Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1302

In this way, there was a little dissatisfaction in his heart, but he still tried to feel the lightning elements around him according to the instructions of the key, and tried his best to make those elements obey his orders and follow his will.

It has to be said that this can be regarded as the first time that gel can systematically learn about its "talent" since it has lightning affinity.

If at the beginning he still learned with the sense of resistance he had to learn, as time went on, he took the initiative to absorb every word and sentence described in the key mouth like a sponge, and then fused it in his mind to combine it into his own understanding and knowledge.

The whole night passed, and he could not even feel the pain on himself or the fatigue caused by the night. He just immersed himself in the pleasant feeling of communicating with those lightning magic


All night, Ariel hardly had a good sleep.

After changing her clothes, she began to wait during the day until late at night, and then after a night, she waited until the next day.

It was the emperor who announced that she had entered the palace, but in the past day and night, Ariel did almost nothing except meet Alice and help her deliver her adoptive daughter, melody.

She didn\'t do anything, she couldn\'t do anything, and she couldn\'t do anything.

In this imperial city, she can obviously feel that the atmosphere in the castle seems to have changed a little.

The footsteps of someone can be felt anywhere and anytime in the corridor outside. The sound of footsteps was not the sound of cloth shoes of maids or male servants, but the trampling sound of soldiers in armor when patrolling.

Looking out through the window, the corridors and aisles under the castle are full of all kinds of sentries, and everything seems very nervous. It seems that any enemy will invade anytime and anywhere, and everything needs to be on the highest alert.

Ariel looked up at the sky.

Now the sun is near noon. Although food is brought in three times a day, she has no appetite.

What is the status of your guild members now?

Did cream find the two missing "little lovers"? Yes, now Ariel is trying to hope that gel and Mashu are a missing couple.

Did dak reconcile with his father and the rest of his guild?

Alas... The most important thing is, how are your guild members now? Is it going well?

Damn it

This time I came to Hanhai City, I was even more confused than when I came last year.

Last year, at least I stayed with my guild members, and the flower goblins acted as my ears and eyes. But now, he has really become a blind man and cage, and there is no news and wind about things outside.

Ariel gently pursed her mouth and frowned more tightly.

But at this time, there was a sudden sound of pushing the door on the other side of the gate.

It\'s definitely not the maid who brings lunch, because the maids knock at the door.

In that case, maybe there\'s news? Now his majesty can meet himself? Or worse, the tide came to see himself and wanted to humiliate himself?

Anyway, change is better than no change.

In this regard, Ariel quickly turned her head, filled her face with a smile, and planned to face the visitor with her most confident and beautiful side.


It was not the emperor who appeared at the gate, nor his "lover", nor a high-ranking Herald.

Now standing at the gate is a... Very strange thing.

That\'s a mushroom... A huge white mushroom.

However, there are two pedals under the mushroom, which are regarded as two feet. There are also two holes on both sides of the mushroom pole, with two hands stretched out inside.

There are obviously two holes in the position of the mushroom umbrella. The man hiding in the white mushroom should be staring at himself with these two holes

Ariel, who had made a good abdominal draft in her heart, was stunned. She had already made it. No matter what appeared in front of her, anyone could communicate smoothly.

But I didn\'t expect such a big white mushroom to appear in front of me? That\'s strange.

However, such surprise and pause lasted less than five seconds. Soon, the shocked color on her face turned into a gentle smile again, put her hands on her chest, saluted slowly to the mushroom and smiled——

"Your Royal Highness has not been very rude, please make atonement."

The big white mushroom didn\'t speak, but moved towards Ariel with small steps.

Ariel didn\'t get up either. She continued to keep this salute posture, waiting for the mushroom to turn around herself.

Finally, a vague sound came from the mushroom——

"Hum! You, die at once! "

ETUDE still did not rise. Instead, she said in her most gentle voice, "Your Royal Highness, I don\'t know if you know the news of Mr.

The mushroom that just asked Ariel to die suddenly came up and said loudly, "dak? What happened to dak?! How has he been lately? Did you mention me incorrect! I won\'t be cheated by this woman! You slut! You have seduced my second brother. It\'s not enough. You seduced other young boys! You slut! Shameless fox spirit! "

Growing up, Ariel was the first time she heard someone call herself a slut or a fox?

