Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1273

"No... just me..." Su TA hesitated for a moment and looked at the clear eyes of the little girl in front of her. For a moment, she suddenly felt that the dark creature in front of her was not even dark at all. The paladin himself seemed to be full of filth and looked filthy.

"Just... I... alas... Mashu, I want to... Discuss something with you..."

The crisp tower leaned against the guardrail and sat down slowly.

After thinking about it, the cassava squatted in front of the crisp tower with his knees in his arms and said, "yes, what\'s the matter? Has it anything to do with your illness? "

Su TA smiled bitterly again and nodded gently. Then she adjusted her mind and said——

"Today... Our president said something. Some very severe, severe and frightening things... "

Mashu nodded and said, "I\'ve heard it too. When I arrived, the president took me and said a lot. I have a headache. "

Su TA smiled and continued, "do you have a headache But for me, it\'s not just a headache. "

"Because... I may... Have done something... I shouldn\'t have done. But I don\'t think it\'s wrong for me to do so, because it should have been like this... I didn\'t do anything too much... "

In the face of Su TA\'s hesitation, there are more and more question marks on Ma Shu\'s face. She shook her head and said, "what the hell are you worrying about? Right is right and wrong is wrong. Nothing is right and wrong. "

Su TA sighed and decided not to distinguish the difference with Ma Shu, but continued: "well, just think it was me... Who did it, right. However, the president may think what I have done is wrong, and may even punish me... What should I do? "

Su TA wanted to get an answer.

But facing her, after listening to these words, Mashu shook his head decisively and said firmly, "I don\'t know."

Su TA: "you... Don\'t know?"

Mashu: "yes, because you didn\'t tell me what it was. The president told me that to distinguish whether a thing is right or wrong, we must see what it is. Instead of saying something very confused, I feel as if it is right or wrong. If you don\'t make it clear, of course I don\'t know. "

Seeing that Mashu answered so firmly now, the crisp tower was speechless for a time.

She was stunned on the spot. After hesitating for a long time, she stretched out her hand and looked at her palm. Finally, she made up her mind and opened her mouth——

"If you want to know... I\'ll tell you about the pack horse chamber of Commerce... And the mountain guild..."

In the next ten minutes, Su TA began to tell the blood girl in front of him everything.

And Mashu also listened very carefully. He didn\'t want to be perfunctory at all. Even when I don\'t understand some places, I will ask a question, and I won\'t continue to listen until I fully understand it.

"That\'s it, I think... What Youji said is also reasonable. They paid the money, and the goods have been cleared. It\'s impossible for the flower demon spirits to hand over all the money. So... "

"So, I went to see those people of the pack horse chamber of commerce two days ago. I used the court... The pelican city government, and even the name of mermaid song to suppress each other, so that the other party was not allowed to pester the mountain guild again, and asked them to shut up after taking the subsidy of those 20 gold coins."

Mashu squatted beside him, looking at Su TA and saying these words without blinking.

After a pause, Su TA suddenly shook his head and said, "I think... I really think I\'ve done all this right. I didn\'t do anything wrong... Everything I did was done in accordance with the laws and regulations. Later, I checked the laws of Pelican City carefully and found that no matter how explained, under the current evidence and the current legal system... My actions are not wrong! So... So... "

Su TA took a deep breath and continued, "I really feel... I have done the best I can..."

At this point, Su TA finally stopped.

She looked at Mashu, as if she wanted to get even a little approval from the blood clan\'s mouth.

However, Mashu did not respond at once. The blood girl tilted her head and seemed to be constantly thinking about all the words she had just heard.

After a pause of almost two minutes, the girl finally looked back at the crisp tower in front of her and said——

"I don\'t understand. Paladin, I don\'t understand your human law. I haven\'t seen your human laws. Maybe... The one eyed village head will understand what you are talking about, but I don\'t understand at all. "

Seeing this, the original look of expectation on Su TA\'s face also gradually faded. She gave a wry smile and sighed. When I thought about it, I felt that I was too reluctant to others, and then said, "well... I\'m afraid you don\'t understand what I\'m talking about... You don\'t understand... It\'s natural... Alas... I\'m so stupid that I wanted to ask you such a question."

Originally, Su TA thought this topic was over. At most, she complained a lot, and then it passed.

Unexpectedly, when she said this, the cassava in front of her shook her head violently and said with a very serious look——

"Paladin, you misunderstood me. Moreover, although I don\'t understand your human feelings, I\'m not stupid. The president also said, "I\'m a smart girl."

Mashu was stunned, then smiled and nodded. She slowly helped the guardrail beside her to get up, patted the dust on her skirt and said, "ah, yes, I said the wrong thing. You are a clever girl. "

Seeing Su TA stand up, Ma Shu instinctively got up, took two steps back, kept a safe distance, and continued: "no, you are perfunctory to me. Even if I don\'t understand your human language very thoroughly, I can understand your tone, read your expression, and even hear your heartbeat."

"Paladin, you don\'t want to talk to me, but to get my approval. After hearing that I couldn\'t agree with you, you saw that Su TA was now a little out of control, and Ma Shu\'s expression gradually began to become alert. She took another step back, pinched the long bow on her back with her fingers, and after a moment of silence, she said, "maybe I didn\'t understand before. But seeing you now, I\'m sure you must have done something wrong. And you know you did wrong. So... "

After a pause, Mashu seemed to hesitate whether it was really necessary to say the next words. But after thinking about it, she decided to open her mouth and completely reveal what she had in mind——

"The so-called paladins are people who dare not admit their mistakes and refuse to turn back even if they continue to make mistakes? The moral standard of you bright creatures is no more than that. "

"No, it\'s like this!!!"

