Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1301

"I saved your life. You should call me big brother! Come on, call me big brother! As long as you call me big brother, I will cover you from now on! "

The child looks so young that gel even doubts whether he is twelve or thirteen? Maybe I\'m just in my early ten.

For such a small fart child, even if the gel is gentle and easy to compromise, it can\'t just call such a child "big brother"?

Then he bit his teeth and tried to get up. But after he found that he felt pain all over as long as he moved a little, he didn\'t dare to move at once. He could only say: "here... Where is it? who are you? I... how could I be in such a place? "

The child with a pair of ice blue eyes was obviously angry when he saw that gel refused to call himself "big brother". He hummed and said, "where do so many bullshit problems come from? You guy, just woke up, the first thing is to ask your life-saving benefactor so many questions? Remember, now I saved you! Only I ask you! You put all your fucking words in your stomach! "

Suddenly, a ferocious color suddenly appeared on the child\'s young face. Seeing such a scene, gel felt a chill in her heart. Her neck shrank involuntarily and dared not speak.

"First! HMM... let me think... "After pretending to think about it, the child snapped his fingers. With the electric spark flashing on his fingertips, he still grabbed the gel\'s hair and said," let\'s start by calling me big brother first! Do you call me big brother? "

As far as the feeling of gel is concerned, the child\'s condition is obviously abnormal! Although it can\'t be said to be a complete mental disorder? But there must be some mental instability.

Now he was hurt. In order to avoid irritating him again, gel nodded gently and said, "big brother... Big brother! Brother, you... You worked hard...! "

After hearing the name of gel, the child who just looked very fierce seemed to be amused. He immediately nodded, put his hands on his chest and said happily, "very good! You call me big brother, then you are my little brother! You can relax! No one will chase you again, because your big brother will cover you! Ha ha ha! "

At this time, gel began to feel that although the child tried to pretend to be an adult on the surface, it may be really just a child inside

"So... Brother, where is this...?"

"Hum! Did brother allow you to speak? It\'s time for big brother to ask questions! "

"OK... OK, brother, brother, you say!"

The child nodded and said, "what\'s your name?"

The gel answered.

The child rubbed his hands, pointed to his nose and said with a smile, "your name is gel? Ha ha, my name is key. I give myself a surname. My name is key thunderstorm! I founded a guild called thunderstorm guild! From now on, you will be a member of my thunderstorm guild! "

The gel was slightly stunned and said“ However, I have... "

The key held out his hand and said with an unhappy face, "I\'ve already said it! I haven\'t finished talking. What are you arguing about? shut up! I\'ll talk when I let you talk! "

Gel shut up and didn\'t dare to annoy the child who claimed to be the key.

Seeing that his words were so effective, the key rubbed his hands and looked very proud. He tilted his head and said with a smile, "Hey, gel, are you from this country? How did you get chased? "

Gel frowned and waited for a moment to confirm that the child was really waiting for his own words. Then she said, "I... I am indeed from the blue bay empire... This time I came to Hanhai city... To travel. To tell you the truth, I don\'t know... How did I get chased... "

Holding the soles of his feet with both hands, the key sat beside the gel and said, "don\'t you know how you were chased? Hey, hey, you escaped very fast? Those guys didn\'t catch you all morning. He deserves to be a man with the same magic affinity as my uncle. "

During the chat, the gel got used to the pain and bad smell of the medicine on her face. He breathed out slowly, got up slowly, so that he could lean on a wooden board in the back, which he didn\'t know should be called a partition or a wall, and said: "I went out with my friend last night and wanted to visit another friend... But somehow... The guards began to chase me..."

"Oh ~ ~"

The key was still sitting next to him, and the expression on his face looked a little schadenfreude. He seemed to try to hold back his smile, but he still couldn\'t help leaking out some smiles, which also made his expression very strange.

