad life. My parents had nothing to eat and fell ill again... Finally, they couldn\'t survive and died. "

Hearing the narration of the gel, the key didn\'t show any suspicious expression. He just sighed, stretched out his hand, gently squeezed his fist and said, "it\'s nice..."

Like gel eyebrows, I thought to myself, how do you think my parents died well?

But then the key continued to speak——

"Better than my parents. My parents didn\'t die, but they might as well die directly. "

Listening to the tone of the key, he seemed willing to narrate. Gel quickly nodded and said, "how did your parents... Die?"

The key was silent, raised his fist and squeezed it tightly again. In an instant, some electric sparks flickered near his fist, and a little blue and purple electric light began to appear on the child, making a crackling noise in the windy hut.

But after all, he restrained himself, clenched his teeth, just clenched his fist and said slowly, "my parents, they were killed. Someone killed them, destroyed our village and turned everything into ashes. They... I saw with my own eyes that they were pushed into the fire, could not escape, and then burned alive. "

At that moment, although there were no more electric sparks in the old house, the gel seemed to feel a very heavy and repressive force in the air. This force is now being restrained and tried not to explode! But as long as you feel it, you can know that this depression is not the so-called reason, but a terrible calm before the outbreak.

Gel didn\'t go on asking, but the child went on talking on his own——

"On that day, everything was very calm. My parents and I, as well as everyone in the village, were like everyday life. We went out to farm at dawn and went home when it was dark. Or we visited each other and had a chat. Everything was fine."

"At that time, I was really just a child. I even thought everything was beautiful. Such a life should last forever. I remember that day very clearly. I was playing horse riding games with my brothers in several villages. I used my talent to make the leaves fly everywhere, and everyone laughed. I can still remember each of their faces. "

"But after that day, everything changed. Everything... Everything has changed. "

"That day, soldiers from nowhere began to enter our village. They said that our village has been temporarily requisitioned. We should live here and get supplies. "

"At that time, everyone in the village was so scared that everyone dared not say or do anything. Only the village head comes forward to talk to the rest soldiers, and then tell the adults. "

"Of course, we children don\'t know what happened. We only know that adults tell us not to get close to those soldiers, just live quietly."

"But can you really live in peace?"

"One morning, I was awakened by the noise. When I looked out of the window, I found that the soldiers were noisy and noisy, as if they were talking about something. Then they left our village together. "

"At that time, I thought this life was over and everything would return to its original state."

"But unexpectedly, these soldiers had just left at dawn, and at noon, another group of soldiers rushed into our village, shouting and yelling. The village head asked everyone to continue hiding in the house and talk to the soldiers themselves. I can see clearly that the soldier shouted at the village as he grew up, as if he was going to eat him. "

"These soldiers began to search the village wantonly. They broke into every house and searched every bed cabinet and bed bottom, as if they were looking for something. In the evening, I saw that they found a stranger from old black\'s house, which was one of the soldiers before. "

"So these soldiers began to shout and scold old black. Even if the old black family kept begging for mercy, they still said that old black harbored criminals. The man who is called a criminal looks sick. If he can commit any crime, I guess he should have eaten more bowls of rice. "

"Next, let me see a... Very terrible scene."

"The soldiers escorted the criminal to the middle of the village and stabbed him in the throat with a knife."

"When I saw that scene, my mother was frightened and covered my eyes. Then I listened to the noise outside. I didn\'t know anything. I just felt very scared. "

"When the noise was over, I dared to go out, but I saw not only the criminal but also the old black family lying on the ground. Each of them had their heads cut off... Old black, old black\'s wife, little black\'s brother, and little blackson, my best friend, who was playing with me the other day, all lay on the red ground and didn\'t move. "

At this point, the key paused slightly. But gel knows that the most important thing hasn\'t happened yet. She can only hold her breath and continue to listen.

The key took a deep breath and continued——

"At that time, the whole village was shrouded in a terrible atmosphere. Everyone cried silently, but no one dared to speak loudly. Although the soldiers who killed people seem to have left, we dare not shout as usual. "

"We quietly cleaned up the bodies of the Black family, packed them together with the criminal\'s body, and planned to bury them in our cemetery. However, three days later, the first group of soldiers who had left before suddenly returned. Their clothes look very ragged, and everyone smells of blood and sweat. "

"They rushed into the village, shouted loudly, and finally found that old black\'s house was empty. They should have found out the truth soon. So they began to press the people in the village. It wasn\'t long before they found the criminal\'s grave and began to cry loudly. "

"If at the beginning I still liked them and felt that their dead relatives cried so sad and pitiful, then their next behavior made me feel creepy!"

"In turn, these soldiers rushed into our village, began to wantonly search for any property they could see, caught all that they could eat and drink, confiscated all the iron tools that could attack in the village, and didn\'t even leave us a knife."

"In the next three days, they began to eat, drink and women. If they like their sisters, they will even start to hold them down in the street. If anyone dares to resist, they will start killing at once. "

"In these three days, my parents hid me at home. I couldn\'t leave at all. Those lunatics rushed into my house, pointed a knife at my parents, and then robbed all the food and drink in the house, leaving us nothing. "

"At that time, I thought these things were not human! I began to sincerely hope that the second batch of soldiers could come quickly and kill all these bastards! If necessary, I will use my talent to rush up and kill those bastards together! "

"My wish... Came true on the fourth day."

"It\'s just that the implementation method is biased."

