Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1272

"In addition, members of mermaid song are not allowed to intimidate and squeeze ordinary people as members of the guild. No one in our guild is allowed to fight against the residents of Pelican city. If there is a conflict between the two sides, if the other side is an ordinary person without any combat effectiveness, even if we are reasonable, the members of our mermaid song are not allowed to attack the other side, but only allowed to defend. When the two sides are quiet, we will hand over the matter to the court in our city and let the court judge whether the two sides are right or not. "

"Since I started, I will take those things that others gave me to the market for auction tomorrow. All the proceeds from the auction are included in the government revenue of Pelican City, not the financial management of our mermaid song. Perhaps from your point of view, as well as from everyone else\'s point of view, this is purely a left-handed to right-handed problem. But I\'m still going to do it. "

"Treat the people well and respect them. Don\'t think of yourself as a hero, but think of yourself as a parasite on the people of Pelican city. Yes, we are parasites. Only when our hosts become stronger and richer can we live better. Therefore, there must be no bullying of the people of Pelican city! This can be said to be the top priority! Now, do you understand what I said? "

The guild members seem to have difficulty understanding why their president suddenly became so... "Crazy".

Although they thought that the guild of mermaid song was a very civilian guild before, from the beginning to now, even if it is a civilian guild, there is no problem taking some money and things?

Even brave people who can fight against the demon king will casually go through other people\'s cabinets and drawers. A small guild will take a little things from others. What\'s the matter? And still take the money from rich people, not from ordinary people.

Dak frowned: "anyway, it\'s a little too much to say that we are parasites of the people..."

"So, do you think my approach is too harsh?"

Ariel certainly saw the hesitation on the faces of the people.

Especially when her eyes turned to Su TA\'s face over there, the judge trembled and his whole body shrank back.

The cheese put down his glass and said slowly, "president, your practice is like asking us to restrain ourselves with almost the most severe Puritan commandments. Although I don\'t think I have done any evil in your human world in my life, even so, I have stolen your human chickens. Yes? Isn\'t that ok? "

Ariel shook her head and said, "when you finish eating, you have to pay. Moreover, it must be the money at the market price, enough for people to buy the same chicken again. Cheese, you have also experienced your own ethnic group being ruled by the dragon and "sucking blood" by your mother. If you change the angle, how would you feel if you were a poor farmer and saw a group of soldiers with weapons eat your chicken, rob your things and take your money? Even if those soldiers claim to be able to protect the world, do you really think they are a group of good people for you, a farmer? "

Cheese looked down for a moment and stopped talking.

Ariel continued, "no one feels that what they fear is just. No one will think that those who rely on power to rob their food and wealth can bring joy and peace to themselves. Do you remember that I once made a rule for our mermaid song? Is that our mermaid song is an adventurer guild, not a mercenary. Therefore, if we can not kill people, we will try not to kill people. "

Cocoa raised her hand, puffed her cheeks, tooted her mouth and said, "I remember, I remember, President sister. When I first joined the guild, you said these words to me at the first time. I still remember them clearly. "

Ariel nodded and said, "do you remember why I said that?"

Cocoa thought about it, and the expression on her face became serious: "you said that if we are used to killing and feel that killing doesn\'t matter, it means that we will also be killed by others. Since we have decided to enter that stage without psychological obstacles, we naturally have to accept the fighting of others who have also entered that stage. "

Seeing that the little girl still kept her teachings in mind, Ariel was really very happy, smiled and continued, "that\'s right. People who are used to killing, and even feel that they can kill casually only by their own likes and dislikes, will eventually be targeted by other people with this mentality. "

"You are members of my guild. You eat by fighting skills. Your job is born to lick blood on the edge of the knife. It is inherently dangerous. However, I still hope you can live this period of life safely. When you get old, you can live on the money you earned when you were young, rather than die in a strange place. "

The guild members were silent and silent. Some people looked at the president with some brilliance and expectation in their eyes.

"Since killing is like this, so is bullying the people."

