Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1274

Su TA: "what... What?!"

Mashu: "your prey is me. And my prey is you. We are hunters and prey to each other. In other words, let\'s fight to see if you are strong enough as a bright creature or I am stronger as a dark creature. I believe all your troubles will disappear after you finish this fight. "

Su TA shook her head and said in horror, "what does that mean? It\'s crazy! Sister Mashu, we don\'t have to! Do we have any reason to fight? "

Mashu bent his knees slightly, then pushed violently, and the whole person immediately rushed to the nearby roof. Under the moonlight, only the sharp blade at the front of the arrow flickered the color of the moonlight and became the frost.

"Why do you have to fight? If I have to say it, think I want to play with you. "

Su TA: "what?!"

"I grew up in the village. I am the first archer in the village. No one is more accurate than my bow. After leaving the village and coming to your human world, I kept quiet and restrained at the request of my mother and the president. "

"But I\'ve been thinking about one thing. That is, to what extent can I achieve for you humans? "

"So I\'ve always wanted to test my strength."

"I tried to contact everyone in the guild, but after a few contacts, I found that the opponents I can choose are very limited."

"Just as cheese said, in the whole guild, the only ones who can cause harm to our night family are you and Margo who use the power of light."

"But I can\'t beat Margo. The human light power is so strong that I\'m afraid she\'ll kill me if she touches me a little. Therefore, she is very strong. I don\'t think I have any complaints if she ranks first in the whole guild. "

Su TA was now a little embarrassed: "so? I\'m glad you\'re so generous to admit that Margo is better than you, but do you come to me to try? "

The young voice continued to come from the roof: "yes, I want to fight. I must find an opponent who can hurt me, but I think I may be able to fight too. Paladin, no more. Let\'s fight. If you lose, I\'ll tell the president everything you said just now and see if the president thinks you\'re right. "

Su TA, who had already been distracted, suddenly heard that Mashu had put forward the proposal of making a small report. He was still a little relaxed and immediately tightened up again! She quickly shouted, "don\'t talk nonsense! I... I... "

"Well, I won\'t talk nonsense. I\'ll tell you the truth. If you want to stop me, come on. "

The voice fell, and the head of the arrow under the moonlight suddenly began to turn scarlet! After that, the arrow left the bow string and shot like a winding snake in mid air. After a bend, it shot at the shoulder of the crisp Tower!

"Are you serious?"

The crisp tower can no longer allow to think about it. He can only quickly raise the fence of his left hand and shout. In an instant, a shield composed of holy light immediately appeared on the fence, and the orange light undoubtedly blocked the blood arrow.

Explosion -!

Although the arrow was blocked, the blood arrow exploded immediately when it touched the light shield! The resulting air wave even with the crisp tower was shocked to fly out two steps to the side.

When she finally stood firm and looked up, she saw three blood arrows shooting at her from the top, left and right! The blood light that cuts through the night sky is like three most poisonous red chain snakes, waiting to devour their enemies!

"This girl... She\'s serious!"

Su TA finally realized what kind of enemy he was facing. She no longer hesitated, but raised the fence of her left hand to block in front of her. At the same time, she rushed to the front and shouted, "Holy Shield!"

The greater light shield than just now exploded in front of her, and the left and right blood arrows fell behind her, and the blood arrow in front was about to explode again at the moment of touching the shield. The generated air wave mixed with the two falling blood arrows in the back, and an amazing air wave broke out at the same time.

But this time, the crisp tower was well prepared. The moment before the blood arrow exploded in front, she had turned sideways and crossed the arrow from the side with the fence shield of her left hand. Therefore, the arrow did not touch the shield, but also penetrated into the ground.

Burst ---!!!

Three blood arrows explode together! The generated air waves make the lakeside streets like a typhoon!

The crisp tower quickly moved behind him holding the fence. The huge Holy Shield became a perfect power absorption surface, and rushed the whole person of the crisp tower to the roof at once! Even in a higher position than the cassava on the roof, he was condescending and faced the blood girl who showed surprise below.

"(blood language) powerful."

When the crisp tower held the fence in her hand and plunged into the roof, with the flying roll of smoke and debris, she suddenly found that the figure of the blood girl suddenly disappeared!

No, it can\'t be said to disappear. But her figure suddenly turned into a shadow and rushed to the eaves of another house at a very fast speed. When the shadow reappeared under the moonlight, the figure of Mashu also appeared again. He bent his bow and arrow, made two wheezes, and two arrows flew out, aiming at the chest and forehead of the crisp tower.