"In the chaos, my friend... Was hurt to protect me. After I put my friend in a safe place, I hid myself and wanted to go back to the leader with me as soon as possible... But I got lost... "

Gel sighed and looked very depressed. He paused a little. After making sure that the boy in front of him still didn\'t want to continue talking, he could only continue to say——

"I\'m really stupid. The city is too big... I\'ve been around for a long time and hiding for a long time. Finally, I was caught by them... If it weren\'t for you... If it wasn\'t for the big brother, I\'m afraid I really have to explain there. "

When the key heard another "big brother", he danced happily. He nodded and said, "of course, of course! Of course, my big brother has to take care of your little brother! Don\'t worry, from now on, as long as there is a big brother, no one can bully you! By the way, you just said that you still have a friend who was injured. My little brother\'s friend, naturally, is also my little brother! How\'s he doing? Let\'s go and save him now! "

Gel looked at the boy in front of her, thought for a moment, and said, "well, brother, let\'s save her now. Her injury should be... It shouldn\'t be very serious. It\'s just that it\'s almost dawn, so there\'s an accident. Ah! What time is it? "

Gel quickly looked around. Such a violent action immediately affected the wound on his face and made him feel a stabbing pain.

But then he saw the outside sky through the few boards that didn\'t fit perfectly. He quickly struggled to stand up and said, "it\'s dark now! My friend... My friend, she should... Should recover soon! "

The key smiled and said, "is it \'her\'? You little brother, it\'s amazing! Big brother doesn\'t have a woman yet. You bastard already has a woman? "

Hearing this, gel began to doubt whether it was appropriate for him to let the child go with him to save Mashu. After all, when he saw that the appearance of Mashu was about his age... Even his height, God knows what messy words he would say.

"Brother, my friend is quite serious, so... Can you stop saying these words? It will make her angry... "

After being dissuaded by the gel, the key\'s smiling face suddenly became angry. Don\'t overdo it and hum: "OK! If you have a woman, you don\'t want a big brother, do you? I\'m not going to save it! A woman or something, let her die! "

Since the child refused to move, gel could only bear the pain, nodded and said, "since the eldest brother doesn\'t want to go... Then the younger brother is going to save my friend now. Thank you for your help, then I... Go first."

With that, gel turned around and slowly walked towards the door holding the wall next to her.

But before he took two steps, a flash of lightning suddenly crossed in front of him. At the same time, the gel looked back, saw the key put down and the finger flashing electric spark, said angrily: "did I let you go?! Brother, you are not allowed to go now! You are already my little brother. You must listen to me! "

From the look and feel of the gel, this is really unreasonable.

He doesn\'t know who the child belongs to, whether he is mentally normal, and why he appears in such a place alone.

From his powerful power now, it is obvious that the reason why he was involved and pursued by those Guard officers is entirely from the child! I am completely dragged down!

So now, the best way is to leave him as far away as possible!

"Brother, but I... I need to save my friend! If she wakes up now and sees me away, she may be worried! "

Facing the request of the gel, the key stamped his foot and said loudly, "OK! Your woman will be worried if she doesn\'t see you. What about big brother? Big brother sees that his little brother is so badly injured that he has to run out. Isn\'t big brother worried?! Can\'t you imagine how big brother feels now? "

This... Now it\'s really getting more and more unreasonable.

However, when gel saw the strip lightning slowly emerging on the boy, he just relied on his instinct and knew that although the child was only a child, his strength was probably far above himself!

At that moment, gel didn\'t dare to say anything by force. She could only shrink her head and say with a little cry: "big brother! You... But... But I... what should I... Do? Big brother! "

The big brother shouted again and again, which seemed to soften the child\'s heart. He went to the door, looked out through the gap between the two door panels, thought for a moment, and said——

"It\'s too late for us to go out. Listen to elder brother, you\'d better hide here and wait until dawn. "

The gel was a little anxious and said, "but my friend... And I\'m fast. Don\'t worry!"

"It\'s not your running speed!"

Swing the key and bend your knees slightly. The next moment, he blinked to another corner of the camp. In addition to the only remaining electro-optic shadow in the air, it still shows the track he just moved.

"See? In the evening, no matter how much we run, because it\'s too dark and our \'friends\' are too bright, we will look very conspicuous no matter what we do. "

The key rubbed his arm again, and the strip lightning that appeared because of anger went out slowly.