"If we don\'t pay attention to the common people, we will certainly meet the time when some people don\'t pay attention to us in the future. In this world, there will certainly be people or things with more power and higher status than us. If we arbitrarily bully those ordinary people, when we are bullied, who will rescue us? "

"If we don\'t want these things to happen to us, we must set an example and resolutely prevent these things from happening to the people under our governance. In this way, the residents of Pelican city will understand that we are really one with them and will not have any bad ideas. "

As Ariel\'s voice fell, guild members, look at me and I\'ll look at you. A moment later, with a snap, a man\'s hand quickly patted on the table.

To Ariel\'s surprise, Tesla was the first one to be photographed.

"President, I agree with you."

Tesla exhaled and said slowly——

"Compared with you, I am also a person who has no fighting ability at all. My former guild was destroyed. Although I escaped, I will never forget the slaughter of the brothers of the origin guild by those who have great power. Many of my brothers in the origin guild do not have combat ability. They gather together completely by studying the element machine. Therefore, since such an experience has happened to me, I will never want this kind of thing to happen to others! "

"President, I listen to you. Aren\'t you going to sell those clothes and jewelry tomorrow? I\'ll sell my things together! "

Seeing Tesla standing up for the first time now, Ariel couldn\'t help being moved.

After someone starts, the rest will naturally stand up.

Brad: President! Me... Me too! That horse... That horse... I won\'t ride either! Let it... Let it pull the car! Sell it! Buffy, what do you think? "

Buffy: I don\'t care. I don\'t like those things anyway

Coco: "if this is the idea of the president\'s sister, I fully support it. I\'ll sell it too ~ ~! "

Cream: "Hoo... President, I think you\'d better ask us not to gamble besides asking us not to receive gifts. Some time ago, I was in charge. I will give all the money I won from gambling last time to the government finance. "

Dak: "well... I don\'t accept anything... It\'s a cheap suit... If this suit can sell for a few money... I don\'t mind."

Cheese: "it\'s really a young master. Such beautiful clothes are a set of cheap clothes in your eyes? Ha, all right! I haven\'t received anything, but I support you. "

Su TA: "me... Me too..."

Margo: "sorry, I\'m not going to sell those gifts I received."

Just when Ariel was very pleased that the members of her guild were so clear about the great cause now, Margo\'s last words suddenly poured on her face like a basin of cold water, calming her slightly excited brain.

"Margo? You mean... "

Margo was still very relaxed about Ariel\'s question. She looked at her fingernails, made repeated gestures, appreciated her beauty, and said indifferently: "although those clothes and jewelry are not top-grade goods, I like them very much. So I won\'t sell it. "

Coco: "sister Margo! You -- "

Margo: "but on the other hand, I will take out the corresponding money to fill in the government finance. I think I bought it myself. President, I spend my own salary to buy what I like. Does it not violate the creed of our guild? "

This time, Ariel\'s tense mood on her face finally came down again. She looked at Margo in front of her helplessly, smiled and said, "you really like to scare me if you have nothing to do."

The crowd burst into laughter.

After talking about the matter, Ariel said part of her mind. With the rules and faith, Ariel looked at her guild members and suddenly felt that these members would have better development in the future! And what step you can take in the future... You can also rely on these people.

It\'s just

"I... I went out for a walk..."

After dinner, after cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks, the crisp tower gently muttered and walked out of the guild door without looking back.

Others didn\'t notice what the paladin should do when he went back to different places.

Even Ariel wanted to talk to her. In a twinkling of an eye, she lost the figure of the human justice of Pelican city.


On the street, the light of element lights continues to be lit quietly, making the whole street as bright as day.

Compared with other cities, there were more and more pedestrians at night. After seeing her, some people who knew the paladin quickly stopped at a distance and bowed slightly to the crisp tower.

Looking at the residents with respectful faces, but some fear between their eyebrows, Su TA wanted to raise his hand as a greeting. But as soon as her hands were raised, the residents immediately wanted to kneel down. After that, she quickly put down her hands and left the street in a hurry.

After taking two steps forward, Su TA raised his head unconsciously, but found that he had come to the street on the other side of the secret lake.

The lights on the shore of the lake flicker, dotted with the muddy and mysterious water surface in the night. From a distance, the lights reflected on the lake look more and more like an indescribable monster, staring at countless pairs of sparkling eyes, peeping into the world from under the water

Looking at the lake, Su TA couldn\'t help thinking of his husband... He was suddenly hit by this ancient magic that didn\'t know where to come from in this secret lake, and now he can\'t wake up.