"Dark creatures... Are there so many vampire skills?"

Su TA bit his teeth, raised the fence in his hand again and opened the Holy Shield to resist.

But maybe the fence in his hand was not an excellent shield. When the golden shield was hit by the two bows and arrows again, the Holy Shield suddenly broke. The hand of the crisp tower was also shocked, and Mu Lu looked at the fence in her hand, which had been turned into smoke and dust.


The third arrow, also fired again at this time, shot at the paladin\'s heart without mercy!

"Are you... Serious?"

At the critical moment, the crisp tower could no longer be retained. He quickly threw up his right hand, and the iron bar in his hand accurately opened the last flying arrow. At the same time, she quickly kicked up an eaves tile under her feet, grabbed it in her hand, turned around in situ, threw the tile over there like a Frisbee, moved and prepared the hemp potato with bow and arrow again.


Perhaps, Mashu never thought that the paladin would have the means of long-range attack before. She didn\'t want to dodge or slow down when she was moving rapidly. When the bow and arrow in her hand was set up again and the arrow aimed at the crisp tower over there, she heard a bang. The tile with faint holy light suddenly hit her skull.

"Woo -!"

The head was smashed, and the steps of Mashu immediately lost control. The whole person was about to fall off the roof and fall to the street below.

But at the moment when she was about to miss, she suddenly opened her mouth and bit her palm!

The pain on the palm made the blood girl wake up immediately. She raised her foot and steadfastly stepped on the eaves to prevent herself from falling into the tortuous lane that was absolutely not conducive to archers\' attack. When the little girl looked up, she found that the moonlight above her head had been shrouded by a dark cloud, and her feet had become dark.

When the crisp tower in front rushed to her again and was ready to grasp the hemp collar, the figure of the blood girl melted into a pool of darkness again and fell into the shadow under her feet.

Su TA grabbed the air with one hand and quickly raised his hands to protect his body from conspiracy. But when she raised her hands to block, she saw that the shadow didn\'t want to attack her, but tried to distance herself from her, toward the distance, or even toward the roof of another house next door.

After only two seconds of silence, Su TA immediately understood the weakness of the blood girl. At the moment, she couldn\'t think about any more, but bowed slightly, and then rushed in the direction of the shadow!

Perhaps because of the pursuit of the crisp tower, the shadow didn\'t float out again as just now, but kept dodging at a faster speed and tried to open more distance from the crisp tower.

However, under the pursuit of the crisp tower, the shadow moves faster and faster, and it also appears more and more anxious. If there were some strategies at the beginning, knowing to go to the commanding heights as much as possible or reach the crisp tower, which is inconvenient for melee paladins, then only five or six seconds later, the shadow began to run around like a fly without a head.

"Come out!"

Su TA shouted, raised his left hand and squeezed it into a fist. While tracking, he hit a family\'s chimney with a fist. When her fist passed, the smoke flew away. She also pulled out an iron net used to block the entry of foreign objects in the chimney and held it in her hand again as a shield.

Then, the iron mesh shield quickly emitted a holy light, which also shone on the shadow of cassava, almost nowhere to go.


Just when the crisp tower rushed to the shadow again and raised its shield to shine, the shadow rushed out like the last strength!

The shadow left the eaves and came directly above the street! Also at this time, the moonlight appeared again from the shadow. Under the holy light, the petite figure of the vampire girl appeared slowly in mid air as if gradually smeared out from the darkness by the white moonlight.

While appearing, she turned in the air and steadily put up a bow and arrow. At this moment, the bitten place on her wrist also quickly shed blood. The scarlet blood line constantly converged in front of the bow and arrow, and finally converged into a point

"Blood archery · heavy."

Release your fingers and the arrow is off the string.

For the blood archery of this small blood clan, Su TA felt that he was almost to the end, so he didn\'t avoid, but raised his iron mesh shield and rushed towards the girl!

She took off in mid air, and the "shield" in her hand emitted more dazzling light! I believe that soon, the blood arrow will hit her shield, and then blow off this shield at most, but the vampire can\'t escape the paladin who has approached her!

The blood arrow in mid air suddenly expands!

A huge blood cell almost immediately wrapped the whole person of the crisp tower, followed by a sudden great sense of heaviness in the whole body!