To tell the truth, she was not very angry after hearing the scolding, and even wanted to laugh.

However, her professionalism still kept her from laughing and continued to say in that modest and polite tone——

"I have long heard the members of my guild say that her royal highness is a very passionate girl. When I see you today, you really deserve your reputation. "

The big white mushroom put his hands on the pole of the mushroom and hummed, "you hear me? Will your guild members still talk about me? They don\'t even know me! How could... Ah! "

Hearing the princess\'s voice, Ariel knew that her words had finally worked.

At that moment, the big white mushroom held up his hand and covered his mushroom umbrella. With a little wriggling attitude, he said shyly, "so... So... He... Talked about me, didn\'t he? Hee hee... He\'s carrying me... And you... Secretly thinking of me, right? "

Ariel smiled and continued, "I often hear other guild members talk about it. They often hear rumors about the princess from Mr. dak guangzhongguang. It is conceivable that he misses the princess all the time. But to me, Mr. dak still seems a little estranged and refuses to say such intimate words to me. "

So far, the big white mushroom seems to have completely calmed down.

She waved happily. Seeing that Ariel was still in the state of salute, she was more satisfied. She waved her hand and said, "really? He\'s so bad to you, the president? Oh, this is not possible ~ ~ ~! Now the light of heaven has dissolved, leaving only your mermaid song. He should respect you as president. Uh huh, I will talk about him well in the future! Get up, get up! You\'re tired of bending over like this all the time. "

To tell the truth, Ariel didn\'t have a good impression of the princess.

After all, it can\'t be called a princess, but a troublesome thing running around in all kinds of doll costumes all day. In addition, this character can indeed be called arrogant and domineering. If I didn\'t reorganize the language immediately after seeing her, it would be enough trouble for me for a long time just because she was going to die when she first met.

At that moment, Ariel got up slowly with a gentle smile on her face. She looked at the two maidservants standing at the door, and then said, "long princess, have you seen Mr. Now that the light of heaven has dissolved, I\'m a little worried about his situation. Will he be scolded by his father? "

The mushroom turned and sat down on the nearby sofa: "don\'t worry! Paladin dares not lecture Mr. dak. If he dares, I can make him go! "

Then he said, "it\'s you. Do you really have nothing to do with Mr. dak? Look at your beautiful face. You really won\'t hit Mr. dak? "

Ariel shrugged and said with a bitter smile, "I admit that Mr. dak is indeed a beautiful man. But... He\'s really not my type. I may not be naturally interested in this kind of feminine boy. "

The white mushroom swayed his umbrella: "I see. If you are not interested, I won\'t allow you to be interested! However, from today on, I won\'t allow him to leave Hanhai city again! He will stay in Hanhai city and be a noble! How can I follow you around doing such dangerous things? "

But it doesn\'t matter, "said ETUDE, smiling." she has no interest in refuting the girl. She just said slowly, "what\'s the matter with you? I think the alert in the castle... Seems to have been improved a lot? Isn\'t there any danger? For the sake of safety, you\'d better go back to your room first. "

For Ariel\'s dissuasion, the white mushroom waved and said impatiently, "is it dangerous? What danger? I just lost a material! This kind of thing is against the law of heaven, and now there is no better! Lest my brother do such a dangerous thing. "

Ariel thought for a moment, but decided to ask, "what is your Highness Prince tide going to do?"

"Second brother? Well... "

Unexpectedly, the princess paused and didn\'t speak directly. Instead, she said——

"It\'s you. As the mistress of my second brother, why don\'t you serve my second brother? Alas, tell me, is the so-called element machine really so powerful? How is your town developing now? "

ETUDE thought and said with a smile, "too, your Highness has not seen the element car yet. It\'s a very unique structure. For example, we can use the element machine to make a car, but the car does not need livestock or manpower, nor does it need magic. As long as we gently press the pedal, it can move forward automatically. "

"Then, our Pelican city can now be regarded as the busiest city in the whole marginal province! Although the scale of the city is not comparable to xiehu City, ah, our city has lights that are on all night, flower goblins and blood families coming and going, and many element cars. "

"When it comes to summer, we will also help people hold weddings. We can make the light of element lights extend from the lake to the center of the square. We can also make the lights have a variety of colors, which are combined into bright colors no less than fireworks!"