"On the morning of the fourth day, the soldiers began to riot again, loading all kinds of valuable things and property into their cars and running away with these materials. Similarly, after they ran for almost a day, the second batch of soldiers came to our village again. "

"These soldiers\' bodies and faces are also covered with blood, obviously after a fierce battle. And ultimately, their horses are still hung with heads! Those heads are those of those bastard soldiers before! "

"When we saw these heads, the whole village should be jubilant. Everyone thinks we have a savior! Right? "

"However, when some adults began to welcome those who saved lives, these soldiers suddenly changed their faces and pointed the bloody blade at the adults."

"If the former soldiers only robbed property, then this group of soldiers are a group of murderers!"

"They didn\'t speak and didn\'t give us any chance to defend, that is, they surrounded our whole village and killed any of them. Even if all the adults surrender and raise their hands to beg for mercy, even if they are willing to give everything, donate the last little property left, and become slaves to this army, those soldiers do not have any compassion. "

"They gathered everyone... Including me and my parents, into a house, and then threw firewood outside the house."

"In the house, we shouted and begged for mercy. My parents kept shouting, saying that at least let us children go and let us survive."

"However, the soldiers still set fire outside, and the hot flames began to rush into the house. The thick smoke soon made me unable to see my parents\' faces. Everyone was shouting, crying and begging for mercy. But none of this is of any use, none of it is of any use. "

"Those flames are approaching, and the people around me have become a group of fire people. I only feel the hot heat wave beating on my face, and I can\'t breathe anymore... At that time, I remember one thing, that is, my parents held me in the middle, kept telling me with their last strength, and said to me, \'it\'s okay, everything will be okay\'. They kept saying to me, all the time, all the time, all the time, all the time, even until the fire had burned their hair, their faces shed their skin because of the fire and exposed the meat inside. The meat began to make a squeaking sound, and then turned into coke and exposed the bones inside, until they all turned into complete firemen. "

"Yes, I watched the whole process with my own eyes... I don\'t know how I could watch it with my own eyes. But I can just look at it and see it so clearly. "

"I only know that pain filled my whole body at that time, but the whole world began to slow down. I can even see the trajectory of the flame beating clearly. I can even distinguish any mass of heat that wants to rush towards my face. "

"I began to run and began to hit the burning wall. At that time, I didn\'t think about why I could break through the fire wall. I only knew that after I broke out of the house swallowed by the fire, there was only hatred and revenge in my eyes. I want to kill those soldiers, all the bad people who killed my parents, my friends and my whole village. "

"Similarly, I saw the surprised expression on their faces and their slow almost motionless movement. I rushed to one of them, a soldier on a big horse, who ordered to burn our home, destroy my life and kill my parents. I\'ll screw his head off like those hanging from his horse! "

"My speed is very fast... No, I should say, I feel that their speed is too slow. I rushed to the officer. I held out my hand. I could almost see that my hand was about to touch the bad man\'s face. At that time, I knew that as long as I could touch his face, I could let him taste the taste of burning coke according to my instinct. "

"However, my speed is still a little slow after all. Before I touched his face, my hand hit something. Later, I realized that it was a light barrier released by people who were friendly to light and magic. "

"I was repulsed, and the bad people around me began to surround me as if I were a terrible monster."

"This is really ridiculous... Just a few minutes ago, they looked at me like a humble child, but now, they look at me like I have become a terrible and ferocious Warcraft? Are they so afraid of me? "

"I learned later that there were some paladins and priests in their team that day. At that time, I didn\'t know how to deal with paladins and priests, but I knew those guys with big shields. My talent had little effect on them. And I can hardly touch those guys in robes. So I turned to look for bad people who didn\'t look so strong in their clothes. "

"It was also at that time that I learned for the first time what it was like to kill... What it was like."

At this point, perhaps because of too long narration, the key lowered his head and gasped gently. He seemed a little tired, and the whole person seemed very weak.

Seeing this, the gel poured out a glass of water from the nearby kettle and handed it to him.

He took the key, drank it, wiped his mouth, and then continued——

"Unfortunately, at that time, my strength was still very weak. Although I could feel the frightened eyes of the bad people I killed before they died, my strength was getting smaller and smaller, and my speed began to become slower and slower. In turn, the speed of the bad people began to get faster. Finally, I accidentally hit a shield directly on my head. At that time, I completely fainted, and then these soldiers caught me in the city. "

After that, gel poured a glass of water for the key again. With a comforting mood in her tone, she said, "it sounds terrible... I\'m sorry about your experience."

The key shook his head, and his clenched fist finally loosened. Maybe it\'s because he finally found someone to talk to. His mood also seemed stable a little. He said, "you don\'t have to feel sorry. If you want to say regret, it\'s my regret. I couldn\'t kill the bad man myself at that time. I didn\'t avenge my parents. I don\'t know if I can see the bad guy in the future. If I see the bad guy, I will kill him in a more accurate way. "

Gel nodded, but after a little thought, she was a little strange and said, "but brother, you just said that you should be locked up after waking up? But if you are locked up, how can you have so many lightning magic? Did you... Understand it yourself? That\'s really genius! "

Although the key felt very proud of the praise of the gel, the child was not so complacent that he didn\'t care at all. He put his hands on his hips and said with a smile: "no matter how great I am, I can\'t create so many lightning magic by myself? To tell you the truth, this is what the magicians in this country taught me. "