Now, the deep lake seems to be attracting her, making her come here step by step.


"Crisp tower --!"

While the crisp tower was whispering, a voice suddenly came from a distance!

Su TA was surprised and turned around. And the smell of a dark force that followed made her instinctively raise her left hand to block her chest, and her right hand waved in the direction of the coming person in the posture of splitting her palm!


She caught the blow she gave.

It was no one else who caught her this time. It was Mashu with bright red eyes, a young face and a cautious and hostile attitude between her eyebrows.

"Ah... Ah! Yes... Is that you? I... "

"You, attack me?"

Mashu shook off the hand of the crisp tower and quickly retreated as if floating. He pulled the long bow on his back, put on the bow and arrow, and aimed at the crisp tower.

"Light, Paladin. You, kill me? Attack, guild, friend? "

As a paladin, especially a paladin who obtains strength from the belief of the God of light and dispels darkness in the name of the holy light, Su TA certainly knows what the cassava in front of him means by saying these words.

Mashu is a blood clan. Even if she is also a member of the guild, her nature as a dark creature cannot be changed. Especially before entering the territory of the blood clan, the little girl of the blood clan had seen the combat effectiveness of the Paladin with her own eyes.

Therefore, she now appears very cautious. If she can, Su TA fully believes that the arrow in her hand will shoot through her heart at the next moment!

Su TA quickly waved his hand and said guilt: "misunderstanding, it\'s really a misunderstanding! Su TA, don\'t think so. I really... I\'m just distracted for a while... I have something on my mind... So I\'m not careful... Alas, I\'m sorry, I\'m wrong, am I wrong? "

Mashu opened his eyes, put down his hand holding arrow feather slightly, and said, "admit your mistake? Are you really mistaken? "

Su TA nodded again, his face full of guilt, and said, "yes, I admit my mistake, I\'m wrong, I\'m sorry, Ma Shu. I shouldn\'t be so nervous. Please forgive me. "

Seeing that the human Paladin admitted his mistake, Mashu thought a little, and immediately put down the bow and arrow in his hand. She carried the long bow again, stared at the crisp tower up and down with her clear and thorough red eyes for a long time, nodded and said, "I accept your confession."

Su TA was stunned: "so easy?"

Mashu nodded seriously again and said, "everyone makes mistakes. When I was young, I often did wrong things, and my mother often spanked me. Therefore, it is not terrible to do something wrong. The important thing is to admit your mistakes, learn lessons from them and don\'t make mistakes again. "

For Mashu, she said these words seriously and solemnly. Maybe she felt there was no problem with herself.

But for Su TA, looking at the little girl who is only 11 or 12 years old, she talks so much about the word "when I was a child". Although she says it seriously, it still looks very funny. And while making people laugh... It also makes people feel like they want to love her well.

For Su TA, seeing this little girl like a child, the feeling of wanting to love her is naturally particularly profound.

"Sister Mashu, have you always been so serious? How lovely. "

Mashu tilted his head. For a moment, he didn\'t know why the paladin looked at him like his mother. After thinking about it, she finally felt that since the other party looked at herself with the same eyes as her mother, there should be no danger, so she said frankly, "am I cute? Well, I\'m really cute to you humans. "

Su TA smiled, turned his head, looked at the spacious Lake next to him again, sighed silently and said, "you\'re here to patrol. Do you see me?"

At this point, Mashu immediately shook his head and said seriously, "No. The president wants to see you. But I can\'t find you. I happened to go to the guild for handover. The president asked everyone to come out to find you. I\'ll come to you. "

Hearing Ariel looking for herself, Su TA\'s face turned blue and white. Even her feet began to stand unsteadily and sway.

Because her feet were soft, she quickly helped the handrail next to her. When the cassava on one side saw that Su TA was suddenly so paralyzed, he immediately rushed forward and reached out to help her.

"Thank you..."

Su TA smiled bitterly and nodded at Ma Shu.

After confirming that the crisp tower had grasped the handrail, the little girl released her hand and continued, "what\'s the matter with you? Are you ill? "