With Ariel\'s constant description, the interest of white mushroom seemed to gradually rise. She lay on the sofa and began to listen to Ariel\'s story wholeheartedly. Hearing the wonderful place, she even couldn\'t sit still and jumped up directly from the sofa.

"This city... Is this city really so beautiful? It sounds like a magic city...! "

Ariel smiled and said, "if you can, I believe it will become a very gorgeous and beautiful big city in two or three years. Although I can\'t say that it can compare with Hanhai City, Pelican city is still very confident against other cities. "

The white mushroom tilted his mushroom umbrella. After a moment of silence, he sighed and said, "it sounds beautiful... A city that won\'t have night... A city where people will come and go to do business even late at night... You, tell me again! Do you really have so many blood clans selling things there at night? The one called \'Cigarette\', what is this? Also, have you really arranged a tour of flower goblins? What can this tour do? What about the factories in your city? Do those machines really make a lot of noise? "

Ariel knows she\'s interested. Anyway, she doesn\'t have anything to do now. You might as well talk to her more.

Now, she began to describe the nightlife of Pelican city. Anyway, it seems impossible for the princess to go to Pelican City, so just exaggerate everything and describe it as a wonderful fairyland full of dreamy colors!

Anyway, lying doesn\'t cost money, does it?

After such constant boasting, sure enough, the princess was stunned. Even through this leather case, Ariel could feel the expectation of the princess inside.

Princess Chang: "how nice... I really want to see it with my own eyes..."

No, you can\'t. As a princess, how can I go to such a remote place.)

Ariel smiled: "please have a look. I will warmly welcome you in Pelican city."

Ariel still had that polite and gentle smile on her face. This kind of smile belongs to the expression that most appeals to the aristocracy, which can make the aristocrats feel that she is docile, polite, decent and non threatening.

Sure enough, under her smile, the long Princess thought a little and snorted again with a little arrogance: "hum, I know you must be coaxing me! Because everyone says you\'re not a good man! "

Ariel did not speak and continued to smile.

"But... I don\'t think you are very good, but you are not too bad. All right! You can see my brother now. "

Ariel was stunned, still smiling and said in a slightly puzzled tone, "excuse me, can I go to see her majesty?"

The long Princess nodded, got up, put her hands behind her, staggered towards the exit, and said, "of course, come with me. I guess my brother is dealing with those troublesome things again. As a result, he forgot you. "

In other words, menglang forgot herself, and the long Princess didn\'t intend to catch this situation well, or she just came to her side to waste time, didn\'t she?

Anyway, Ariel still felt that she didn\'t like the long princess in front of her.

But when she walked out of the room and followed the long Princess forward, she shook her head slightly and tried to make her appearance return to normal first.

Long Princess - sweet wine cheese blue.

As long as the members of the royal family appear in front of others, they basically wear all kinds of strange clothes. If it is really inconvenient to wear this kind of clothes on formal occasions, it will certainly cover her face and body with all kinds of gauze, so that people can\'t see what she looks like.

There are indeed many rumors about the habit of the eldest princess.

Some legends say that the long Princess suffered some injuries on her face and body, so she can\'t show anyone.

Others say that maybe it is to protect the long princess in the future, so that she can grow up smoothly and not become the target of others.

Others, with malice, speculated that this was a small means made by the blue royal family, so that they could have a small opportunity to operate secretly when marrying the long princess in the future.

Of course, there are some very unreliable guesses that the long princess is actually more beautiful and moving than the first beauty in the blue bay Empire, that is, the second imperial concubine today. A man will be taken away from her at a glance, and a woman will immediately faint because of jealousy when she glances at her.

There were all kinds of rumors, but Ariel knew a conjecture that had nothing to do with them.

Think about that day, when Ariel asked dak what was going on with the princess\'s dress, the crazy soldier kept silent and said it was the secret of him and the long princess. This alone made Ariel think that the reason why the long Princess dressed up like this might have something to do with dak.