Su TA felt that her body suddenly lost control and fell quickly as if dragged by some terrible force. She only heard a bang. She fell to the ground with blood all over. She even cracked the road that had just been repaired not long ago.

"Woo! This is...?! "

The body is too heavy. The heavy crisp tower can\'t even lift the shield in his hand and the iron bar in his right hand!

Now she can only reluctantly support her body and don\'t let herself kneel down, but it\'s impossible to move any more.

"Sister Mashu! You...! "

When Su TA was nervous, Ma Shu\'s small body had fallen gently and skillfully on the eaves opposite.

When those residents hurriedly closed the windows to avoid, Mashu had pulled out the last arrow in his hand, put it on the long bow that had seemed a little tired, and aimed at the crisp tower below again.

Mashu: "is it exciting? Hunting. "

Looking at the arrow aimed at him, Su TA slowly breathed out a breath to ease his mood from the tension as soon as possible. She nodded gently and said, "it\'s really... Very exciting. This is my first time... Fighting blood. If I lose, I will be convinced. "

Mashu\'s small face still maintains that serious attitude. The bow and arrow in her hand didn\'t mean to retract at all. Instead, it was full of bows, and the front end of the arrow aimed at the heart of Su tower. But a moment later, she deflected the arrow a little and aimed at her shoulder.

"Paladin, you are also the strongest prey I have ever hunted. Hunting can make people forget their troubles and abandon many distractions, right? Only in hunting, right is right and wrong is wrong. Nothing is both right and wrong. Where my bow and arrow aim, there will be no confusion. "

"Paladin, I joined the mermaid song because you humans, especially the president, gave me a very unique human demonstration. I know you humans have a lot of experience, and everyone seems to have different ways. There will be good people and bad people among you humans. I don\'t want you to be a bad person, because then I won\'t be a good child. "

Su TA tried to raise his hands again, but as long as he was stained with these blood, his body was still so heavy.

There was no way, she could only breathe out and slowly said, "I... I know. I lost because I hesitated... I always think what I did should be right, but I can\'t bear it... My mind is very confused... That\'s why I lost to you... Yes, I see, sister Mashu... My understanding of paladins... Seems to be just as you said, Some deviation... I can\'t beat you if I have a shadow in my heart... That\'s also... It should be... "

Mashu looked at the crisp tower below with serious eyes and serious steps. The whole person looked like he could fight again anytime and anywhere from top to bottom. It was at this time that she heard waves of commotion in the block behind her. The girl didn\'t look back to see what happened behind her, but said directly——

"Since you admit that you are wrong, you should be punished. Next, I will shoot through your shoulder and put my mark on your shoulder. Then, I\'ll send you to hurt the strange woman who is covered with light. You will feel pain, but you will remember the pain. "

Since he couldn\'t move, Su TA knew he had nothing to do.

After the third attempt, she sighed gently, smiled helplessly and said, "is this you... Waking me up? Well... I just hope it doesn\'t hurt too much... "

The blood arrow condensed again. Ma Shu nodded gently and gathered his strength on the arrow. While preparing for the last blow, he said, "yes, you will remember very clearly, because -"

Bang -!

I haven\'t completely said what I said.

At that moment, the long bow used by ordinary hunters broke in response.

The sudden collapse of the bow body not only frightened the crisp tower, but also frightened the cassava holding the bow and arrow in his hand.

The blood arrow hasn\'t condensed yet, and the gathered strength suddenly runs around when the little girl of the blood clan hasn\'t been prepared! The arrow with a lot of blood also got out of control at this moment and quickly ran out!

"Wow --!"

The arrows were ejected and darted in the air. Because of this scare, the whole person fell back, rolled and fell behind the eaves.

Due to the loss of control of Mashu, Su TA felt his weight disappear quickly! She raised her head and saw that the bow and arrow, after circling several times in mid air, seemed to return to her origin. The arrow was facing down and stabbed in the direction where the hemp potato fell!

"No! Sister Mashu! "

In essence, Su TA doesn\'t hate cassava.

Although the relationship between the two sides is between paladins and vampires, looking at Mashu, crisp tower has a feeling of looking at children.

As a mother, since there are children in front of them who may be in danger, Su TA\'s first decision is always to protect the children! She dared not neglect, and quickly raised the iron net in her hand. A huge Holy Shield was immediately formed in front of her!

Holding the Holy Shield in his hand, the paladin rushed towards the building in front without stopping!