Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1303

Of course, there are many guesses about the long princess, but these guesses can\'t make Ariel feel much good about the long princess.

Think about that day, in the guild Championship task of chasing mountain bandits, the long Princess ignored other people\'s lives and opened her mouth to kill irrelevant people.

Think about her unruly and willful character, and her attitude of not paying attention to the safety of other people\'s lives except dak.

And just now, just because of a little jealousy, I have to die myself.

Perhaps Ariel has been persuading herself to be objective as much as possible. Even if the other party is a royal family, she can\'t be killed by one shot. She should consider the impact of the other party\'s origin and daily environment on her, but this disgust spread from the bottom of her heart still makes Ariel don\'t like the princess very much.

Such dislike even made her want to intervene in the relationship between dak and the long Princess... No, no, this kind of thing can\'t be done. She\'s not an old lady, but she can\'t casually intervene in the emotional affairs of her subordinates.

While Ariel was thinking, the long Princess sweet wine cheese took Ariel up the stairs and finally came to the conference office where she had been before.

When the maid opened the door, the sweet wine cheese stretched out his hand, pointed inside and said, "wait here. I\'ll find my brother and remind him to come and see you."

The smile on ETUDE\'s face seemed much more joyful. She saluted the long Princess again and laughed. "This is the trouble for your royal highness."

As the sweet wine and cheese left, Ariel also entered the Council hall.

While waiting, she walked to the desk bored and glanced at the various documents placed on it.

It was a pile of working papers on various tax laws and internal affairs. In order to avoid suspicion, Ariel did not dare to look more, but quickly retracted her sight and continued to wander around the whole room.

After looking around for a moment, her eyes fell on the sofa over there.

That\'s a complete set of reception sofas.

You can imagine that your emperor is not always on a shelf, right? If you meet some close people, or talk about some slightly relaxed topics, there is no need to look at me across the desk. The emperor and ministers can sit on both sides of these sofas equally, talking and laughing.

It\'s like when I asked for the promise more than three years ago, the former Emperor and the Duke of golden fruit sat on the sofa of the Duke\'s house like old friends. After talking and laughing for a moment, they determined their fate

So now, after seeing these sofas, Ariel couldn\'t help swallowing a mouthful of water and let her pass by. After observing for a moment, her heart crossed and finally sat down on one of the sofas.

So soft~~

This soft feeling doesn\'t seem to come from under your ass, but from your heart.

I, once a maid, can now sit on the leisure sofa in today\'s emperor\'s desk! Moreover, I am not sitting here as a "reward", but as a "deliberator"!

Such a feeling... It\'s really refreshing!


However, before Ariel could taste more of this pleasure, the door was opened with a squeak.

Ariel hurriedly tried to get up, but the man who came in saw her sitting on the sofa.

To Ariel\'s slight surprise, it was not the emperor who came in, but the prince and her lover, tide blue.

Seeing the tide, Ariel\'s feeling of being flustered suddenly diminished a lot.

She was a little stunned, but after a pause of less than a second, she slowly got up, put her hands in front of her and smiled.

Of course, the tide is also aware of Ariel\'s current pause. Just this little action seemed to touch the prince\'s feelings. He snorted and said, "it\'s not the emperor\'s brother. You\'re really disappointed?"

Ariel didn\'t speak, just kept a smile on her face.

The tide closed the gate with his backhand and walked slowly to Ariel. After a little meditation, he looked down at Ariel\'s knee and said——

"Why don\'t you kneel down when you see me."

This request surprised Ariel a little. After a moment of meditation, she said, "Your Highness, I am not your maid now."

"How dare you talk back to me?! Believe it or not, I\'ll tear your tongue at once! "

Suddenly, the tide\'s attitude towards Ariel seemed a little angry. He went to the sofa in front of Ariel and sat down, humming coldly——

"Ariel Garcia, the Royal brother gave you the title of nobility and asked you to be a baron. Do you really think you have developed? Do you really think you are no longer the maid you used to be? "

"Then I tell you here that in my eyes, you will always be a humble maid. You should always serve me and serve me. You are not allowed to have any different feelings towards me! Didn\'t that guy Jinguo\'s residence teach you servants these principles? "

Now, the door is closed.