"It\'s ok if we just keep sneaking on this kind of night, but if we have trouble and have to fight, once we mobilize our \'friends\' to help, it will become very bright and attract all the other guards around. Therefore, it\'s best not to go out to trouble at night. "

Listening to the child\'s solemn explanation, gel suddenly felt that although he looked crazy, he did things regardless of primary and secondary, and acted willfully. But he knows his own magic affinity very well.

"But... Brother, my friend..."

"Don\'t say friends are not friends. I\'m your friend now! Wait until the day, let\'s save your friend! Don\'t worry, I\'ll do what I say this time! As a big brother, you can\'t tell your little brother what you can\'t promise. "

Since all the keys say so, besides, gel really doesn\'t know much about the situation of Hanhai city. Now it\'s very likely to bump around in this dark environment, adding to the danger.

Thinking of this, gel can only sigh and sit down again. I hope things can change a little during the day.

"Hello, little brother."

Sitting on the ground in a daze, the key in front looked at the gel and shouted again.

The gel looked up and said.

"Have you just discovered your \'talent\' recently?"

The gel lowered her head and looked at her palm. The mind moved a little, and immediately some yellow lightning jumped at the tip of his finger and said, "No. About... Five or six years ago. "

Hearing this time, the key said with surprise: "five or six years ago? Did you realize your best friend so early? Why didn\'t you resist at all when you met the three guards during the day? With your strength, it should be convenient to solve them? "

During the day, before he was unconscious, gel vaguely seemed to see how the three guards died miserably.

However, he didn\'t want to recall the scene, so he could only say: "although I woke up, but... I haven\'t practiced my magic. So... All I can do is run faster, put electricity on my hands when waving my fist... And so on. "

"Too · can · Xi..."

Slightly beyond gel\'s expectation, although the boy said words like "very regrettable", his face looked very excited!

Then he got up and began to look at the gel repeatedly. After looking at it for a minute, he suddenly snapped his fingers again and said——

"Otherwise, I\'ll teach you some magic that can be used!"

If the feeling of the key to the gel was very strange before, I\'m really surprised to hear this now.

The gel raised her finger to her nose and said, "magic? You? Teach me? "

The key, with both hands on his waist, looked very elated and said with a smile: "yes, I\'ll teach you! What about? My big brother is very nice to my little brother, isn\'t he? Don\'t worry, Bao Jiaohui! You and I have the same magic affinity, so you can learn the magic I can learn! "

At this moment, gel was a little curious about the child\'s life experience and said, "you... Teach me magic? No, anyway, you... Brother, I don\'t know what kind of person you are? You suddenly teach me magic like this? What magic is it? "

The gel looked impatient, shook his head and said, "don\'t talk so much nonsense! Big brother is to teach you magic! If you understand, let\'s start now! Come on, let\'s start! "

For this child, on the one hand, gel thinks he is a little crazy and moody. But on the other hand, it seems that his emotion towards himself is also based on enthusiasm. This kind of emotional gel is somewhat familiar. Isn\'t that the kind of emotion that you could be very happy to see anyone when you were young a few years ago?

At present, the key no longer talks nonsense. He directly pulled the gel\'s hands and said, "now, let me feel the amount of magic affinity in your body. It may hurt a little. Bear it. "

With that, before gel could ask anything, he just felt a violent tingling on his hands! This tingling made him involuntarily pull back his hand and look at his bloody palm.

The key took back his hand, smiled grimly and said, "what a pity ~ ~ ~! Your strength looks very weak! Oh, I really want to teach you all the magic I know. There are also some violent purple magic that can destroy the whole city! Alas ~ ~ ~ now it seems that your strength is not enough. It\'s a pity ~ ~! "

Although the child said it was a pity, he obviously realized that the strength of the gel was far inferior to him, and was proud of it?

Gel rubbed her hands and always felt that she had been humiliated by such a child. She said, "if my strength is really not enough, I won\'t learn."

"No? I want to teach you now. Who allows you not to learn? Now let me teach you the first magic I learned - the electric hand! Even if you have no ability, you can learn it quickly! Come on! "

Gel had no way, and he really felt his weakness and weakness. Although the child\'s behavior style is unreasonable, if he is really willing to teach, gel thinks he may be able to learn a little.