Suddenly, the sound of crisp tower began to become anxious!

Her fists were pinched because of mental tension, and the whole person began to tremble slowly!

Perhaps because of her emotional excitement, her breath began to be disordered, and the scattered "power" began to surge along her body, slowly shaking her skirt corners, sleeves and even hair.

"I... I may... Just some things... Not good enough... Not meticulous enough! But... But...! "

Su TA bit her teeth and said after thinking for a moment——

"I forbid you... Don\'t insult the Paladin! Don\'t insult my husband\'s... Career! Paladins are perfect... Especially... Don\'t you... You dark creatures... Insult paladins! "

Roar out loud, which helps to vent your emotions.

After such a loud roar, the melancholy and entanglement in Su TA\'s mind seemed to be roared out a little, and the whole person got a little sober in an instant.

Because of these soberness, she immediately realized how much she had just said!

The next moment, the paladin, who had just trembled with anger, immediately raised his head, looked at the cassava in front of him with fear and apology, and hesitated and said, "no... Cassava! No... I\'m not... I just meant... That... I\'m sorry! I... I\'m not insulting you... I\'m... I\'m a little nervous... "


The sound of the bow string being pulled apart was heard before the incoherent voice of Su TA had finished.

When Su TA regained his consciousness, he saw that the cassava in front of him had put up a bow and arrow again, and the arrow also aimed at her exactly.

On the street, the pedestrians around the lake were surprised to see the two members of the mermaid song arguing with each other. They stopped to watch. However, seeing that the two people suddenly began to speak loudly, and one of them took up arms, they were scared to step back and avoid, and hid far away.

"Ma Shu?! no Please... Please forgive... I... I mean... Not... "

"Paladin, I know you\'ve always looked down on our night people."

Mashu\'s face is still serious and calm, and even there is no sign of anger from this petite and serious face——

"Of course, I won\'t be angry about it. Because similarly, after this conversation today, I found that I also despise you bright creatures, especially your Paladin who advertises that all your actions are moral models and can\'t be allowed to make any mistakes. "

As he opened the crossbow, Mashu\'s steps retreated again. This step also opened an appropriate distance between her and the crisp tower, at least to ensure that the paladin could not reach the archer before the bow and arrow shot out and reached her heart.

"Human beings cannot avoid making mistakes, which the president taught me. So, since humans can make mistakes, why can\'t paladins who are also played by humans? Even the president himself admitted that she had made many mistakes. Working under the president, what qualifications do you have to say you never make mistakes? "

"If you make a mistake, you must correct it. This is what my mother will teach me. It\'s like I have been practicing blood archery since I was a child. I can\'t practice it well for the first time, and I gradually master it in constant mistakes. My mother said that it is because I practice harder than others and am more willing to admit the mistakes between my posture and movements that I can become the first archer in our Hunter village. "

"In that case, why can\'t the paladin make mistakes? Why can\'t you admit that you made a mistake? If the paladin who made a mistake can\'t admit it, what\'s the difference between you paladins and liars? "

Seeing that Mashu has retreated to a safe distance, Su TA also gradually feels the kind of "aggressive desire" gradually spreading from the little girl of the blood clan. It\'s not a "killing intention", but a more pure and instinctive fighting consciousness!

Su TA knew that she might have been in trouble. She looked around and saw that all the pedestrians were hiding now. Even after evacuating from afar, she gently bit her teeth and grabbed the guardrail behind her with her backhand. As soon as she tried, she only heard a click. A small half of the guardrail was forcibly broken down by her and put it in her hand as a simple shield.

"Sister Mashu! Are you... Are you serious? We are... We are comrades in arms of the same guild! You... What do you mean? "

In the face of more and more "dangerous" actions, even some "determined" cassava, crisp tower also seems a little worried. She took down a fence above the guardrail, pinched it on her right hand, used it as a weapon and shouted.

Ma Shu did not stop at all, but continued to say in a very peaceful tone: "Paladin, I also think you are a friend of the guild. However, your current state is very bad, very bad. "

"When I was a child, when I was in a bad mood, my mother let me go out to hunt. Sometimes they even drove me out of the village alone and asked me to face all the conditions in the moon god\'s residence. "

"At that time, I was very afraid. Although I knew later that my mother would still follow me and protect me, I didn\'t know at that time, so I would still be very afraid."

"Because of fear, I can only try to find something to do. I can only focus all my energy on hunting. "

Su TA shook his head nervously: "I don\'t know... What are you talking about..."

Mashu: "once I started hunting, I knew it was useless for me to be afraid again. I must mobilize all my senses and use all my energy to deal with the problem of hunting. I want to avoid the blockade of people in other villages and avoid not disturbing any prey. "

"In the process of hunting, I spend most of my time looking for prey with my breath held. I may not even harvest for ten days and a half months. However, it is precisely because of this situation that once I find a trace of prey, I will cherish it especially. In addition to being excited, I will also try to suppress my excitement, so I can patiently track the prey, track the prey, and finally kill the prey. "

"When I can catch my prey, I will find that there is nothing to worry about. Everything is just like this."

"So, Paladin, you are worried and worried now. In that case, come hunting, too. "