Ariel glanced at the door and listened carefully. After confirming that there were no footsteps outside, her slightly polite body began to straighten and continued to say with that lukewarm gentle smile——

"Your Highness, I\'ll tell you again. I am already a noble recognized by your majesty. I\'m not a civilian, let alone a Dalit. Civilians and Untouchables need to give big gifts when they see the nobility, but I\'m already a nobility. Even if I\'m just a little Baron, I only need to do general etiquette when I see you. Moreover, you are not your majesty, and now it is not a very formal occasion. According to the principle of "life starts from simplicity", I am not rude to you now. "

Although Ariel is smiling now, such a tone is definitely not gentle.

Hearing this response, the tide didn\'t get angry, but laughed like being amused.

He sat on the sofa, cocked up one leg and said slowly——

"What a lipstick, what lipstick do you paint today? Will it taste sweet? I\'d like to know that Alice\'s lips taste very soft. Will your lips have another taste? Will it be flexible? "

Ariel was startled, and she stepped back involuntarily.

Seeing Ariel\'s retreat, tide knows that she has a little psychological advantage. He snorted again and said, "here, you tell me the rules? Hehe, I think you are really free for too long. You almost forget who you are. "

"Now I tell you again that you, in my eyes, are a maid! No matter how much you want to deny this, no matter how many identities you have acquired, you are a woman and a humble servant. "

"As a servant, and as your master, you should stand when I sit, kneel when I stand, and squat when I lie down. This is the simplest truth, a fact that will never change. I hope you can always remember this! Don\'t think you can do whatever you want in front of me with Alice\'s support. I tell you, if you didn\'t think you could make Alice happy, I would have let you die! "

A piercing cold, unconsciously climbed up Ariel\'s back.

Although she was only able to feel her weakness in general before, now that she is alone in the palace, she really feels this sense of powerlessness, which is like breaking through the sky!

At this moment, her heart even began to swear secretly... If she had a chance in the future, she would never make such a stupid decision to come to the palace alone!

Now, the air in the office seems a little stalemate. Ariel breathed out a little and thought about how she should face the Prince now.

The tide is now looking up and down at his "mistress" who has not yet succeeded with eyes that seem to appreciate a work of art that is about to arrive. He doesn\'t know what he is thinking.

At this time, the door of the office was pushed open again.

This time, it was not someone else who came in, but the person Ariel had to meet this time. Menglang Bilian, the supreme ruler of today\'s Blue Bay Empire and the 13th emperor of Bilian.

At this moment, menglang is wearing a slightly casual wool woven slim white jacket and a straight white trousers.

Compared with a year ago, menglang is no longer a crown prince, but a serious emperor. When he walked, he could see a completely different sense of confidence and strength from last year. His steps are strong and powerful, and his eyebrows are full of ambition. It seems that he wants to change the general good wish of the whole country in one breath.

Just one more thing, compared with the slightly generous crown prince last year, there seems to be a faint anger between the emperor\'s eyebrows. He... Is angry about what happened now? But now it is still in forbearance and has not erupted.

Entering the office, the fierce wave glanced at his brother sitting on the sofa and Ariel standing next to him. His always tight face seemed to be a little relaxed. He went straight to the sofa, smiled and said, "Ariel, are you here? Sit, sit first! It\'s all a family. What\'s polite? "

Ariel was saluting her emperor at this time. When she heard the familiar sound of the fierce wave, she was a little relieved. After all, this tone is still the crown prince I know. After glancing at the tide opposite, I sat down on the sofa.

As the male servants closed the door, menglang also sat down on another sofa, smiled and said, "is it hard to travel long distances? I heard you helped Alice deliver the baby yesterday? Tide, your women are so friendly to each other, which is your blessing! Ha ha ha, I envy you, you smelly boy! "

After the fierce wave came in, the tide also changed the arrogant expression on his face and said with a little joke: "brother Huang, you can\'t let sister-in-law Huang know that! Otherwise ~ ~ ~ you can\'t afford to go! "

"You boy! Ha ha ha. "

Meng Lang pushed his brother\'s skull, smiled twice, then turned around and said to Ariel in front of him——

"Oh... It\'s reassuring to see you coming in this season when there are so many troublesome things. Ariel, first of all, I want to praise you! I\'ve heard about marginal province and Pelican city. You\'re really amazing ~ ~! "

The last sentence, Meng Lang, obviously stressed, can be heard. When talking about Pelican City, Meng Lang\'s mood suddenly seemed to rise.

Ariel smiled, lowered her head slightly on the sofa and said, "thanks to your Majesty\'s support. Without your Majesty\'s strong support at the beginning of the year, I believe Pelican city could not do so. "

Menglang laughed again and said, "you did a good job, even a very good job! At first, I was just in the mood of trying, but the spies I sent told me that the element machine can not only completely replace magic, but even surpass it! Have you come up with the economic indicators of Pelican city this year? "

Ariel nodded gently, took a scroll out of her arms, handed it respectfully, and said, "Your Majesty, this is the financial statement of Pelican city for the last tax year. I took over the post of mayor of Pelican city in June this year, so I didn\'t do the previous tax. "

Ariel continued as the waves opened the scroll to watch——

"Overall, Pelican city achieved positive growth in economic income in the last fiscal year, but because the construction of the city also requires a lot of expenditure, it still shows a deficit on the whole. But by the end of August, the deficit rate of Pelican city accounted for 2% of the total revenue of the previous year, and the overall situation was controllable. "

After reading the financial statement, Meng Lang nodded, smiled and said, "very good! With the increase of income, the expansion of cities and towns, the increase of population and the emergence of industries. It\'s great to be able to maintain such a low deficit rate under such circumstances! What\'s more, you have officially taken over the position of Pelican City chief for two months! Well, Ariel, I\'m really looking forward to the financial statements of Pelican city next year! "

Ariel saluted again and said with a smile, "thank you for your praise. I will work hard and hope to live up to your Majesty\'s expectations."

Meng Lang said with a smile on his face, "Ariel, you did so well. How can I reward you?"

Ariel smiled and said calmly, "it\'s right to work for your majesty and the Empire -"

"Why don\'t I let you stay in Hanhai City, and then I will reward you with a house and some real estate, so that you can be a rich and noble idle man and don\'t have to work so hard from now on?"

At that moment, the smile on Ariel\'s face solidified.

While the tide stopped nearby, the corners of his mouth were filled with a sneer that he had realized long ago.

Is the emperor aware of Ariel\'s sudden freeze?

Maybe I noticed it... But even if I did, Meng Lang continued with a smile on his face——

"You and your mermaid song, this period of time is really very hard. You should be a member of our royal family tomorrow morning, enjoy your life, be surrounded by servants, live a life of fine clothes and food, stretch out your clothes, open your mouth, and play around. But because I didn\'t check, you had such a long hard time before. Now, I want to make up for my lack of investigation and let you rest with your guild members. What do you think? "

Now, what adjectives should be used to describe Ariel\'s current state of mind?

to be puzzled? Confused? Confused? Panic? fear?

Yang or all these emotions, all of which are now suppressed by the slightly smiling face, and continue to face her emperor with an expression that seems harmless to humans and animals.

"Ariel, how\'s it going? I think it\'s a good practice. "

Ariel got up slowly and said with a gentle and charming smile at the emperor——

"Your Majesty, thank you very much for allowing me to rest and enjoy this relaxation and blessing. But now I have just taken over Pelican city for more than four months. There are still a lot of things to deal with. If you leave Pelican city at this time, I\'m afraid you can\'t complete the task assigned by your majesty. "

As soon as the fierce wave waved his hand, like Ariel, a smile appeared on his face. It was like talking to his closest friend. He slowly said, "Pelican city is not important at all. Even the entire marginal province is not important. "

"Ariel, you have fully proved the efficacy of the element machine. As long as you can prove this, it is enough."

"Those elemental machines, the development of Pelican City, and your flower goblins and blood clan friends can all be called back. I can arrange a position for them in Hanhai city so that they can give full play to their own strength and live very well."

Ariel took a deep breath and said, "Your Majesty, isn\'t it a pity to let go of what has been proved to be effective right now? Moreover, we still have a lot of things about the element machine that need to be confirmed and improved... "

"Well, well, Ariel, stop talking."

Before Ariel finished speaking, menglang directly interrupted her. At this time, his face still had a gentle smile, but his eyes were vaguely filled with a trace of dissatisfaction and cold. Seeing Meng Lang\'s eyes, Ariel immediately shut her mouth and stopped talking.